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Rising to the Challenge  by annmarwalk

For a challenge to tackle a character we've never tried before.

Lobelia's List

To-Do BEFORE Auction:

1. Count books – make sure gardener’s boy hasn’t walked off with any. Though why he would, I can’t guess. Still, he has a shifty look.

2. Ditto for garden tools – Bilbo invested a tidy bit in those tools; they are mine his!! and worth a pretty penny too!!

3. Clothes – certainly all too nice to be given to Gamgees. Sell!

(Except for tatty old boots, nice gift to Gamgee Senior?)

4. How to keep lollygaggers away from beer barrel? Station Otho at cellar door? Who to watch Otho?

5. Surely a few spoons wouldn’t be missed ?

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