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Shire Reckoning  by Anso the Hobbit

PART FOUR: The Brave and True


Merry entered his and Pippin`s tent to a cheerful hail from his cousin. He had sat with Pippin for a while this day, after he had been allowed up and about a little, and had then gone out briefly at the summons of Čomer. For some reason not revealed to him Merry was to have a new uniform, and had been measured for that. What he had worn up till now wasn`t a proper uniform really, and if he were to represent Rohan he supposed he needed something more fitting. The everyday clothes he had now were worn and mended and worn again but also a bit too small since he had drunk that Ent-draught. He hadn`t been long enough in Minas Tirith to have new clothes made, so he was happy with this solution until he could have real hobbit clothes again. And anyway, he was a warrior now, a soldier.

“Merry, come sit here will you?” Pippin sat up a little and patted the cot beside him. “I have something to tell you.”

“All right,” Merry said, looking Pippin over closely. He seemed awake and alert and amused for some reason. “What is it? I`m awfully hungry though,” he said, teasing a little. By the tone of Pippin`s voice he didn`t think Pippin had bad news and he was really hungry.

“I am rather hungry myself,” Pippin said, smiling. He had a wonderful surprise, and waiting for something good never hurt anyone. He`d let Merry stew a little.

“I`ll go get us some dinner then.” Merry was glad Pippin wanted food, as some days Pippin still felt too badly to eat as a proper hobbit should.

“Can`t you just ask if the guard would mind getting us something?” Pippin said. “Someone has to carry it here anyway.” Just as there were guards of honour where Frodo and Sam slept, there was always a guard outside Merry and Pippin`s tent. He was stationed there to assist the hobbits with anything they might want help with, but that was only one reason. That they too had been given a guard of honour never occurred to Merry and Pippin, even if they both considered it perfectly natural that Frodo and Sam were honoured thus.

“I know that, but I want to see if there is anything out of the ordinary camp food that I could get us,” Merry said. “Real hobbit food you know.”

“All right then.” Pippin lay back on his cot and waited for Merry to complete his errand.

After the important business of eating dinner was taken care of – Merry had managed to find them some apple pie and clotted cream – Merry came and sat on Pippin`s bedside. Pippin had some sort of mischief on his mind, Merry noted. At least if he were to judge by the gleam in his cousin`s eye.

“So, what is it you`re going to tell me?” Merry said curiously.

“Oh, nothing important really. I`m going to be knighted is all,” Pippin said nonchalantly, trying to hide a smile. This was a great honour but at the same time he wasn`t sure if he liked the idea of being a knight.

“Knighted?” Astonishment and pride didn’t begin to cover what Merry felt. “That is wonderful, Pippin!”

“Is it?” Pippin was suddenly serious.

“Of course it is. Sure, it`s not our way of doing things, but it`s something the Big People do only when they want to especially honour someone. Pippin, you have done great things. Out of love for our cousin you left home and hole to go to the other side of the world. You pledged your service to repay Boromir`s death, you saved my life, you saved Faramir`s life and you defended Beregond from certain death. You almost gave your life for the Shire, Pip. And for Gondor. For all of Middle-earth if you think about it.”

“But Merry,” Pippin said. “I am no hero or great person. I`m just a hobbit who wanted to help my cousins and friends. I don`t deserve a knighthood for that.”

“You do, and you are noble, true and brave. You are a hero, Pip. And by men`s standards, you deserve a knighthood for that.” Merry said firmly. “I`m very proud of you Pip.”

“I haven’t told you the whole surprise though, Merry,” Pippin said shaking his head at the ways of men, and reaching for Merry`s injured hand rubbed it gently between his own.

“What else could there be?”

“You`re to be knighted too!” Pippin tried to sound casual but was too proud of Merry to manage to hide it. His cousin deserved the honour, that was certain, even if Pippin wasn’t sure whether he himself did.

“What! That can`t be. Surely there must be some mistake! Who said that and how do you know?” Merry looked at Pippin in confusion.

“No, there is no mistake. Strider told me. He said Čomer was to talk to you about it.”

