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Healing Hope  by Ithil-valon

Healing Hope


Chapter Twenty Four


The Hands of a Healer


“Wishing is good.  It allows us to explore our imagination, it can offer us hope for the future, and best of all, it can remind us of the importance of the magic of childhood.”  Mattie Stepanek

Rated F…for Fluff Alert!

A soft breeze infused the healing rooms with a sweet scent from Celebrían’s garden.  Elrond could not remember the name of the plant; it was not indigenous to Imladris.   Celebrían had brought the unnamed plant from Lindon, and it flourished here, forming a tapestry of green and vivid pink.  The flowers were small but profuse and the aroma delightfully light and sweet.

The breeze caused the curtains to billow softly. Many rooms in the last homely house did not even employ covering on the widows or terrace openings, but the healing wings both did so that heavy draperies might be drawn to lend added warmth to a wounded elf or to affect a dimmer atmosphere to aid in a healing sleep.  This morning the curtains were opened, allowing the warmth of Anor to kiss the room with golden rays, but those rays paled in comparison to the joyful smile on Estel’s face.

Care seemed to fall away from the elf lord as he basked in the glow of that innocent smile.  Pure love shone through the gaze and it heartened Elrond as no elixir ever could.  Estel might be the hope of man, but he had also proven to be a ray of badly needed hope for this family, bringing closure to the gaping wound in the twins and easing them to a place of peace that Elrond had almost dared not expect to see again.

Estel bit his bottom lip as he stood by Erestor in the doorway, and Elrond quickly crossed the distance between them, kneeling down to enfold the boy in a comforting embrace - one needed by himself probably more than by Estel.  He kissed the unruly curls, breathing in the scent of his child and noting idly that he smelled faintly of blueberries.  Standing, he took Estel by the hand to lead him over to stand between the beds holding the twins.

“Have a care, Estel,” Elrond cautioned, “the twins are still weak.”

“I know, Ada.  Rester said I must be gentle!”  Estel’s expressive eyes clouded as he gazed from one brother to the next. 

“Hello, little love,” said Elladan faintly. 

Elrohir started to speak, but the sight of Estel’s face stopped him.  The rounded chin was quivering and his eyes were luminous with tears.  When one crystal drop overflowed the soft silvery depths and slid down his cheek, the twin reached out with his good arm to draw the boy to his bedside.  “Avo osto, pen-nîn tithen, non mae…non mae.”  Do not worry, my little one, I am well… I am well.


Estel had witnessed his brothers have the odd accident or two, but never had he seen them look so fragile and weak, and that frightened him for them.  The child’s heart sought only to make them better.  Reaching out his little hand, Estel placed it against Elrohir’s cheek.  “I will take care of you Ro.”  He carefully and ever so gently traced the outline of the swollen and discolored area over Elrohir’s eye.  “Does it hurt much?”

Elrohir’s lip curved into a small smile.  “It is better now that you are here.”

Estel next turned to walk the few steps over to Elladan’s bed.  “I will take care of you too, Dan.”

Elladan felt tears in his own eyes as the chubby hand caressed his cheek and gently patted the wounded shoulder.  An unbidden thought flashed through the twin’s mind. He glanced up at his father and saw that Elrond shared his thoughts as well…the hands of the king are the hands of a healer.


“I’ll be right back!” said Estel suddenly.  He turned and walked as quickly as his little legs would carry him from the room. 

“I wonder what that’s about?” said Glorfindel.

“Should I follow him?” asked Legolas.

“No,” said Elrond.  “Estel is safe in the house.”  But even as the words left his mouth he was struck by the horrible memory of the night Estel was taken from this house….from the elf lord’s very own bedroom.

The look on his face was easily read, particularly in light of the revelation of the twins that orcs or some hitherto unknown creature had been wandering the hills of Imladris unseen by the ever vigilant elven guards.

“I will go with Estel,” offered Legolas suddenly.  He left, turning left towards the direction of Estel’s bedroom, where the boy had obviously headed.

“I believe I will confer with Falathar and Helcar,” said Glorfindel.  “Now that we are aware of the creature’s ability to …to hide themselves…we will be better prepared.  My lord,” he addressed Elrond, “when the twins are more recovered, I would like to speak with them further.  There may be more details they can remember that will shed some light on these beings.”

