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Calm after the Storm  by Coriandra

It was late afternoon. Arwen was sitting alone by a large window overlooking the sea. The deepening blue colours reminded her of Frodo's eyes, although they no longer sparkled like the sea, she realized sadly.

But they will again, she thought. We must have faith in that.

She closed her own blue-grey eyes, as if in prayer, but was suddenly startled out of her contemplation by a knock at the parlour door. She arose gracefully and opened it. Elara entered pushing a cart with trays of food for the hobbits. Faramir, who was now finished at the council meeting and had come to see Frodo, entered right behind her. Suddenly, a piercing scream came from the bedroom where Aragorn and the other hobbits were attending to Frodo. A violent coughing fit followed. Elara froze with horror. Faramir drew his sword and would have burst into the room, but Arwen stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Just another nightmare, Mr. Frodo. It's all right now," Sam's gentle voice came from inside.

"Yes, Frodo, we're here for you," Merry told him.

"There's way anyone can hurt you while we're here," Pippin added.

"Certainly not," Aragorn said firmly.

"My lady, has this been going on all afternoon?" Elara gasped when she recovered enough to speak.

"It has indeed," Arwen sighed. "It seems just when Frodo is almost asleep, another terrible dream wakes him back up."

"How unfair that he continues to suffer," commented Faramir sadly as he re-sheathed his sword, "even now when he should have peace and healing."

"His suffering is only temporary," Arwen said cryptically, touching the white jewel around her neck. "I believe with all my heart that Frodo will find peace and healing, if not on Middle Earth.... " she gestured out at the sea, letting her voice trail off. Elara and Faramir said nothing but looked at each other, wondering what this could mean.

"I believe we can see Frodo now," Arwen said at last. "Things seem as normal as can be expected in there now." She strolled over to the bedroom door and opened it after knocking. Frodo was still breathing rapidly, lying in Sam's arms and holding Pippin's hands. Merry, who appeared to be preparing a medicinal tea, was casting anxious glances in Frodo's direction, as if to make sure he was all right.

Aragorn checked Frodo's pulse and finding that it was now stable, nodded for Arwen, Elara and Faramir to enter. The hobbits were delighted to see them. Even Frodo looked a bit happier as chatted, which made Aragorn regret greatly what he had to do next.

“Thank you, Lady Elara. That looks delicious!” Frodo exclaimed as she set out his meal.

“It probably will be,” Aragorn told him with a smile. “But first, you have to take some of this.” He produced a dark brown bottle.

“Not that horrible medicine again!” Frodo cried.

"Yes, Frodo, I'm afraid it is,” Aragorn replied firmly. “You need it to prevent a respiratory infection and mullein, lung wort, thyme and licorice root tincture shouldn't taste that bad anyway.”

"It could be worse,” Frodo admitted. “It's just that .... well... you give every time I wake up screaming and coughing, which I think was three times today and it was the first thing you gave me when I woke up from that healing sleep after Mount Doom and every two hours after that so... well, I'm tired of it that's all.” Aragorn nodded sadly when he realized what Frodo was telling him. It wasn't the medicine itself that bothered him, but the memories he had come to associate with it.

"Now Mr. Frodo, you know it's important,” Sam pointed out.

“I suppose so,” Frodo sighed. “All right, I'll take it.” He swallowed the tincture as quickly as he could when Aragorn gave it to him, then took a large drink of water to wash it down. He became even more depressed when Merry came over with another thing he had to take.

“You'll like this medicine, Frodo,” Merry promised, seeing Frodo's crestfallen expression. Frodo looked doubtful about that, but his face brightened as soon as he tasted it. “Wild berry and ginger tea with honey,” he said. “Just like we used to have in the Shire. We even picked the berries ourselves for our afternoon tea.”

“Weren't those days fun?” Pippin said. “Maybe, Frodo, when you feel better we can and pick berries together again. Of course, we'd have to do some reading first to make sure we only got safe ones.”

“I'd like that very much,” Frodo said cheerfully. “And I'm sure I'll plenty for reading, because I don't think Strider's going to let me here any time soon.” Everyone laughed and was glad to see Frodo enjoying some happiness, at least temporarily.

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