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Of Elves and Men  by Eruanneth_Luin

LIFE ANEW - Chapter Seven

Andreth hungered to learn all the things he would teach her, so many pleasant hours were spent in the study of Quenya and Tengwar and with Aegnor relating tales of the history of Arda. These last astounded her as he spoke of many events long past from personal experience. Her people had only vague rumors passed from one generation to the next, and much of that was darkened by doubt and nameless fears.

One day during their meanderings, Aegnor coaxed a wary doe close enough to Andreth for her to feel the snorted breath on her fingers. Andreth commented wryly, “A useful talent, bringing the hunted to the hunter.”

“Only to enjoy the nearness of wild creatures do we woo them so tenderly. Yavanna gave them for beauty as well as food, and grieves each small death be they fleet of foot or rooted into the good soil of Arda. Trees are her particular favorites so their felling is not without considered cause. When prey her creatures are to us, we lure them not to their end, but remember always to give thanks to Yavanna for her bounty. A horn is sounded ere ever the hunt begins.”  


After a season, rich with the song of summer’s beauty and of exploring the immediate region, Aegnor saw the love Andreth felt for the country and determined to expand their travels.

“Andreth, there is a sight of great wonder I would share with you, though it will be a journey of many days,” Aegnor offered.

“At your side even the most ordinary of days is a marvel to me. Where you lead I shall follow,” Andreth said smiling fondly at the elf who was her husband.

“We travel light,” he said, and went to gather their gear.

For days they wandered through meadows adorned with brightly colored flowers, fragrant in the warm sun, deep woods of ancient grandeur alive with sound of bird and beast, and across meandering streams. Also there were fields of ripening grains, groves of trees bearing fruits and nuts, plantings of vines heavy with grapes, and what appeared to be casually arranged garden areas, with vegetables, melons and other bounty from the good earth. 

At every new sight she would pause, eager to hear of this wondrous land. Aegnor delighted in her pleasure, seeing each scene anew through her eyes. She questioned him when they passed neither villages nor settlements as to those who tended the plantings. He smiled and asked if she longed for the company of others.

“With you alone I wish to explore, meldanya, though if it be your desire we are not afar from a holding,” Aegnor offered.

“The most of my life I spent among my kin, close and far, yet longed only for your presence; naught has altered,” Andreth returned solemnly.

Clasping her hand he led her into the trees, seeking seclusion. On his cloak under the low overhanging branches of a stately evergreen tree, they loved with tender passion.  


Two days later the scent of the air changed enough for the lesser senses of the Mortal woman to detect an utterly strange characteristic.

Slowing to inhale deeply, she turned to her companion with a quizzical expression on her lovely face. Aegnor simply smiled and led her to the top of a small hill. Glints of blue teased her vision as they made their way to an opening in the woods. Her gasp of astonishment delighted him.

“Aegnor, I cannot see the farther shore! How is this lake named?”

“Sea it is called; the hither shore borders the expanses of Beleriand and many others beside. Ulmo abides in this watery domain, and Ossë,” he replied.

Eagerly they descended the sometimes steep slope to the fine-grained sandy beach. Crystal blue waves lapped gently up the smooth shore, beckoning the pair closer. Andreth reached down, scooping a handful of water, but upon tasting the salty liquid, looked up at Aegnor in distress.

“Do you also drink of this water?”

“Many and varied are the other values of water. Mariners, fisher-folk, sea-birds and children of all our peoples love the realm of Ulmo. Come, woman of the high country of Dorthonion; discover the Sea.”

So, shedding their clothing, they trod hand-in-hand into the water.  


Later, Andreth wearied from the day’s jaunt and the unaccustomed physical exertion of frolicking in the sea, woke from a refreshing noontime slumber to the sound of splashing water and joyful laughter. Slipping on a simple tunic, she headed in the direction of the voices, only to halt abruptly at the sight of several elves, mostly adults, sporting in the gently swelling blue waves.

