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False Faces  by Alisha B

Thanks to Rinn, Kathira, and luinthien for reviewing! You all bring a smile to my face! *G* <-- see there it is!  I'm glad you guys liked what I did with chapter 14!  For some reason, I had a lot of fun writing it.

Well, here the next chapter!  Enjoy and be sure to leave a review!

Chapter 15

            Aragorn looked around.  He was back in Isengard, sitting in his old cell.  For a brief moment, the Ranger began to panic, but then he forced himself to clam down.  This was a dream.  He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he just did.

            “Hello?” Aragorn heard himself call out.  He wasn’t sure why he spoke; it seemed he had very little control over his actions in this dream.  His arms were chained behind him, and though he could not feel it, so were his ankles.

            The sound of footsteps from behind the door caused him to hold his breath.  Anything could happen in a dream, and it was usually more awful then what the waking world brought.

            Aragorn surprised himself when he gasped at the image of Saruman in the open door.  He realized that all he could do was watch the events unfold.  His body wasn’t responding to his calls.

            “You will fail them all, Aragorn,” the wizard said.  “You should have joined me and saved them.”

            “No,” Aragorn heard himself say.  “Joining you would have destroyed everything I care about.”

            Then others entered the room, Felnorvard, Rayford, Milena.  They all stood behind Saruman and echoed his words.  “Everything you love will be destroyed by the Dark Lord.  Nothing will escape his wrath.  You should have joined him when you had the chance.”

            Aragorn tried to bring his hand up to cover his ears, anything to block out the words, but he was still bound to the wall.  He wanted to wake from this dream.

            Others entered the room, those long dead, Arathorn, the father he could barely remember, Elendil, and Isildur, the man Aragorn feared becoming.  They stood beside the wizard and taunted him mercilessly.    
            Aragorn renewed his efforts to free himself, but he made no progress.  There was so much noise.  They were all calling out to him, trying to give him directions, advise, and criticism.

            “This will help you, Aragorn,” Felnorvard said above them all as he stepped forward.  To Aragorn’s horror, he offered a mug full of liquid.

            Something told him to struggle, but once again, his body wouldn’t comply.  No! Aragorn’s mind screamed.  My brothers said the drug is harming me!  Why can’t I  wake from this nightmare? 

            There was a new sensation.  Now Aragorn could feel Felnorvard’s gentle but firm grip on his jaw, opening his mouth.  He felt something cool being poured into his mouth, but what he tasted was not from the dream.  The feelings were clear and defined.  Something is wrong with this!  Awake!


            With a cry of alarm, Aragorn’s eyes flew open, but he could see nothing.  Sleep had not yet completely left him.  As his eyes focused, the Ranger found himself looking into the blue-gray eyes of Elrohir.

            “Peace, Estel,” he said.  “All is well.  You need to drink this.”  Elrohir had his arm under Aragorn’s head, supporting him as the elf held a cup to his lips.

            Aragorn hesitated and as he accepted the fluid, asked, “What is it?”

            “Only water,” he said, his expression serious.  “You are very dehydrated.  Please take as much as you can.”  Elrohir helped Aragorn sit up and waited quietly as he emptied the cup.  Then he asked,  “You dreamt again?”

            Aragorn lowered his eyes and nodded.  “I can remember every detail, which was not so with the others.”

            Elladan, who had been resting a few feet away, got up and took the empty cup.   “That’s a good sign.  It shows that we’ve made some progress over the past few hours.  What did you dream about, Estel?”

            A good sign?  How?  Aragorn knew they were trying to distract him from his treatment.  Since he’d grown up in Rivendell, Aragorn had learned very early not to bother Elves with questions while they were healing.  Often, one would not like the answer or would only become more confused.

            Changing the subject slightly, Aragorn asked, “Did you try to have me drink the water before I was awake?”

            “Yes.  I didn’t want to wake you, but you grew increasingly hostile.  It wasn’t long after I started coaxing the water into your mouth that you woke up,” Elrohir said as he helped his brother mix a handful of herbs into a small bowl.

            Aragorn tried to relax as he lay back on the ground, but he could not shake the feelings brought on by his dreams.  Ignoring the two elves who were rubbing a thick paste into his old leg wound, Aragorn looked back over his shoulder and past the fire to where Rayford was sitting.

            The young man was resting on his bedroll next to Lourin and Amaleg who were bandaging Rayford’s injured hand.  The men were having a quiet conversation, possibly on security.  Before Aragorn had fallen asleep, Amaleg reported finding tracks around their campsite.  Elrohir had then asked that at least one person patrol the perimeter of their camp throughout the night.  Felnorvard was still in the area, and Aragorn was sure he was a target.  Unfortunately, the elves made it clear that Aragorn would not be able to do much of anything for the rest of the night.

