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Sneaky Snakes And Broken Bones  by Anso the Hobbit

PART TWO: Lost and Found

Frodo stretched and yawned as he came awake. Sam was not in the bed beside his but Frodo saw his silhouette through the tent canvas, and the smell of pipeweed close by told him that he wasn`t alone. Frodo looked at the canvas to see if Merry or Pippin was with Sam outside, but the only other person he saw was Gandalf`s familiar form. That was strange. No matter what his other duties Merry seemed to always be there when he woke up, and sometimes Pippin was there as well.

Frodo dressed and went outside to sit with the others by the fire. The sun had gone down and it was time for supper, Frodo thought, as he smelled food cooking. “Hullo,” Frodo said and sat down beside Sam. “Have either of you seen my cousins?”

“Not in a while, no,” Gandalf said. “I saw Peregrin this afternoon and Meriadoc was with Éomer earlier today.”

“Sam?” Frodo thought that maybe Merry had left when Sam woke up for some reason.

“No. Neither of them was with us when I woke up. Maybe they are in their tent?”

“On a fine evening like this? I don`t think so. Unless Pippin isn’t feeling well perhaps?” Frodo mused. “We should go and see.”

“I agree,” Gandalf said, rising slowly, suddenly getting a feeling of unease. He could often sense before seeing or speaking to one of the hobbits or the rest of the Fellowship if something was wrong or someone was hurt. The life-spark he knew as Pippin was shining quite persistently, almost nagging somehow, while Merry`s spark was quiet and not at all as bright and clear as it usually was. Hopefully the young hobbit was sleeping or resting, but the combination of the persistency of Pippin`s spark and the dullness of Merry`s told him that that might indeed not be the case.

“They`re not here,” Frodo said after peeking into Merry and Pippin`s tent. In fact the tent looked not to have been used for some hours. Merry always tried to keep their tent tidy and made the beds and washed their cups and teapot after use. Everything was neat and in its place, the brazier cold. Maybe both had been called on duty? Pippin didn`t have much duty yet and Merry had already been on duty that day. No, that was not it…

“They probably went to find something to eat,” Sam suggested, steering them towards the food tents.

Inside the main tent many of the soldiers were seated for their evening meal, and in a corner Gandalf spotted Legolas talking to Elfhelm and Gimli. Merry`s éored leader was talking animatedly and the elf and dwarf laughed heartily.

 “Have any of you seen Merry or Pippin?” Frodo asked when Elfhelm had finished his tale.

“No, I`m afraid not. Not since this morning at any rate,” Legolas said, thinking a little. He`d seen both hobbits earlier in the day, but that was many hours ago now.

“We can`t find them,” Sam said, stretching to stand on his toes to look around the spacious tent.

“We`ll come with you and look for them,” Gimli offered. “We`ll spread out and search much quicker that way. I`m sure those young rascals are hiding away somewhere. Perhaps some of the soldiers have invited them to taste some of their homemade brews?”


Pippin was starting to get cold despite the fire, and the cold in Merry`s hand had started to creep up his arm, and he was clearly in the clutches of a dark dream. From what Pippin could see of his cousin`s face in the starry night Merry was ashen and his skin clammy and cold. Pippin was frightened, and the severity of Merry’s broken ankle was starting to seem pale next to this onslaught. He chafed Merry’s cold hand in desperation. Why would the Shadow attack Merry just now? Pippin remembered that Strider had said that the Shadow was only held at bay by Merry’s will, that it wasn’t gone. Perhaps it was only waiting for Merry to be tired or hurt, for any vulnerability that would enable it to overpower his cousin, perhaps irretrievably if Strider was not there to call him back. That would not happen though, Pippin told himself firmly. It could not happen, not now when the Quest was won. They would get back to camp somehow, and Strider would make poor Merry well again. He held Merry to him even more tightly.

