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Drabbles  by LOTRFaith

This is based on the look on Legolas' face as he comes upon Boromir pledging alligance to Aragorn with his final breaths...


It was too easy to fall prey to this particular lie.

The lie was obvious…

Too obviously apparent to any outsider, but Legolas wasn’t an outsider. He was one of the fellowship. One of the nine chosen by Lord Elrond himself to be sent on this perilous quest to return the One Ring to the fires of Mount Doom.

Legolas sighed, rubbing a hand against his suddenly chilled skin.

Aragorn was bent over the boat that held Boromir, to take the Gondorian soldier on his final journey.

‘Yes.’ Legolas thought sadly… It was too easy to believe the lie that the entire fellowship would return from this particular venture.

He didn’t know how he started thinking like that, but he could only guess that because he was so used to Elven company, that his mind automatically transformed his dwarven, human and hobbit companions into Elves as well.

Elves were far from impervious from danger, but they usually had stealth, surprise and superior thinking against those they were fighting…

Legolas had seen many an elf die… Indeed he had held many an elf in his arms as they gasped their last breath.

But this was different…

He didn’t know how…

He didn’t know why…

It was almost as if he had ridiculously expected the Valar to grant them safe passage straight to Mordor.

His thinking was a lie…

Gandalf was gone…

Boromir was gone…

Merry… Pippin…


Legolas felt as though his very breath had been sucked from his lungs.

He lowered his eyes respecting the fallen warrior and then with a heave they pushed the Elven made boat to it’s final journey.

But they… Aragorn… Gimli… Legolas…

So different in each race… But tied together by one mission…

And a mission they needed to see through...

No... Merry and Pippin would not be abandoned to torment...

Not if Legolas could help it...

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