Lowering her eyes quickly she stood frozen in startled embarrassment after realizing that the swimmers, among them her husband, were completely unclad! Almost as an afterthought she noted to herself that though there were the usual differences in the sexes, they were remarkably similar in general appearance.

The gentle caress of her husband’s mind disconcerted her even more, but she did not respond to his unspoken invitation to join them in the pleasantly cool waters. Sensing her distress, he raced swiftly to her side.

“Andreth,” he softly uttered, “What troubles thee?”

Shaking her head in silent confusion, she looked up to find her Aegnor had come naked from the Sea.

“Is this customary?” Andreth queried hesitantly.

“To swim in the Sea?” Aegnor was baffled at this turn of the conversation.

“Together…males and females…at the same time…?” was her stumbling explanation.

“Earlier, my love, we were the swimmers. How then is this different?” he answered in a perplexed tone.

“But we are a wedded couple.” Still she avoided the, to her, obvious problem.

“There are two wedded pairs, two brothers and one sister of two of the couples, and the nearly adult female child of one pair.”

“But Aegnor, they are unclothed!” she finally blurted out.

“Why would they wish to wear garments when swimming?”

“Certainly you are aware of the physical differences between males and females, Aegnor?”

Thoughtfully he sought for an answer which would ease her apparent, though thoroughly puzzling, discomfort.

“Among our family…” he paused to consider, “Galadriel, usually tall; Uncle Fëanor, greatly muscled from forge working; Cousin Caranthir darkest of skin; Allindë, the betrothed of Maglor, willow slim; my own brother, Finrod…” he stopped in mid breath seeing the look of consternation on her face.

“Aegnor! Have they no thought to the enticement they might offer to another?”

 “Enticement, beloved?” he was truly at a loss to understand her distress.

When did this elf become so blind to the opposite sex? she thought to herself.

It was not merely swimming, but a darting about, leaping clear of the water, in what seemed a game of toss-and-catch with a small silvery object. The occasional bumping into, grabbing of ankle or wrist, dunking under water, and a variety of tricks to keep the glittering prize from another, revealed far more shiny wet elven skin than Andreth could endure.

A gentle chuckle emerged from Aegnor’s throat as he perceived her mind’s quandary.

“For us, the hróa is but a housing; dearly it is loved, but when shed, there yet lives the light within, the fëa. Immortal light draws us, not that wherein it shelters. Once bonded, none other is desired,” Aegnor stated.

Aegnor pensively studied Andreth as her mind grappled with yet another vagary of normal elven life.

Taking her hand, he led her from sight of the happily frolicking elves to where his clothing lay.

“Be not troubled, meldanya. Come, we shall find more pleasant pursuits.”  


At last she deemed the time right to again broach the subject so close to her heart, so in the midst of a tale of life as one of the sons of Finarfin she interjected, “Aegnor, would you explain the manner of begetting children among elves?”

Bemused by her abrupt change of topic, he paused to eye her attentively. With a grin he then asked, “Do you wish a child, love?”

“If you are agreeable,” she offered. “But I still want to know how elves achieve the desired results.”

“With elves, all is conscious and voluntary, though perhaps most on the part of the female. If times are unsettled or dangerous even by choice she may not prepare for the beginning of a child. The male only releases that which is specifically for begetting when both are in accord and willing.”

“Since the beginning of this…time, I have not had a woman’s sign, Aegnor. Perhaps we are not permitted to have a child,” she said sadly.

“Though never healer-trained, with our bond I may learn somewhat of your readiness and ability to bear a child.”

Her hopeful look was consent enough, and bidding her lie down flat and concentrate on the fëa bond, he placed one hand over her abdomen and in a slow circular motion pressed down firmly. Sensitive fingers located each ovary and probed gently. Andreth flinched at the second contact. She felt the cessation of pressure and opened her eyes to find her elf-husband smiling down at her.

“Shall we beget our child, Andreth?”

“How can you tell?”

“Through our bond, and by your body which signals a movement within.”

“You have not said if you wish a child, Aegnor,” Andreth said reluctantly.