“I`ve just been to talk to him now, and they did measure me for a new uniform but no-one said anything about knighting.” Merry shook his head, he didn`t deserve this. Pippin yes, but not him.

“Merry,” Pippin said, taking his face in both his hands, holding Merry`s attention focused on him by locking his eyes with his cousin. “I am sure that he will talk to you about it tomorrow then. Strider said you`re to be knighted for just the same reasons as you just said that I am. You almost gave your life for the Shire and for Rohan and for Middle-earth. You set out on this Quest because you loved your cousin so much that you could not let him go without you into danger, and you are noble and true and brave. And yes, this might not be our way of doing things, but if I am to stand before a crowd and be honoured, then so my dear Merry, are you. Because you deserve no less than me!”

“Oh, Pippin. I knew there was something going on while I was with Čomer, but I had no idea that this was the cause.” Merry laughed a little, giving Pippin a brief hug.

Pippin laughed too. “Strider and Čomer will come by later and the knighting is to be tomorrow. Strider also said that Frodo and Sam will wake up the day after that.”

“Oh, that is wonderful!” Merry all but jumped on the bed in anticipation of Sam and Frodo waking up. Waking up, yes, but to what? he suddenly wondered. Surely their lives would be different from now on? Thinking how his own life had changed and remembering the events he had somehow lived through, he said, “But Pippin, I don`t have a sword. I can`t be a knight without a sword.”

“Don`t worry Mer. Everything is taken care of. Now, off to bed you go. I`m tired.”

Merry laughed and hugged his cousin again before he made himself ready to go to bed, and prepared to spend the night thinking about how he could repay anyone who would find him a new sword, but he found he was very tired too, and fell asleep almost immediately.


The next day Aragorn and Čomer and Gandalf came into their tent while the hobbits were eating second breakfast. Merry hopped up and bowed to Čomer and Pippin gave Strider a nod in place of a bow as his ribs didn`t allow him to bend too much yet.

“Good morning, my friends.” Gandalf said. “I trust you both know what is going to happen later today?”

Both hobbits nodded. “Pippin told me,” Merry said.

“Good,” Čomer said. “I was planning to tell you today but wanted to wait until I had a certain detail in order.”

At that moment there was a sound at the opening to the tent and Legolas and Gimli entered.

“Hullo!” Pippin said happily. “Where have you two been of late?”

“Oh, just here and there,” Legolas said, raising an eyebrow and hiding a smile. Gimli harrumphed and seemed to have secrets, and there was an amused gleam in his eyes.

“They are both invited,” Aragorn said.

“Invited?” Pippin asked. Apparently he didn`t know everything either, Merry mused and hid a smile. “But the knighting ceremony isn`t until this evening. Surely they have to come then, but…?” Pippin wondered.

“Yes, of course we will be coming to the ceremony,” Legolas said as Gandalf beckoned the two forward and both Legolas and Gimli put bundles down on the cot closest to them. “But we were also invited to this.” Gandalf gestured for them to open the bundles, and livery of white and green was drawn forth for Merry and livery of black and silver for Pippin. Pippin didn`t know he was getting a new uniform, so he gasped in wonder at the fine clothes, much finer than his other uniform had been. He didn`t know where the livery he`d worn to battle had gone to and when he had been allowed up he had worn his ragged shirt and breeches that had been lying at the bottom of his pack.

“Well, let’s see if these fit.” Aragorn urged, and helped Pippin into the livery while Merry changed into his own, assisted by Gandalf when his arm wouldn`t cooperate properly. Both hobbits were soon dressed and stood looking at each other. Pippin kept his good hand on the table so to not rest all his weight on the bad leg, and Merry beamed at him. Pippin beamed back and for some time they just stood there, each so proud of the other, and happy to be here to see honour bestowed upon him.

Pippin found his sword and scabbard and buckled it about his waist. Seeing this, Merry looked sorrowfully at Čomer. “My lord, I do not have a sword to serve you with. It was lost in the battle, it smouldered away in my hands.”

