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Dreamflower's Dribs and Drabs  by Dreamflower

(This first song traditionally is sung at Brandy Hall after the Feast of First Yule, though it is known in other parts of the Shire as well.)


No shorter now will grow the days--
May the Yule log brightly blaze!

Fill the Hall with pine and holly--
Let us all be bright and jolly!

To the New Year let us raise
Songs of joy and songs of praise!

Though the nights be cold and drear
Within these walls, we’re full of cheer!

Hearts and hands, we’re all together,
Heedless of the winter weather!

Our children all are snug and warm,
Safe from want and safe from harm!

Let joy and laughter loudly ring
To the roof-beams as we sing!

Ever longer grow the days--
May the Yule log brightly blaze!

(This next song is popular throughout the Shire, and is traditionally sung as a three-part round, with the male voices beginning the first two lines, joined then by the females, and finally by the children.)


It is the turning of the year,
In the mid-winter, bleak and blear--
While the weather is dark and drear
When we find joy and good cheer!
For friends and kin from far and near
Gather with all that they hold dear.
Away with sorrow, away with fear:
And with good song, good food, good beer,
Welcome the turning of the year!

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I imagine the first song as more or less scanning to the carol "Good Christian Men Rejoice" and the second one more or less scanning to "O Come, O Come Emanuel".  These were written as part of my upcoming Marigold's Challenge 24 story.]

[AUTHOR'S FURTHER NOTE: The wonderful and talented Lindelea has composed a tune for the second one, "It Is the Turning of the Year", and it can be found at:

And now she has composed one for the first one, "Buckland Yuletide"

My thanks to Lindelea for making the tunes, and to Dana, for hosting them on her website! You guys are awesome!]

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