Pippin made himself a mental note to watch more carefully for signs of Merry getting overtired after they got back to camp. His cousin took so much upon himself, worrying and watching over Frodo, Sam, and Pippin himself. His cousin had difficulty sleeping and Pippin was aware that Merry awoke and checked on him several times a night. Merry had always been loving and protective of those he cared about, it was his nature, but his own health had always been good, and so could better take the strain and stress when things were amiss with those he loved. Now he was a recovering invalid himself, and he was neglecting his own health out of care for the others. It was heart wrenching to see his cousin like this and Pippin didn`t know if he could take much more of it, though he knew that he must. He couldn’t let Merry down, he needed to be strong for his cousin. Oh, please, Pippin thought, his voice raw from shouting for help, someone find us soon. In Pippin’s arms, Merry stirred, and whimpered in distress. Pippin stroked his curls and, trying to soothe him, began to sing softly.


It was a beautiful night and taking a leisurely walk after watching the camp`s borders all day was exactly what Fermund needed. Even if the war was over, orcs were scattered here and there and trolls and evil Men were still about and the time was not yet come when they could afford to lower their watchfulness completely. Fermund had been born in the Westfold and been a Rider of Rohan for many years, but after marrying and moving to Gondor to be near his wife’s family he had become a Ranger under the command of Faramir. He was walking through what in daylight probably was a lovely little bit of wood, when he saw a small fire flickering through the trees. He heard a slight shifting noise and what sounded like a quiet sob, followed by the faint sound of singing. He stopped and listened keenly. It sounded like a child. Maybe a child had ventured out in the forest to pick berries or flowers, the Ranger thought, but the only children here were the few pages that had come with the ships from Minas Tirith, and they were not allowed outside the camp perimeters unless accompanied by an adult. Maybe one of them had ventured out anyway and was lost and couldn`t find his way back?

He stood still for another minute. Aside from the soft sounds coming from the direction where he had heard the sob the wood was silent and no animals could be heard or sensed close by. Slowly and stealthily he ventured closer. There was a little opening in the trees and he clearly saw the child now, the back turned to him. The lad was holding another lad in his arms. Fermund could only see the top of one lad’s head and by the look of things he probably was hurt as the other child was rocking him to and fro in his arms, singing softly. He came closer and was only a few feet from where the lads were when a small twig snapped under his feet. The lad cradling the other was on his feet, a sword in his hand and standing protectively over the other one almost faster than Fermund could blink. Fermund clearly saw the White Tree of Gondor on the child`s chest and he recognised that this was no child at all but the Ernil i Pheriannath.

“Who are you? Declare yourself” Pippin said, determined to defend Merry, but hoping that this was one of their own men from the camp.

“I`m Fermund, a Ranger of Ithilien, and I know who you are, my lord. What happened?” Fermund nodded his head to Merry.

Pippin let his guard down a little and surveyed the Ranger carefully. He wore the same type of clothing that Pippin had seen Faramir in. “You are one of Faramir`s men?”

“Yes,” Fermund confirmed. “I was with Captain Faramir when we found the Ring-bearers.”

Pippin lowered his sword and sank down beside Merry again, his own injured leg throbbing. “Then I am very glad to see you. Merry is hurt and I can`t move him and now he`s unconscious. We`ve been out here since before dark. I am very frightened for him, and need to get him to Str…the King Elessar at once.”

Fermund knelt down beside Pippin and looked at Merry in the firelight. He`d seen him before too, at the campsite. “What happened?” He repeated.

“A snake threatened me and my cousin tried to save me, coming behind it to try to kill it before it could strike at me. The snake whirled at him and trying to avoid being bitten, Merry stumbled and caught his foot in a tree root. He broke his ankle badly as he fell,” Pippin said. “He did manage to kill the snake though!” Pippin was quite proud of Merry`s actions.

Fermund took the cloak off Merry and started to assess the injuries. He felt along Merry`s body and was shocked to feel his cold right hand and arm. The Ernil i Pheriannath’s kinsman looked pale even in the warm light of the fire and he was chilled and seemed caught in some foul nightmare. The ankle was clearly broken, but the splint that had been applied would be adequate until they reached the camp. The halfling was shivering and Fermund quickly replaced the cloak and added his own.

“He`s so cold!” Fermund exclaimed and felt for Merry`s pulse, feeling the beat beneath his fingers. How could this come to pass? He took Merry`s small hands in his, the one ice cold and the other warm, but nothing aside from his leg seemed to be hurt. Fermund knew only of one thing that could do this. He looked at Pippin. “The Black Breath lies heavily on him,” Fermund whispered. The Black Breath was nothing to jest with.