“Since my sister was born, I have wanted to hold a child brought forth from the womb of my wife in my arms. Let us prepare for this special event.”

“What must be done?”

Aegnor smiled in anticipation before answering, “It is, I gather, the same with elves as with humans, Andreth, though elven parents will abide together quietly until the uniting within you. Then will come the first note of the song of the unborn fëa, a time of unmatched joy for elves, when three sing together.”

“We shall rest together after the time of coupling until the completion of begetting to encourage and nurture the fëa of our child. Food and drink we will have close at hand.”  


Their preparations completed, they reclined upon the comfortable bedding and leisurely approached the moment they had each long awaited.

“Beloved, which do you choose, male or female?”

Andreth blinked in confusion. “How can I choose? It is not until birth that the gender is known.”

“Not among the elves. It is the male who may select within his body, though great concentration is required. Usually it is decided by mutual agreement of both husband and wife. And if unchosen, when the newborn fëa enters into Arda it can be easily discerned by the parents.”

Open-mouthed Andreth mulled over this remarkable opportunity. Then with a quirk of a smile she teased, “How long have I to make this momentous decision?”

In all seriousness Aegnor answered, “A day, perhaps two, since it would seem you are not able to choose a begetting.”

Nodding, she gazed at her beautiful husband. “A son, my lord, if it please thee.”

“Let it so be, my lady.”  


For the better part of the day of the begetting, they rarely left their comfortable nest under cover of the pavilion. With song and tales and many words of love they passed the hours.  Andreth was curled snugly back against her husband with his arm draped over her, when she felt a faint tingling sensation directly under the long-fingered hand that rested on the bare skin over her womb.

Without moving Aegnor spoke in whispered tones, a mixture of reverent awe and utter joy, “Welcome, my son.”

Andreth trembled with barely repressed joy as, through their bond, her elf-husband shared the awareness of the tiny spark that was their child.  


Over the next few days Andreth noticed that Aegnor never strayed far off. At first she thought it was the newness of this happy time, but frequently he would come to her and hold her close while placing his hand over the snug inner nest of their son, whispering to mother and child of his love for them. Each time he wrapped her in his embrace, she felt flooded with peace and serenity unlike anything she had experienced before.

“Aegnor, is our bond of fëa like that of married elves?” Andreth finally asked during one of those close times.

“Not being bound to an elf-woman, I have not the knowledge. We shall explore the limits if you so wish, my wife.” Aegnor agreed willingly.

During the course of the following days they discovered that unlike an elven couple, Aegnor alone could initiate the contact, both with Andreth and for the nurturing of the growing child. Andreth could then join with him in communing with their unborn son, that bond greatest in strength when his hand rested directly on her skin.  


Though never did they see any others, on occasion a gift would be placed in open sight. Mostly they were items of clothing or bedding for the child, but some were intended to honor the newly wedded couple. All were useful, beautifully designed, lovingly crafted.

As her belly rounded to accommodate the increasing life within her, Andreth turned more and more to the comfort and strength she could draw from her husband, reveling in his tremendous energy which seemed of boundless capacity. How, she wondered on a day when her need had been great, did mortal women cope with this joyful yet wearying process. Within the encircling arms of her husband, his hand caressing the tight skin over a womb burgeoning with life, she drifted into sleep.

Dreams of incredible intensity and detail she experienced then, so real that even flavor and scent were a part. She awakened to her husband nuzzling her hair and telling her that they had a visitor.

“Such dreams, Aegnor, never before have I known,” she murmured sleepily. Then the scope of his announcement penetrated her bemused brain and she sat up abruptly, her head bumping Aegnor painfully.

Rubbing his chin, Aegnor commented ruefully, “Mortal, you exact a costly toll for inattention.”

“My beloved,” he went on, “it is the custom of elves to stand when greeting guests.” With ease he lifted Andreth to her feet to prevent her straining to rise, her girth being now over-large. Bowing, Aegnor still with an arm around Andreth, made known the visitor.

