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The Life and Times of Mag the Cook   by annmarwalk

End Times

Where are they taking Faramir? I wondered, but did not have time to think. We were about to barricade the doors when we heard an unearthly crack; the ground trembled beneath us. We rushed outside to see the flames rising from the Rath Dínen.

“They are here!” a wench screamed; I slapped her and she ran away sobbing. This cannot be happening, I thought, then I saw our Beregond and Mithrandir carrying Faramir between them, the Halfing Prince stumbling behind. What did it all mean? But suddenly I heard a sound like rolling thunder, and then singing, fair and terrible.

*** Written for the "Sense of Hearing" challenge at tolkien_weekly; also a prelude to The End of Dark Days, co-written with EdorasLass.

2007 MEFA Award Winner: Honorable Mention in Genres: Drama: Gondor Drabble

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