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Avalanche  by shirebound


Chapter 8 --- Night Vigils

About an hour later Aragorn came over to where Legolas was sitting.

"You've had little rest," said Legolas quietly, as Aragorn sat down on the other side of Frodo. "Why don't you try to sleep a bit more?"

"Perhaps soon," said the Ranger, also keeping his voice low. He noticed the empty cup. "He woke, then?"

"Yes. He was in a great deal of pain. It was good you had prepared the drink for him."

Aragorn nodded, checking Frodo's breathing. "He should sleep until morning. Tomorrow may be difficult for him." He frowned at the overcast sky. "For all of us." He pressed his fingers lightly to Frodo's right wrist. "His pulse and breathing are steady, but he's a little warm. I suppose that is to be expected. There might have been quite a high fever had the bone been more severely broken." He slipped a hand inside the sling and felt Frodo's fingers to check the circulation. Finally he sat back and sighed. "He was lucky, Legolas. They were both so lucky."

The Elf nodded in the darkness. "It was more than luck, perhaps."


"Aragorn, why would you only allow Frodo the herb drink if he knew my name?"

"That is why I came to check on him. Someone with a head injury must be roused at intervals to see if their thoughts and speech are clear -- if not, it is often a sign of a more serious injury. I didn't want Frodo put into a deep sleep until I could be sure it would be safe for him to remain thus."

"He said his vision was blurred."

Aragorn nodded. "It will improve."

"He is fortunate you are here."

Aragorn glanced at him. "And you as well."

Legolas rested his hand gently on Frodo's head. "He was not awake very long, but he said he remembered having a dream about... me. I think he had some sense of what I was doing for him, but not consciously." Legolas looked at Aragorn. "What did I do?"

"Don't you know?"

"I merely..." Legolas gestured vaguely in front of him. "I extended my life force to his. Something... something happened between us." He sighed. "Perhaps Sam was correct. I have had so little experience with mortals; perhaps all Elves can do this but we do not know it."

Aragorn switched to Sindarin. "Frodo says Sam is always correct -- something he calls his 'plain hobbit sense'." He chuckled and glanced over to their right, where Sam lay buried in blankets. "I'm certain he's asleep, but... well, I've learned not to underestimate him. Any of them." His smile faded. "The hobbits are exhausted. These past days climbing have been difficult for them."

"They have done well," said Legolas quietly, also switching to his native tongue. "They have surprised me, Aragorn. To undertake this venture in the face of such evil... Such tenacity and spirit. Why, even when Pippin complains, it is with such a good nature that..." Legolas's voice trailed off as he thought about Pippin.

"It is that strength and spirit that must be reawakened in our young colleague," said Aragorn, "and I can think of no better role model than Frodo." He regarded the sleeping hobbit next to him and chuckled. "We may have to tie him down until he is well enough to continue. He knows we can ill-afford this delay."

"Yes, he already said as much to me," agreed Legolas. He touched his hand to Frodo's cheek. "What must we do for him tomorrow?"

"He may have difficulty staying awake, throughout one more day at least." Aragorn picked up the empty cup. "If he is too uncomfortable I will dilute the drink so it will hopefully dull the pain without putting him to sleep. It is most important that he drink as much water as possible, and perhaps he will be able to eat a bit. Above all he needs to stay warm and lie still." He looked up at the sky again. "There is snow in the air, Legolas, I can smell it. Sometime early tomorrow, perhaps. As there is almost no snow on this ledge, I hope this rock above will shield us from the worst of it."

"Get some sleep," said Legolas. "Your skills will be needed tomorrow."

Aragorn nodded. As Legolas had done, he reached down and touched Frodo's face. "This little one has endured so much," he murmured. "And we have scarcely begun our journey." He sighed and rose to his feet. Before he returned to his bedroll, his gaze fell on Pippin, asleep to their left as close to the rock wall as he could get. Merry was curled protectively around him, Boromir's fur-lined cloak tucked about both of them.


After several more hours of quiet, Legolas stood up and walked soundlessly past his sleeping comrades to where Gimli stood some distance down the path. The Dwarf looked up in surprise as the Elf approached him.

"Does not Boromir have this watch, Master Dwarf?" asked Legolas.

"He does," said Gimli, "But I chose not to wake him." He was silent for a moment. "I saw how he was able to help young Peregrin earlier. It was quite remarkable." Gimli was uncomfortable sharing his thoughts with an Elf. "I am no healer and can do little to help, so I thought to let him sleep. Peregrin will need him tomorrow." He stare at Legolas almost defiantly. "There is no need to wake any of them. I will stand watch."

Legolas regarded him thoughtfully. Perhaps there was more to this Dwarf than he had believed. "You say you can do little to help, yet I cannot think of a better gift to our Company than what you offer them this night."

Gimli was startled at this unexpected comment. Perhaps Elves were not as ungracious as he had been taught. "How is Master Baggins?"

"Aragorn prepared a mixture that has put him to sleep. He was in a great deal of pain." Legolas smiled. "He worries only about Pippin's well-being, and for this delay in our journey."

"My father and cousins have spoken many times of their Grand Adventure with a brave and resourceful hobbit companion," Gimli chuckled. "And I now find myself in a similar situation."

"Indeed." Legolas turned to go. "Come to me if you grow weary and I will relieve you."

"I will do so."

Legolas sat down again next to Frodo with his back against the stone wall. This day had brought much for him to think about, not the least of which was a new respect for the Dwarf who shared their journey.

Frodo shifted slightly and moaned. Fearing that he was feeling pain even while asleep, Legolas reached over and stroked his forehead gently, whispering soothing words. Frodo quieted almost instantly, sinking more deeply into the drugged sleep.

"Little one," Legolas murmured, "what happened between us?" That answer, at least, would have to wait. Making certain that Frodo was still warmly covered, he breathed deeply and let himself relax, shifting his attention until he settled, half dreaming, into a state of rest.

** TBC **

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