“Andreth, I present to thee my father, Finarfin, of the House of Finwë, King of the Noldor in Aman.”

With mouth agape she stared at the imposing elf standing silently before them. To her mind, a mythical character out of legend had stepped from the pages of history. Richly clad in green and silver, crowned with a silver circlet agleam with a myriad of sparkling green gems which adorned his frowning brow, and clasped hands, he appeared a most regal, haughty, and terribly intimidating elf-lord.

Andreth pressed back against her husband, yearning for the security of their bond in the face of this singularly unresponsive elf.

“Father, I present to thee my lady-wife, Andreth, of the House of Bëor.”

“You are of the race of Men, Andreth?” Finarfin’s question seemed a challenge.

Sustained by the assured love of Aegnor, she bowed as much as she was able and dared to speak. “Mine is the honor to greet thee, Lord Finarfin, and extend welcome to the father of my own dear lord,” Andreth spoke with a boldness that was far from her. The quiet laughter in her mind commended her for her forthrightness.

A slight inclination of his noble head was all the answer he gave, but he inspected Andreth with a leisurely scrutiny, his gaze coming to rest on her swollen abdomen.

She straightened under his appraising look and with unruffled dignity stated simply, “Our son, Lord Finarfin.”

“I would offer to aid thee when your time comes, daughter,” Finarfin said with a hint of a smile, and then to his son, “Others also wish to meet your unusual wife.”

Aegnor shook his head with regret, “Welcome is the offer to attend us, as the arrival of our child draws near and our time is spent in preparation. Andreth tires more readily than an elven-woman and I would not take from her the support of her husband, even to greet those folk who wish to make her acquaintance.”

“As you will it, my son,” said a now smiling Finarfin.

Finarfin half-turned to take his leave, but then hesitated, and faced Andreth. “A request I would make of thee, daughter. May I greet the unborn child of my son?” It is a pleasure I had not thought to enjoy for many great years, if at all, and eagerly I await him.”

Andreth considered his appeal, then reaching out she grasped his large warm hand in hers and slid it through the opening in the front of her gown designed to allow her husband the closest contact with their son. Pressing his hand against her protruding belly she leaned back on Aegnor with a wordless plea that she might share this moment with them.

Aegnor sensed her intentions and through him she linked with the child and perceived the intense joy and tender love of the older elf, and the warm reception of that attention by their son.

Finarfin looked intently into Andreth’s eyes as through the unborn child he plumbed the strange manner of their bonding. With a swift look of pity, he imparted love and strength to all three before breaking the treasured connection.

“Her day is nearing; will you accept the aid of those who would sustain and strengthen you both?” Finarfin offered.

“Greatly would I be honored by the presence of thee and mother at the birth of this child,” Aegnor stated humbly, “though I did foresee the need for some aid regardless. Andreth will require all my support at the bringing forth.”  


Andreth became increasingly more uncomfortable as the days lengthened into a week, then two, with still no sign that the birth was imminent. Though the babe within her made known its presence, forcefully at times, she knew that the normal span of pregnancy had been surpassed, and she began to fear a difficult delivery.

Aegnor remained close by and often the only peace she could find was wrapped in his loving arms with both his hands covering the unborn son they both yearned to meet.

“My love,” Andreth stated plaintively, “More days have been accomplished than are normally needed for one of my people to bring forth a child. Yet he seems in no great hurry to join us.”

Aegnor chuckled, “Perhaps the child is more elf than human, beloved, and wishes to take in full measure the days of utmost bliss.”

Velvet smooth was the voice that sought their attention. Looking up, they saw a serene silver-haired elf near their open shelter.

“Children, have thee need of me?” the elf-woman asked.

Aegnor drew a faltering breath, then said, “Mother…thou art most welcome.”

Andreth struggled to stand, but in the end had to rely on her husband to raise her to her feet. Incapable now of even the smallest bow, she inclined her head to the guest. Aegnor furnished the introductions.

“Andreth, I present my mother, Eärwen, daughter of Olwë of the Teleri, Queen of the Noldor.”

