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Number Three, Bagshot Row  by GamgeeFest

For Periantari, who had requested the Gamgee's first Yule after Bell's passing. 500 words.


Without Bell

Hamfast is 58, Hamson 19, Halfred 15, Daisy 12, May 8, Sam 4 and Marigold 1 

Yule 1384 SR

Daisy and May had spent the better part of two days making the wreaths as decorated the doors and mantles. They’d gone out early the week afore to get all the trimmings and fruit as they’d be needing for them, and dried them all out as their mother had taught them. Hamson and Halfred hunted for the Yule log at the orchard where the Yule trees grow. They’d worked a week at that orchard, helping to haul and trim trees for the gentry that come to buy their logs, just to be able to pick out their own. Missus Rumble had done her bit, watching over Sammy and Goldie while the others were at their work. 

Me, I did my best to decorate the smial proper. I’m sure I got some things wrong. I couldn’t right remember where the Yule candles went, there were so many of them. Mayhap Bell had never been able to remember either. I did remember where she put all the hangings for the tree and we decorated  it with the ribbons and paper flowers she’d liked best. I’d forgotten the receipt for the egg-and-grog and had to get it from Daddy next door, but as soon as I tasted it I knew it weren’t the same. She’d always bake bread for everyone on the Hill. That at least I was able to do, as well as the gifts for First and Second Yule. 

Come First Yule, Hamson and Daisy helped with making dinner, while Fred took the little ones to deliver the loaves and other gifts. I made sure as they were bundled up tight against the cold afore they left, but I was worrit the whole while they were gone. Last we wanted was for another one of us to take sick, not after May had been so ill. Not after Bell. They came back safe and warm, laughing away, just in time for dinner.

We sat to table and my six beautiful children looked at me, eager to eat. For it being our first time, it looked and smelled as fine as ever afore.

“What are you waiting for then?” I said. “Eat up!”

“Daddy!” Daisy said. “Mama always said somewhat afore we ate.”

I thought for a minute. Bell always knew what to say to make us all feel treasured. Words had never been my strength. That’s what my hands were for, as she had said. I looked down at my hands but they did naught for me now. Best not to think it over too much then. “It’s been a long year. We’ve had our lumps but we’ve had each other. Now eat up, afore the food goes cold.”

“Good one, Dad,” Hamson said. Fred, Daisy and May smiled and dug in, dishing out food for Sammy and Goldie also. 

We ate and laughed and remembered the good times, just as in Yules past. For a time, it nearly felt as though Bell were there again, watching over us.  

GF 12/22/10

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