Pippin nodded sadly. “Yes. He helped to slay the Witch-king and was hurt when he stabbed him. He is still suffering from the effects of that blow.”

Fermund looked from Merry to Pippin and back to the unconscious hobbit. He had heard of the valiant deed that killed that hideous creature of course, and was quite impressed by what he had heard, though some of it seemed hard to countenance. Now, feeling the hobbit`s cold hand made up his mind that the tale had to be true. Still, this child-sized person and a woman…? Astounding. He shook his head then looked at Pippin. “I have heard told the tale of what happened that day and your kinsman was very brave to strike at that creature.”

“Yes,” Pippin said, shivering just thinking of that day. Merry had been very brave and Pippin was incredibly proud of him, but now Pippin longed with all his being for Merry to be awake and well and wished for Frodo and Sam and home.

Fermund nodded gravely. He knew of tall and doughty soldiers who`d succumbed to the Black Breath. He looked to Merry again. The little one needed to be tended to as soon as possible. “We`d better get back to the camp.”

“Yes, at once please, and thank you for your aid,” Pippin said, happy that Merry finally was getting help. He staggered to his feet and limped as they started walking back.

“I wish that my aid were not needed, but you have it gladly. Are you also hurt?” Fermund asked, looking closely at Pippin as he matched his pace to the young lord, carrying the injured halfling as carefully as he could, trying not to cause him even more distress.

“Not to speak of. I tumbled down that hill over there, that`s how we ended up in this predicament. I`m a little achy but that is all,” Pippin lied, trying to force himself to hobble faster, so that Merry could be brought more quickly to Aragorn.

Pippin thought the walk back would take forever. Each step hurt but he wouldn`t take time to rest now that they finally were on their way back to camp. Pippin tried to forget about his own injuries and how each step jarred the healing ribs and sent pain shooting up through his leg and he concentrated instead on watching the Ranger closely as he carried Merry, the man carefully trying not to jolt the broken bone. It was not long though before they came to the stream and Fermund carefully waded over. Pippin came right behind him.

Shortly after they crossed the stream they were back in the camp, and a Captain of Guards who was speaking to the honour guards stationed outside Frodo and Sam`s bower saw them and came running towards them. “It is good to see you! Everyone has been searching every bit there is of the campsite for you!” He looked at Merry in Fermund`s arms and his expression changed from relief to distress. “Sir Meriadoc is hurt! I`ll take you to the King at once.” Several people had gathered around them now and the Captain turned to one of the other soldiers. “Alert the King that the esquire to Éomer King is hurt and needs his attention!” The soldier nodded and ran off to find Aragorn.


Aragorn had set Riders and soldiers of Gondor to search in and around the campsite as soon as he heard that the hobbits were missing and was just about to send parties into the woods when the soldier brought the news that they had been found and Merry was injured. He set the soldier to boiling water, and began to prepare himself for whatever Merry might require of him. Soon Pippin entered, limping badly, followed by a Captain of Guards and a Ranger carrying Merry. “Thank you,” Aragorn said, gently taking Merry from Fermund’s arms.  “I thank you for finding my friends. Please present yourself tomorrow for more adequate thanks.” He looked down at Merry in his arms. “I have no doubt that Merry here will want to see you also.”

Pippin had breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he saw Aragorn. Now he too turned to Fermund, looking earnestly at him. “Thank you, Fermund, for finding us and bringing Merry to safety.”

Fermund blushed a little at all this attention. He`d only been taking a walk and stumbled upon the Halflings by chance. By the sincere thanks the King had bestowed upon him, he guessed that the injured Halfling – all of the Halflings – were held high in esteem by the King. He`d seen the respect with which the King treated the Ring-bearers, and knew that he had spent many hours battling for the life of the valiant Ernil i Pheriannath, but he hadn`t had the opportunity to watch him interact with the Ernil i Pheriannath and the esquire to Éomer King before now. “It was my pleasure(,)” he managed, awed by their regard.

Aragorn turned to the soldier. “Go find Mithrandir and the Ring-bearers and tell them that the hobbits have been found, and that I am tending them in my tent, Also, send one of the healers to assist me.“ The soldier bowed deeply and left the tent like an arrow from the bow. Aragorn turned to the other men. “Captain, take this worthy Ranger and draw for him an extra measure of wine by my order.”