            As Lourin got up to begin his watch, Rayford looked over and met Aragorn’s eyes.  Both men held the gaze for a few moments until Elladan spoke.

 “Estel,” he said, drawing his human brother’s attention away from Rayford.  “Talk to me.  What troubles you?”

            “Rayford and his dead cousin visited me in my dreams again.  They said I had forsaken them and that I was the reason for their deaths,” Aragorn said quietly, almost to himself.

            “Is this what they said to you when you saw the vision in Isengard?”

            “It was.”

            Elladan left his work with the leg wound and moved closer to Aragorn’s head.  “The vision took place during your last few nights there?”

            “Yes, it was the last night.”

            “After several days with the drug in your body?”

            “Yes.” Aragorn frowned.  “What are you suggesting?”  Aragorn knew that Elves provided information in two ways: with riddles and with other questions.  Elladan was encouraging Aragorn to discover his own answers, but he wasn’t thinking as clearly as he should be.

            “You told us it was around the time when the drug began tasting different, stronger.  When you were in the forest surrounding Isengard, did you have any doubts about sending Rayford away?”

            Aragorn could not see where the questions were leading, but he answered, “I had strong doubts he would make it out of the forest alive, but I saw it as the only chance either of us had.”

            “And you held yourself responsible for his safety?”

            “Rayford is so young; he has his entire life ahead of him.  He could be my child, Elladan, even my grandchild!”  Aragorn took a deep breath, calming himself before continuing.  “At that age, you treat yourself as though you’re indestructible but rarely are so.”

            “I have fought by his side, Estel,” Elladan said softly.  “He is more capable than you think.”

            “Apparently so,” Aragorn said, looking back to where the young man sat.

            “So, you held yourself responsible for his well being.  Is it not true that the vision showed exactly what you feared?”  Elladan spoke slowly and quietly so that his full meaning could be understood.

            “It did,” Aragorn replied.  He hesitated, thinking through what he had just heard.  “It may be true,” he finally said.  “Looking back on it now, it does seem like I heard precisely what I’d been thinking about.  I was so certain that I was unaffected.”

            “That is also one of the effects.  It makes you believe that everything is still normal.  But, it is being corrected now, so let’s not dwell on it, only understand the reasons behind most of your feelings over the past few days.”

            Aragorn nodded.  That would explain his depressing mood.  He had spent many years learning how to master his emotions, and it was slightly comforting to know that it was not entirely his fault for his lack of control over them.

            “We will talk more about this later,” Elladan said.  “We have spent too much time tending to your other wounds.”

            “Now, we must move on to the next step of your treatment.  Drink this,” Elladan said, taking a full cup from his twin.  He laughed as Aragorn gave him a questioning look.  “Do not worry!  It won’t make you sick!  However, it will make you very tired, and this time, you must try not to fight it.”

            Aragorn drank what was offered to him, and within ten minutes, he could feel its effects.  His thoughts grew slow, and the world did not follow as quickly as his eyes moved.  Elladan placed his hands on either side of Aragorn’s face and began to speak, soft but commanding.  It was Elvish, but nothing he could understand.  Whether or not it was a result of the sleeping drug, he could not tell. 

            Or perhaps it wasn’t Elvish at all, but the words seemed to draw Aragorn deeper into his mind.  Sleep began to creep in from all sides, as if by the command of Elladan, and he welcomed it.  Aragorn soon found himself in a, thankfully, dreamless and restful sleep.


            “No, we should not wake him.”

            “The hour is late, brother.”

            “But, the area has not been completely cleared of danger.”

            “All the more reason for him to regain his strength.  Then the threat can be dealt with.”

            A pause.

            “Let him rest.”

            “I would sleep if certain people would be quiet,” Aragorn complained through closed eyes.  He wasn’t really angry with the elves, however it was their fault he wasn’t still blissfully asleep. 

            “Well, you’re up now!” Elrohir exclaimed.  “Come, Estel, the sun has been up for hours, and the enemy still roams the area.”

            “Why wasn’t that taken care of last night?” Aragorn asked, opening his eyes and pulling himself to a sitting position.  “And why does my body feel like it has fallen down a mountain?”  Everything hurt on the Ranger.  His eyes burned from the sunlight; the back of his head was throbbing; his legs refused to obey his brain’s commands without protest, and his arms were unusually heavy and stiff.

            “And just how would you know what it feels like to fall down a mountain, little brother?” Elrohir asked with a large smile on his face.

            But Aragorn was in no mood and glared at him.

            “He only jests,” Elladan said, giving his twin a light shove.  “You feel sore because you are no longer under the control of the drug.  Your body responded very well to our healing, and the more you move about and stretch your muscles, the quicker you’ll feel back to normal.”

