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Shadow II: Northern Flames  by fael bain


Esendri awoke and was gratified to see that Legolas was still asleep. He was stretched out sideways on the floor, Elrohir beside him, a protective hand pressed to his back. A smile crept onto Esendri's face as he saw that their slumber was peaceful. How many times prior had he awoken to find them muttering and stirring in their sleep, plagued by nightmares and uneasy dreams?

Legolas stirred, and let out a sound of distress. Elrohir was awake in an instant, pulling him into his arms, where Legolas quietened at his touch. He continued to hold Legolas, a pained expression on his face as he brushed aside a stray strand of hair. Looking up, he noticed Esendri, and gave a start, but did not speak when Esendri raised a finger to his lips and smiled at him before leaving the room.

A while later, Elrohir joined Esendri outside in the crisp, dawn air.

"I am glad to see that you are able to offer Lass some comfort."

Elrohir continued watching Esendri with solemn eyes, trying to discern what he was thinking.

"He is so young."

"A fact we both forget at times."

Realisation dawned on Elrohir. Esendri too was young, and in his haste to protect Legolas, Elrohir had near forgotten about him.

"Forgive me, Esendri, I --"

"I draw my comfort from his."

"But you too are afraid."

"All of us are. Fear eats at us, but we have to carry on. As long as you are by his side, Legolas will never falter."

"You forget that I have my own weakness and fears. That I carry within me the weakness of Man. But my greatest fear still remains seeing him fall. He told me to kill him should he be tempted by the power."

Esendri blanched at his words.

"No --"

"I made a promise."

The horror on Esendri's face turned to anger.

"How dare you! How dare you promise him something you cannot do!"

It was the last reaction Elrohir expected, and he took a step back.

"Say it to me that you will be able to kill him!" Esendri cried, rushing forward. "Look me in the eye and say it!"

Elrohir broke away, furious.

"Who are you to speak for me?"

Esendri's gaze turned sad. "When his mother died, Legolas's spirit faded and waned. You took her place in his heart."

"I know."

"Will you betray that trust, or the oaths you swore to protect him?"

Elrohir tried to answer, but the words stuck to the roof of his mouth.

"You must understand that there is no turning back."

"Valar, Esendri, you are trembling!"

"I care for him as much as you do, Master Elrohir. He has decided to go to his death; I can see it in his eyes. I fear what he will do when we find the jewel. I have a bad feeling that there is more about destroying the gem than neither your father nor the woman has told us. Legolas feels this way too."

"Ai, Esendri, you speak the truth."

A small smile crept into Esendri's face. "Knowing I have a mighty Lord of Imladris around to keep Eryn Galen's wayward Prince in rein brings no small amount of satisfaction."

Elrohir shook his head in amazement. "Nothing can keep your spirits low, can it, Esendri?"

"I fear it is well-honed after years spent by his side."

"He is lucky to have a friend like you."

"He needs friends."

Another knowing glance was exchanged, before they made their way back into the room, where Legolas was just starting to stir.

"Morning, sluggard," Esendri said, nudging Legolas with his foot.

Legolas yawned, and made a half-hearted attempt to hide it.

"You should have woken me earlier!"

"We did not wish to disturb your sleep."

"Any sign of the humans?"

"Still asleep."

"Roh?" Legolas turned to Elrohir, who was staring into the distance.


"Why are you so quiet?"

"I was thinking."

"Of what?"

"What did Eilwar say? You returned late last night!"

Legolas looked uncomfortable, but said, "I needed to be alone, and it was late ere I sought him out. As predicted, he did not deign to speak to me much, but said we should seek the dragons out."

"Do you think he knows about the prophecy?"

"There is no doubt that he does."

"It is why you must be careful, Legolas," Esendri said, interrupting.

"Eilwar hates me with a vengeance I cannot understand. Yet, I know not if this hatred is enough for him to betray Arda."

Elrohir and Esendri exchanged worried glances.

"You must be careful," Elrohir said. "Why are we seeking the dragons out? Do you not feel yourself falling for the bait?"

"I do not trust Eilwar, but Ada and Glorfindel do," Legolas said. His nature made it difficult for him to suspect that others wished ill upon him. The thought that it might have been Eilwar betraying them all this while was something he found hard to accept.

Elrohir caught himself from scoffing at Legolas's unwillingness to condemn Eilwar. But Elrond and Glorfindel would know better -- would they?

"We are pawns in the greater scheme of things," Esendri said, sighing. "I will not even pretend to understand what is going on. The complexities of the mind is something you must show more respect, Legolas! Not everybody thinks in black and white!"

Legolas gave a sad smile. "We will press on nonetheless. You saw the damage to the forest and the village. If we do not find a way to stop them --"

"Maybe it is the way it was meant to be, Legolas. Perhaps these lands are what they are meant to be: empty and bereft of life, evil," Elrohir said, studying the dying village through the tiny window.

An impatient snort escaped Legolas. "The land beneath our feet starts to freeze; winter is setting in. Yet, I do not believe that thaw will come, and neither will spring. The firs here were destroyed; their only cousins remaining to the south of my father's kingdom. Even then, the woods of Eryn Galen harbour within them a dark, evil force that slumbers and awaits its turn."

"You always dismissed the claims as mere rumour --" Esendri cried.

"I did so because I wanted them to be false. I thought that if I hoped hard enough, that if I pretended, it would go away."

"What else are you hiding from us, Lass?" Elrohir said, fixing Legolas with a piercing gaze reminiscent of Elrond's.

"Nothing --"

"Really?" Elrohir's voice was quiet. "Do you trust us?"

"Of course!" Legolas cried, horrified. "I thought you knew me well enough --"

"I only know what you choose to show me, Lass."

"Then mayhap you should tell me what you have been hiding."

There was a long pause, and Elrohir struggled to come up with words.

"I cannot --"

Elrohir was unable to carry on when Legolas looked him in the eyes.

"I had hoped you valued me as a friend. I thought you told me I was dear to you."

"It is because I value our friendship that I am unable to tell you --"

"What friendship do you speak of if you persist in this way?"

Seeing the highly-strung pair, Esendri thought he should interrupt. "Lass, Master Elrohir only has your interests at heart --"

The thin thread of control Legolas had been holding on to snapped as he whipped around to face Esendri. "How about his interests? Has he looked out for himself for a change?"

"Thinking of myself only is difficult were you in my position," Elrohir said, and left the room without a second glance.

"Why does everybody talk in riddles?" Legolas said, sinking into a chair and leaning back onto the wall.

Esendri's reply was swallowed by Elrohir flying back into the room, his expression wild.

"The dragons are making for the village again!" he cried, strapping on his weapons.

Legolas caught the bow which Elrohir tossed at him.

"The sentries have raised the alert!" Elrohir said. "Come, follow me! We fight!"

His path was blocked by their hostess appearing at the doorway.

"You must not fight them," she said.

"But your people will die!"

"We can take care of ourselves. You must make use of this diversion to enter their lair. Maybe the secrets of their coming will be revealed."

"Will you come with us?"

"Nay, my place is with my people," she said, turning around and ushering Rhannīl through. "Now listen to me carefully: there is a map to the gem which lies in the dragon's lair. It will show you the way to four stones, each of which when put together will reveal the gem. Guardians and spells guard these things, and you must be careful of whom you trust and what you do. Remember that the first will be guarded by a large army, and the rest by equally powerful means. Now, be on your way before the dragons arrive! May the gods protect your stout hearts, and may you spirits stand strong against the onslaught before you! Go!"

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