Elrond nodded his head sagely.  “It is a puzzle.  The twins should be able to speak with you later this afternoon.  I will send for you.”

Glorfindel nodded his head and left, his mind already whirling with defensive measures.

Erestor and Sariboril had been quietly and unobtrusively tidying up the room and straightening the bed covers of the twins.  Elladan in particular had been restlessly moving in his bed and the covers were tangled around his legs.  That done, Erestor sent for tea, toast and broth to be brought upstairs.  He intended to see that Elrond and Sariboril had something nourishing.  It had not escaped the seneschal’s attention that the pair had been in attendance all through the night without rest or refreshment. 

Legolas and Estel were only gone a few minutes before returning with an arm load of supplies.  The sunshine blankey was carefully – with the help of Legolas – wrapped over Elrohir, for he was the weakest.  The stuffed Fluffy went to lie beside Elladan – on his left side, of course, for the right was heavily bandaged and in a sling.  Estel was particularly interested in the sling for it was on the same side as his.  The intricately carved Asfaloth sat on the table between the brothers so that they might look at him.

Next, Estel directed Legolas – using please and thank you, as a properly mannered young man should – to move the rock-ing chair in between the twin’s beds.  From there, Estel would be able to tell stories to his brothers when they tired of being abed.  An extra blanket and the pillow from his bed had been brought, Estel informed them, so that he could sleep here keeping watch over the twins. Careful not to bump his cast, for he certainly did not want to be consigned to his bed again for swelling, Estel climbed into the chair. 

The child heaved a great sigh, as though the weight of the world had just been lifted from his shoulders.  He drew up his knees into the chair, snuggled the mossy green blanket and prepared to wait.

Elrond raised an eyebrow at his youngest.  “Estel, it was very thoughtful of you to bring these …comforting…items to the twins, but they may be here for several days.  Do you not think you will tire of staying in that chair?”

“Oh no, Ada,” smiled the boy. “Dan and Ro always stay with me when I’m sick.  I will even help you give them a bath!”

“Well, the bath can wait for now,” smiled Elrond, noticing that Elrohir was asleep and that Elladan’s eyes were drooping heavily.  “The twins need to sleep.  Why don’t you come with me for a while until they are ready to be awake and you can tell them a story then?

“You’re not going to give me a bath, are you?” he inquired in the voice of one who hopes for a negative answer but does not really expect it.

Elrond laughed softly.  “No, pen-nîn tithen, no bath.  I thought, perhaps, we could take a walk in the garden.  I happen to know a spot where Fluffy and his siblings enjoy playing.”

“Fa-luh-fee?” asked Estel excitedly.  “Can Legolas come with us? He tells good stories, Ada!”

Elrond glanced at Legolas, and receiving a smiling nod, answered Estel.  “Of course Legolas may accompany us.  I am sure that he would enjoy some sunshine as well.”

“Not before you have had something to eat,” insisted Erestor, his own eyebrow hitched to an impressive level.

“I ate all the blueberry hotcakes already, but cook said that she had some blueberry muffins made,” said Estel.  “Would you like some of those, Ada?”

“I will have blueberry muffins and tea sent to the garden,” said Erestor before Elrond could even respond.

“All right,” conceded the elf lord, “I can see when I am outnumbered.  Come along Estel, Legolas…”


Glorfindel paced the room like a caged wild cat.  Like the feline species, his senses were alerted and his claws were bared, so to speak, for the Golden Warrior, once chief of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin was angry; he was very angry.  Not since the battle of Fornost, when he had fought the armies of the Witch King Angmar on the shores of Lake Evindem, had he felt such rage.

Not only had evil creatures penetrated his defenses, they had attacked and nearly killed the sons of Elrond, whose line he had sworn to protect.  Since their first breath, Glorfindel had loved and protected the twins.  He had taught them to ride their first ponies and given them their first sword drills.  He had wiped their tears and bandaged their skinned knees.  He had laughed with them, cried with them, and grieved for them when their rage had led them onto dark paths.  He loved them as he would his own sons, had the Valar blessed him with such.

Glorfindel spun as Helcar and Falathar raced into the room, having been summoned post haste to Elrond’s Library.  Their eyes widened as they beheld the commander in full battle stance, his sword drawn and gleaming, a feral look in his eye.  Both young warriors skidded almost comically to a halt.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Glorfindel relaxed his stance sheathed his sword.  “Forgive me, young ones. I allowed myself to become distracted.”

