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Let me be the one  by LOTRFaith

The History of Thranduil's realm.

This is for those of you who like the history behind the story. My story is purely on my own fantasy. What you call an A/U I guess.

At the beginning of the 2nd age Oropher lived in Lindon. Before 1000 of the 2nd age, King Oropher, resenting intrusions by the Noldor moved further northward into Greenwood the Great.

Thranduil's realm extended into the woods surrounding the Lonely Mountain and upon the shores of the Long Lake before the coming of Dwarves exiled from Moria and the invasion of Smaug the Dragon. 2941 - Told in The Hobbit, or There and Back again, a tale by Bilbo Baggins, happens.

Many of the Elves that lived in Greenwood migrated from the south, being kin and neighbors of the Elves from Lothlorien.

Legolas was possibly born in 58 of the 3rd age.

Somewhere around 1000 of the 3rd age Thranduil retreated further north and established his realm and delved a fortress and a great hall underground following the example of King Thingol long ago in Doriath.

These are small pieces of history that tie in with Greenwood the Great a.k.a Mirkwood a.k.a Eryn Lasgalen

About 1050, men start calling Greenwood, Mirkwood because of the shadow that falls upon it.

In 1100 the Istari and chief Eldar discover that an evil power made a stronghold in Dol Guldur. It is thought to be a Nazgul.

In 1300 the evil creatures begin to multiply.

In 2060 the power of Dol Guldur grows. The Istari fear that Sauron is taking shape once more.

In 2460 Sauron returns with increased strength to Dol Guldur.

In 2463 The One ring is found.

In 2770 Smaug the Dragon descends upon Erebor.

In 2931 Aragorn son of Arathorn is born.

In 2941 Sauron abandons Dol Guldur
        Battle of Five Armies in Dale
        Bilbo finds and keeps the One Ring

In 2951 Sauron openly declares himself and sends 3 Nazgul to occupy Dol Guldur.

In 3017 Aragorn finds and brings Gollum the Mirkwood for safe keeping against the Enemy.

In 3018 June 20th Thranduil's realm is attacked and Gollum escapes.

August of 3018 All trace of Gollum lost - Elves and Sauron's servants search in vain.

Oct. 25th of 3018 The Council of Elrond.

Dec. 25th of 3018 The Fellowship leaves Rivendell.

March 15th of 3018 Thranduil's realm invaded and attacked by forces from Dol Guldur. There was a long battle and great ruin of fire but in the end Thranduil was victorious.

The Elves of Lothlorien, who had been attacked three times, take Dol Guldur and Galadriel throws down its walls.

On the day of the New Year of the Elves, Celeborn and Thranduil met in the midst of the forest; and they renamed Mirkwood, Eryn Lasgalen, The Wood of Greenleaves.

Whew. That is some of the History of Thranduil's realm. Taken mostly from the 3 in 1 Lord of the Rings book, Appendix B The Tale of Years.

And from Unfinished Tales: The Lost Lore of Middle Earth. Part Two: The Second Age. Chapter IV: The History of Galadriel and Celeborn and Amroth, King of Lorien. Appendix A: The Sindarin Princes of the Silven Elves.

The lament in chapter eight was taken from Ecclesiastes

Songs Used in the Story.

'Let me be the One' by Plus One on their "Obvious" album

'I'm already there' by Lonestar on their "I'm already there" Album

'You'll be in my Heart' by Phil Collins on the "Tarzan" CD

'With you in your dreams' by Hanson on their "MMMBop" CD

'Bring me to life' by Evanescence on their "Fallen" album

All songs have been used in good faith. Many of the lyrics used have been off of the website. If you would like the full song to any of these, please email me and I will get them to you. Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. or



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