            The twins helped Aragorn to his feet but let him wander around unaided.  The group’s supplies had been repacked and gathered beneath a large tree, though Aragorn could not see anyone else around.

            “Are the others out scouting?” Aragorn asked Elrohir, who was gathering the last of their supplies.

            “Yes,” he said, laying Aragorn’s folded bedroll on the ground.  “They left a few hours ago, and we expect them back shortly.”

            “Felnorvard will not wish to return to his master empty handed.  We should be prepared for an attack,” Aragorn said.

            “But is he bold enough to attack an armed group of Rangers?” Elrohir countered.

            “It’s true that he’s no fool.  However, I believe he is desperate to gain favor with his lords.”

            “Then we must find him before he can do any more harm,” Elladan said from behind his brother.  “Here, Estel, you may need this, since you seem to have lost your own.”

            Aragorn smiled his thanks as he took the shirt from the elf.  As he slipped it on, he noticed that he was indeed feeling slightly better, and as his soreness left, so did his foul mood.  He still felt very weak, but he guessed that his strength would also return with time.

            After several more minutes wandering around the dissolving campsite, Aragorn needed to rest.  He knew they would be moving out as soon as the others returned.  It bothered him greatly that he had become so tired and worn out after such little exercise.  He was uncertain if he should ask Elladan about it, but their safety could depend on Aragorn’s fighting abilities.

            “Elladan,” he called a little too quickly, the emotion in his voice betraying him.  Elladan dropped what he was doing and immediately crossed to where Aragorn was leaning against a tree.  Before the elf could ask any questions, Aragorn continued.  “I feel too weak, brother.  When I  engage Felnorvard, I’ll need to be at full strength.  Is there anything that can be done?”

            Elladan visibly relaxed, knowing now that there was no emergency.  “You will not be alone during that encounter,” he said, smiling at the uncertain look on Aragorn’s face.  “Hopefully, we can capture him alive.  I know a place to take him where he’d be looked after, and perhaps information can be learned from him.  I know many people will be interested in what he knows about Saruman.”

            Aragorn shook his head.  “My experience with him would lead me to believe that he will not go quietly or without a fight.  I do not expect him to survive a battle against us, if that is indeed what happens.”

            “Well, as for your weariness,” Elladan said, moving squarely in front of Aragorn.  “It can be one of two things.”  He placed his hands on either of the man’s shoulders.  “Look at me, Estel,” he commanded.

            Aragorn raised his eyes to meet the steady, powerful gaze of the older elf.  Elladan narrowed his eyes and stared deeply into his, searching for something.  Aragorn waited patiently and tried not to shy away when Elladan leaned his face slightly closer.   The elf began to mutter a few words, too softly for Aragorn to understand.  Then he became quiet, and his pupils suddenly dilated.  Aragorn knew as soon as Elladan’s eyes returned to normal, he would have his answers.  After only a few minutes, the elf broke his gaze and quickly looked over the rest of Aragorn’s face.

            Aragorn realized that he’d been holding his breath and let it out with a deep sigh.  “What news?” he asked after another moment of silence.

            Elladan’s face lit up with a comforting smile.  “I sense no more evil in you.  You will feel weak for a time, but I don’t think there will be any lasting physical effects.”

            “That’s good news.”

            “What do you plan on doing?” Elladan asked suddenly looking very serious.  Elrohir had finished packing and was now standing at his brother’s side.

            Aragorn suddenly felt very confused.  “About what?”

            “Where will you go?” Elrohir asked, his expression matching his twin’s.

            “Ah,” Aragorn said with a heavy sigh and lowered himself to the ground, his weariness demanding attention.  The two elves, believing that it may turn into a long and drawn out discussion, joined him on the forest floor.  “What I should do and what I desire to do are not the same.”

            “So it often is with everyone,” Elrohir said quietly.  He didn’t want to rush Aragorn into any decision, but a push in the right direction wouldn’t hurt.  “But the question is where are you needed.”

            “I know why Gandalf wishes me to be involved, and I know how important this is.  But I fear the consequences.”

            Elladan and Elrohir exchanged a quick sideways glance.  They knew a little about why Aragorn was searching for Gollum, and over the past several years, they had been able to piece together most of the rest.

            “But if that is where our path leads then who are we not to travel it?”  Elladan said.

            “It’s easy to say that about someone else’s path,” Aragorn countered.

            “You must do what your heart knows to be the correct way.  Otherwise, you’ll never find peace.”

            Aragorn nodded once and lowered his eyes to the ground.  The three of them sat quietly for several long minutes.  The elves knew that Aragorn was fighting a battle with himself, and they were confident that he would make the right decision. 