“My Lady Eärwen, I am honored to meet thee, though I cannot guest thee as thou deservest,” said Andreth.

“Sweet child, it is for thee that I come. Wilt thou allow my experience with childbirth to aid thee?” Eärwen smiled kindly as she spoke.

Andreth sighed in relief and nodded.

“Lie back, daughter, that I may examine thee.”

Aegnor helped Andreth to find a reasonably comfortable position and sat at her side holding one hand, stroking her hair soothingly.

Eärwen expertly examined the immensely gravid human, all the while softly singing which helped Andreth to relax. Sitting back on her heels, Eärwen looked from her son to his wife, a strange expression on her beautiful face.

When she spoke it was slowly, concerned, “Your son is neither elf nor man, neither immortal nor mortal; he is a blended being. He wishes to remain yet a while within the fastness of your womb, daughter, but is troubled by your unease. I brought also a lotion to reduce the tightness of your skin and would willingly attend you until he comes forth.”

Andreth glanced at Aegnor, who nodded his acceptance, before she replied, “Lady Eärwen, most kind is your offer. Gladly would we receive this aid.”  


Between them Aegnor and Eärwen tended the uncomfortable mother-to-be, giving Aegnor time to replenish his own depleted energy.

Andreth had not before realized what a strain it was for the father of an elf-child, until she saw her husband deep in sleep, eyes closed, long shapely limbs loosely sprawled, golden hair in disarray, noting also as she did so that he had lost weight during the past few weeks. Lying next to him on the bedding, she longed to caress his face, but did not wish to waken him, and so kept silent vigil and drank deeply of his beauty both in form and in face, and wondered which of them their son would resemble.  


The first pain caught her as she took her third step toward the stream where she enjoyed wading knee-deep in the cool waters. Aegnor was instantly at her side; her mental cry jolting him from all sense of calmness. His hands automatically cradled her swollen belly and he crooned and sang softly to the soon-to-arrive child.

Eärwen approached with her usual smooth gliding pace and placed her hands over those of her son, adding her voice to his.

When the contraction had passed Eärwen suggested that an easy stroll would encourage the birth, and then left them to make the needed preparations.

Shortly afterwards, Finarfin arrived carrying a large bundle of birthing cloths, as well as a restorative draught and a basin for bathing the newborn. Efficiently and without haste, he built a fire and set water to heat.

Throughout the birthing time Aegnor gave unstintingly of himself, bearing much of the pain for his beloved wife, and cloaking both mother-to-be and child with comfort and encouragement and song.

Finarfin poured his considerable strength into replenishing his son’s noticeably depleted reserves of energy, while Eärwen, with gentle hands placed on Andreth’s greatly distended abdomen, sang softly of welcome and love to the unborn one.



After the babe slid easily from his mother’s body, both his parents relaxed, visibly drained, deeply wearied, but profoundly happy. Eärwen chuckled quietly as she tended the newborn. Finarfin continued to sustain his son with a potent infusion of his own great strength.

Wrapping the little one snuggly, Eärwen handed him to his mother who gazed with wonder at the newest member of the House of Finwë. Hazily focused grey eyes sought her face and as Andreth pushed back the covering on his head, she immediately understood the amusement of his grandmother. Dark-haired like his mother, he nevertheless had a distinct peculiarity of his father, for the hair stood up stiffly upon the small head.

Aegnor leaning forward to share the humor, laughed aloud to see the very trait that had so amazed his family, though as it grew in length, his hair smoothed down into a thick, golden mane.

“What shall you call him, my love,” asked Andreth.

With a puzzled look Aegnor replied, “Is this the custom among Men?”

“A son is usually named by his father; a daughter by her mother. How is it with your people?”

“Commonly there are names given by both father and mother,” Aegnor stated.

Smiling at her husband, Andreth said, “Have you given thought to his name?”

“The name I would choose for our son is one in honor of a valiant warrior and treasured friend. Bregor Aegnorion of the House of Finwë, we greet you.”