“Yes, my lord.” The Captain and Fermund bowed and left behind the soldier.

Aragorn lay Merry down carefully on his own bed and unwrapped him from the blanketing cloaks. He lit several lamps and took Merry`s face in his hands, trying to sense where Merry wandered. His skin was clammy and cold and Merry did not respond. Aragorn loosened Merry`s clothing and listened to his shallow but even breathing. He then started to feel along Merry`s arms and when he felt the cold right hand he quickly took two leaves of athelas and breathed upon them, then crushed them into a bowl of hot water Pippin had poured out for him, anticipating his need.

Pippin then hobbled over to sit on a chair by Merry`s head, his bad leg trembling and weak. The athelas felt reviving. He`d been awfully tired and worried and aching but felt refreshed now that the athelas started to work. Merry lay unmoving though, and Pippin hoped the athelas would soon take effect on him too.

Aragorn had watched as Pippin hobbled to and fro with the water and turned away from Merry for a moment to kneel in front of him as Pippin sat down. “Are you all right? Your leg is paining you. How are your injuries treating you today?” He cocked his head a little to the side and looked the hobbit in the eye.

“I`m just a bit achy, Strider,” Pippin said.

Aragorn nodded. “I`ll have a closer look at you later, but first we need to take care of Merry. What happened?” Aragorn turned to lay an athelas infused cloth on Merry`s brow and moved to take a closer look at his broken ankle while Pippin told him about the snake and the tumble and Merry`s stumble and twisting fall as he slashed at the snake.

“What kind of snake was it?”

“I don`t know. It wasn`t anything I`ve seen before, or want to see again. It was at least as long as I am tall, and black and sort of glittery and at least as thick as my arm. Maybe a funny green underneath, it was hard to see in the shadows of the trees.“

Aragorn gasped. “Did it bite either of you?” His voice was sharp with worry.

“No.” Pippin shook his head, feeling a cold lump of fear in his belly at Strider’s reaction.

“That is very fortunate.” Aragorn raised his eyes up from examining Merry and looked Pippin earnestly in the face. “What you describe sounds like a very deadly species of snake that has apparently escaped from the destruction of the Black Land and I am very happy Merry managed to kill it. You were both very lucky. Had it bitten one of you…” His grim voice left no doubt as to the outcome of such a bite. There was no antidote to the poison from snakes from the Black Land.

Pippin blanched a little at hearing this. “Oh.”

Aragorn called for his esquire and told him to inform the Rangers and the guards on watch to look out for more of the deadly black snakes and that no one was to leave camp until further information was given. He didn`t want to frighten people, and it was doubtful that there would chance to be any others, but it was best to be cautious.

Aragorn gently took away the splint from Merry`s ankle. Merry had still not made any signs of awakening but a whimper had Pippin leaning over the bedside and Aragorn taking Merry`s face in his hands again, hoping to reach him. “Merry? Merry, can you hear me?” Merry whimpered again but fell silent and lay as still as he had done only a moment ago. Pippin sighed and tried to keep the tears that threatened to fall at bay.

“That must have been quite a fall,” Aragorn said, more to himself than Pippin as he saw the awkwardly twisted leg and the broken ankle.

“I hope he`ll wake up soon,” Pippin said, adjusting the cloth a little.

“Yes, but it is for the best that he sleeps at the moment,” Aragorn said, “Though I would wish that it was a more natural sleep. His stillness is worrying. I`m also worried by the grip the Black Shadow has on him.” He looked at Pippin. “You did well in splinting the break,” Aragorn said. “It looks like this is something you`ve done before?”

Pippin blushed a little. “Merry told me how to do it,” he said. “He knew just what I should do.”

Just then the other healer came and under Aragorn’s direction he held Merry`s leg still while Aragorn examined it more closely and cleaned several cuts and abrasions. The break was clean but some dirt had got into the other wounds and Aragorn made certain to get it all out. Even so he hoped that Merry wouldn`t get an infection. He dressed the wounds in poultices and with the help of the other healer he set the bone and splinted Merry`s leg again. Aragorn then prepared some herbal tea to prevent infection and to make Merry sleep more peacefully. After feeding it carefully to the unconscious hobbit, Aragorn wrapped him warmly, then turned his attentions to Pippin.

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