            Elladan’s eyes shifted quickly to the borders of the clearing.  He was just beginning to hear the other Rangers returning.  If Aragorn wanted silence before coming to his decision, he would need to be quick.

            “The others approach,” Elladan warned, just loud enough for Aragorn to hear.

            This seemed to draw him back from where ever he’d been, and he looked up.  “If it is indeed my path to rule over so many then who am I to argue.  Right now, I see several other possibilities for my life, and until those ways are completely closed to me, I will attempt to search them out.”

            The elves both frowned at hearing this.  Elrohir opened his mouth to argue, but Aragorn cut him off.  “But I will not be returning to Rivendell.  Gandalf asked for my aid, and he will have it.  I will not shy away from this, but I want to keep my options open.”

They nodded, seeming to accept his answer.  Aragorn opened his mouth to say more, but he was cut off as their three companions entered the clearing.

            “Anything?” Elladan asked them.

            “Yes and no,” Amaleg said.  “There were many tracks in the area, and we followed them for some time before loosing them altogether.  Several were definitely Orc, but we couldn’t tell if it was a single creature wandering back and forth or if there was a group.”

            Lourin continued their report.  “However, there were other prints closer to camp that worried us.  They were definitely not Orc.”

            “Man,” Elrohir concluded, thought it was not a question.

            “Yes, I believe so.  The trail approached and followed along the perimeter.”

            “Almost too close for comfort,” Amaleg interjected. 

            “And then returned exactly the way it came.  It was not made by someone wishing to attack, only watch,” Lourin said.  “Soon he turned onto a heavily used animal trail, and we lost it entirely.”

            Aragorn had not said a word during the report but instead, watched the responses of the elves.  He knew it would be their decision on what to do next.  He saw Elladan nod and bring his hand up to his mouth in thought.  There were several different actions the group could take, and with Aragorn’s weakened condition, there would be little room for error.

            “Yes.  We could feel the slightest hint of danger last night,” Elladan finally said.  “But it was never directly upon us.”  He paused.  “As it stands now, there are five able bodies and one,” he looked at Aragorn, “who could fight if necessary.  The last any of us saw of the enemy, there was one man and perhaps three Orcs that escaped yesterday, and all of them scattered.  Strider doesn’t believe that Felnorvard will return to his master empty handed, and I agree.  We need to find him before he’s able to attack.”

            “Is he foolish enough to believe he could fight a group of Rangers with a handful of Orcs?” Amaleg asked.

            Elladan turned to Aragorn for the answer.  “No, he is no fool, though perhaps desperate.  I have no idea what he would try,” Aragorn said with a heavy sigh.  He could feel his strength returning, but something told him it would leave just as quickly.  “And as he said, I could fight if I was needed, but I fear I wouldn’t last long.”

            “Give it some time to wear off,” Elladan said as he helped Aragorn back to his feet.  “Either way, we should find Felnorvard quickly.  Let’s gather our things and track him as far as we can.  We can deal with the future when it comes.”

            The elf had been looking directly at Aragorn when he said his last sentence.  Aragorn had met his eyes and understood that he meant more than just dealing with Felnorvard.  Elladan was the first to look away and began picking up their supplies.  Aragorn smiled as he picked up one of the spare packs that had been prepared for him.  The future would come, and Aragorn knew all he could do was be ready for what ever it brought.


            Felnorvard was worried.  He had never truly wanted to go to Mordor.  There were many wild rumors about the Dark Lord, and none were encouraging.  But he would gladly travel into the heart of Mordor and stand face to face with the Sauron, himself, then return to Saruman in failure.

            He had been able to watch the Ranger group from time to time throughout the night.  He never crept close enough to raise the alarm, but he knew the elves had sensed him.

            Elves, Felnorvard thought.  And two of them!  I’ll have to be careful of them.  They would easily ruin everything.  A cruel smile swept across the man’s face. A plan had been forming in his mind ever since Aragorn had been taken from him.  There were only a few more thing that needed to fall into place before he could begin.

            He swore under his breath as he heard his Orc messenger thundering through the underbrush, announcing to the world that he was returning.  He would have to remember that Orcs could sneak up on no one.

            “Speak,” he commanded the creature when it finally arrived.

            “Fifteen of them right where you said they’d be.”

            A small smile began to pull at the corners of the man’s lips.  “Where are they now?”

            “Ten minutes hike north, just like you commanded.”

            And so the last piece of my puzzle is ready.  Felnorvard had been ordered to meet with the larger group of Orcs as an added guard while crossing Gondor, and now they would be used to reclaim the Dark Lord’s gift.  All he needed to do now was scout around for the area he needed.  Yes, very soon, you will be mine again..


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