“I have never seen you armed inside the house before, my lord,” breathed Helcar, still somewhat mystified by the sight.

“That changes now,” replied Glorfindel.  “I have new information that creatures are not only penetrating our defenses, but they are also invisible to us, at least until they charge.  Not much more is known about them other than the facts you ascertained in your scouting…they are large and they wear iron shod boots and possibly armor.  I will try to find out more when the twins are able to speak more.”

“Invisible?” the Noldo and Silvan elves replied at once, their eyes meeting, alarm on their faces as their minds quickly ran through the possible scenarios of facing an invisible enemy.

Glorfindel nodded, his normally calm countenance now severe.  “I want every warrior armed at all times, and that includes inside the house.  Assign guards to Elrond, Thranduil and Estel.”  He held his up hands before either Helcar or Falathar could voice their concern.  “And if either Elrond or Thranduil has a problem with that they can see me, but the guards stay!”

The younger pair simply nodded, awed by the vision of Lord Glorfindel in full warrior mode, a sight rarely seen.

“Put Curúfin on Elrond,” continued Glorfindel.  “He became used to Elrond’s arguments the last time.”

“And I have just the warrior in mind for the king,” added Falathar.

“Legolas?” questioned Glorfindel approvingly.

“Absolutely,” confirmed Falathar.  “That way I can be sure they will both be together and more easily protected.”


Estel giggled delightedly as Fluffy scuffled and played with his siblings.  The child was lying on his tummy playing with the kittens while Elrond and Legolas sat on a nearby marble bench.  A trellis of roses formed a canopy overhead that provided shade against the afternoon rays of Anor.  The shadows lay like pools of cool, dark water against the brightly lit areas of the garden creating a mottled look.

The kittens were rolling around in the grass in mock battle; one of them let out a squeak of protest and Estel immediately separated them, holding the victim away from the more aggressive Fluffy.  “Ouch,” cried Estel.  “You scratched me, Fa-luf-fee!”

Legolas was instantly beside Estel, examining the scratch and soothing the child.  “You must always beware when attempting to separate fighting animals, Estel, for they will often turn their attack upon you.”

Elrond chuckled softly, enjoying the sight of the prince sitting serenely in the grass, his golden tresses falling over Estel’s shoulder as the boy sat in his lap.  “You will learn, Legolas, that the normal behavior of a young boy - particularly this one, it seems - involves a considerable quantity of dirt and a complete disregard for his own safety.”

“Does that mean I don’t like to get baths, Ada?”

“Yes, Estel, it does.”

“Legolas likes to get baths; his Ada told me,” proclaimed Estel, still slightly amazed to hear that his friend actually liked getting bathed!  “And then he would run umph…”

Legolas clamped a hand over Estel’s mouth.  “That’s enough, Estel,” he said quickly, a slight blush tinting his smooth cheeks.  “I don’t believe Lord Elrond would like to hear more.”

Elrond just smiled benignly, having already heard the story of the prince’s exposed post bath adventures several times from a most impressed Estel.  Thankfully, the twins had not as yet heard the tale.


Erestor silently entered the library and paused, aware that he had caught Glorfindel in a rare unguarded moment.  The warrior was sitting with his head bowed, resting his eyes while his fingers massaged aching temples.  “It is not your fault, you know.”

Glorfindel’s head shot up.  “Erestor!  I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Obviously,” responded the seneschal drolly.  “I have brought you some tea, and you will take a few moments to share a cup with me.  This has been a trying day, and as I said, you could not have foreseen any of it, so don’t go blaming yourself.”

“My dear friend,” smiled the warrior, “It is like you to be concerned, but quite unnecessary, I assure you.  When have you ever known me to suffer from a deficiency of self-assurance?”

Erestor sniffed amusedly, “Never, of course, but there is always a first time.”  He sat the tray of tea and small cucumber sandwiches onto the table and took a seat across from the golden one.  “We have been through this before, and we knew that it would happen again.”

“Yes,” agreed the warrior with an uncharacteristic sigh, “though I had hoped it would not be for a long, long time to come.  It seems the darkness will never remain at rest; it ever seeks to encroach upon all that is good and light in the world.  And this time it has attacked my home and the ones I love.”  Fire smoldered behind his eyes.  “I swear to you that Imladris will not fall so long as there is breath in my body!”


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