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LifeWatch  by Lindelea

Chapter 5. Waking Up Again

Merry woke and stretched, careful not to lose his hold on his cousin's hand. They had survived the night in the Old Forest; soon the grownups would be coming to find them. It shouldn't take too long. He knew they were near the Hedge, for as soon as he'd realized they were lost he had sat down and pulled little Pippin into his lap.

'We'll wait here, now, cousin,' he'd said gaily.

'I want to go back to the Hall,' Pippin had whined sleepily.

'And spoil the game?' Merry said mischievously. 'What kind of I-hide-and-you-seek-me would it be if we don't wait for someone to find us?'

Pippin had nestled against him, yawning, half-opening his eyes to say, 'But I'm hungry.'

Merry smiled down at this small, aggravating, troublemaking, dear cousin of his. 'I have an apple in my pocket,' he said. 'You can have it; I'm not hungry.'

Pippin ate the apple and fell asleep. Merry determined he'd stay awake until the grownups found them. The Old Forest was quiet enough in the day, but by night it was quite alarming, with the trees whispering and creaking menacingly about them. He pulled Pippin closer and shivered. It was getting colder, too. Next time he went out after a straying small cousin he was going to bring a cloak. He thought he'd have no trouble staying awake, but the wind in the branches changed somehow from threat to lullaby...

The sweet and pungent fragrance of athelas filled his lungs, and he took a deep breath, feeling refreshed and strengthened, his mind calmed and cleared. He felt his clothes being opened and pulled away from his right side, and soothing warm cloths applied, and the pain and also the sense of frozen cold began to lessen in his arm and side.

They'd been found! He felt himself lifted, but tightened his grip on Pippin's warm hand. He knew he must not let go, mustn't let his cousin wander again, to be lost. A voice spoke reassuringly, and he felt himself lowered again to a soft surface, blankets pulled over him; a hand stroked his forehead and a voice murmured, 'Rest.' Now that he felt warm, and safe, he could rest. Without letting go of his cousin's hand, he surrendered again to sleep.

He awakened to a tickling sensation on the hand that held Pippin's, reached with his other hand to swat it away, and opened his eyes to see a grinning Gimli.

'Good, you're using that hand again,' the dwarf said.

Merry sat up, Gimli helping him. He was on a soft bed that had been placed next to his cousin's.

Full memory flooded back, and Merry turned to Pippin. His cousin slept, still propped up in his own bed, but his head was no longer thrown back, mouth gaping in effort; he breathed steadily, without the terrible struggle evident the day before.

'Aragorn was quite put out with you,' Gimli said.

'Was he?' Merry asked absently.

'Aye,' the dwarf answered. 'He feared you were undoing all his good work. But I think he forgave you when he saw young Peregrin turn the corner.'

'He's all right, then?' Merry said, hardly daring to hope.

'O no, he's not all right, but he's a far sight better than he was, lad,' the dwarf rumbled. 'Now how about some breakfast?'

'How are Frodo and Sam?' Merry asked.

The dwarf nodded to himself. Aragorn had said that the hobbit would not see to his own needs until he was satisfied about his companions. 'They are still with us. Aragorn was able to ease them into a healing sleep last night, and now they rest easily, with no knowledge of pain or memory of sorrow, to give their bodies a chance to heal. Now, how about breakfast?' To his relief he saw Merry smile.

'I think I could manage something,' the hobbit said.

'Right!' Gimli answered, rising from his seat and rubbing his hands together. 'I will be back in a twinkling.'

Merry smiled and turned back to watch his cousin sleep.

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