Andreth was round-eyed with surprise, then tears began to fall as she remembered the deep love of Bregor; brother and champion, the fierce protector of her childhood.

“Well chosen, my love” she said simply.  


Bregor was a treasure of unending joy and wonder for Aegnor and Andreth. He utterly captured their hearts from the first satisfied expression on his mother’s face, as the babe discovered that milk came from the warm, soft mound on her chest.

Andreth, in the drifting time between sleep and waking, murmured softly to their son as she felt him gently nuzzle her full breast in search of a meal. Of their own accord, her hands reached out to cuddle him closer, but she awakened instantly when she did not feel him.

Anxiously she sat up and found herself gazing into the laughing grey eyes of her husband, who held Bregor securely with one large hand. Stretching out his other hand he collected a drop of milk from her breast, placing it on the seeking lips of their son.

“What our son requires, I cannot provide as yet, sweetlling. Though his call was strong, I feared you would not arouse,” Aegnor chuckled as he rubbed his chest. Evidence, wet and slick, that the babe had tried to suckle his father caused Andreth to giggle.

Then her amusement turned to amazement as she puzzled, “His mouth was on my breast, Aegnor, yet when I awoke he was in your arms.”

“Your fëa he sought, when he found not your hröa,” Aegnor stated matter-of-factly, “As any elf-babe would do when he hungers.”

“It was his fëa-touch I felt?”

“He knows not but our songs, my love, and so is drawn to them when he has needs,” Aegnor said.

“Then it was not his lips, but his hunger, I felt?”

“Is this not the way with mortal children, Andreth?”

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she wept silently. Aegnor, bewildered by her sudden change of mood, handed her the babe which she immediately settled on the crook of her arm, guiding his mouth to the milk source he sought with such fervor. A look of complete contentment replaced the distress as she gazed at their child, one tiny hand clenched tightly around her finger.

“Aegnor, now I begin to understand the words Finrod spoke to me.”

Aegnor waited patiently for her to continue, stroking the dark up-standing hair of the infant, then cupping the face of his wife in a tender gesture of uttermost love.

“It is so different among Men, dear one; they wed; they couple together; for some, even a little time of growing closer, then they begin the tasks of daily life. Joinings may be few or many in hopes of a child, though until the woman feels within herself the changes in her body, it is unknowable.”

“Until the imminent birth, little notice is taken but by those concerned with bringing forth the babe, women with experience of the birthing customs. Rarely does the father attend, and then usually only as a troubling of an already difficult trial.”

“After, the mother is attended by women of her House until she can once again resume her normal routine. So it is for each birth; some close together, others separated by years, each the fruit of a chance meeting between the married pair.”

“When in need of food or cleaning it is the voice of the little one that calls to us, Aegnor. Never had I thought it to be so different with the Eldar.”

His face solemn, Aegnor spoke. “Yet our son, young Bregor, felt not your fëa-touch.”

For a moment, Andreth was dismayed, then smiling brightly she stated, “He is for certain, then, the son of his father, and I would have him no other.”  


Education for the little elf was varied and exciting. Days or weeks, even at times months were spent with different artisans, craftsmen, and those who provided services for others, that he might fully comprehend the diversity of elven life. Andreth learned much alongside her son and Aegnor joined in those pursuits with which he was less familiar.

Part of each summer was spent among the Telerin villages, fishing, swimming, boat building, and Bregor’s personal favorite activity, singing, which seemed to be not a thing apart, but interwoven with life. Noldor craftsmen, lore masters and musicians introduced him to the arts of jewels, metals, languages and the instruments of music. There stayed with them for a time also a pair of Vanyar who shared the love of beauty of the Valar, their majesty and grace and hidden things of the Powers open to those who dwelt nigh them. From the fierce heat of the forge to the liquid splendor of dancing amid the raindrops, Bregor spent his days. His thirst unquenched, he seemed to possess an endless desire to learn.

And so the following years were filled with joy and laughter, peace and contentment, much of it in the company of the merry elves of House Finarfin.



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