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Water, Water, Everywhere ...  by Jay of Lasgalen

Raining Cats And Dogs

When Elrohir came in he was soaked to the skin.  Water dripped from his cloak and formed small puddles on the library floor.  He shook himself and sneezed. “Valar!  It’s raining cats and dogs out there.”

Estel had been staring glumly at the teeming rain, but he turned, his eyes widening.  “Really?  Let me see!”  He dashed past Elrohir and out into the downpour.

“Estel, I didn’t mean … come back!  You’ll get soaked!”

Minutes later Estel splashed back through the puddles, wet through and triumphant; bearing a small, bedraggled grey cat he’d found sheltering under the bushes.

Look!  I found one!”

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