“I know, Master Meriadoc, but do not grieve for your lost blade. Such things can be amended.” Čomer beckoned Gimli forth, and the dwarf drew a long package out from behind his back. He had hidden it from the hobbits` view, but now he lay it on Merry`s bed. Merry just looked at him in amazement.

“Go on, laddie. Open it.” Gingerly Merry unwrapped the layers of cloth and found his scabbard and recognised his old sword hilt.


“Go on.” The two men, the elf, dwarf, and the other hobbit present drew in closer and stood in a circle around the cot. Merry grasped the hilt with his sword-hand, and with some effort he managed to close all his fingers about the hilt. He did not have strength to pull the blade out, or hold the weapon with one hand, so he put it on the cot and sat down to draw it out with both hands. The sword had been remade! It was his old hilt and scabbard – tended and cared for so it looked almost like new, but there was a new blade on the hilt with running horses and inscriptions in languages Merry couldn`t read but understood to be elvish.

“Thank you,” he said, rising. “You forged this, didn’t you Gimli?” Merry knew of course that Gimli was just as good smith as all his kind, and the dwarf had been secretive regarding his whereabouts lately.

“Aye,” the dwarf said. Merry beamed at him and bowed. “Thank you Gimli. It is beautiful.” He almost gave the dwarf a hearty hug, but reined himself in at the last second as he remembered that he stood before his king and was about to be knighted. But Gimli would not escape so easily later, Merry promised himself.

The two kings now looked at the two grandly clad hobbits and instructed them on the knighting ceremony that was to be the same evening. Pippin was told to rest some more, and Merry was allowed to visit Frodo and Sam a little before he also was ordered to take a nap.


The double knighting was even more pompous and grand than the hobbits had imagined, but they never felt embarrassment, only pride and joy. Merry and Pippin were knighted in front of all the Rohirrim and the Gondorian soldiers gathered in the camp. The survivors of the Company Pippin had ridden with to the battle of the Black Gate cheered him on and all stood at attention as he was called forth. Strider had arranged things so that he only had to walk a few steps due to his injuries, and Beregond helped him to kneel.

As Merry stood watching his little cousin being honoured and knighted, he remembered the wee hobbit Pippin once had been and his struggle first for life and later to keep up with the other lads and lasses in play. Tears clouded his eyes as Merry watched Pippin take his oath, and he thought back to the first time he had seen his new cousin.


Brandy Hall, SR 1390, so Merry is eight and Pippin has just been born

“Mum?” Merry ran into his family`s quarters heading for the kitchen for something to drink – running about the vast Hall playing hide-and-seek was thirsty work. Reaching the kitchen he skidded to a stop just as he rounded the corner of the pantry and caught sight of his mother sitting at the kitchen table trying to hold back tears. He walked around the table and touched her arm gently. “Mum?”

“Oh, Merry-my-lad.” Esmie said, picking up her little one and setting him in her lap, hugging him so tight Merry almost couldn`t breathe, and taking in the feel and smell of her own dear and longed for child. Merry hugged her back and squirmed around in her lap to look into her face.

A messenger had come a little earlier in the day with a message from Whitwell. Esmie had shown it to Saradoc, and now she sat trying to collect her thoughts while a servant packed a bag with clothes for her and Merry. A carriage was being made ready for them, and she had come to the kitchen to pack some travel food for the journey.

“I`ve had a letter from Uncle Paladin, Merry,” she said, gathering her wits after the unexpected arrival of her son. “Auntie Tina slipped and fell on the kitchen floor and hit her head. Because of that, her baby was born, but he is very ill. Auntie Tina is ill too and wanted me to come to see her.”

“Oh no, Mum!” Merry said. This was terrible news. What if the new baby or his auntie died? That would be awful. He clung to his mother tightly, sad and frightened, and asked, “We`re going to Whitwell then, aren’t we Mum?” Merry had always liked it at Whitwell, his cousins were fun to play with, even if they were lasses, and Uncle Paladin let him help him around the farm. And Auntie Tina was his favourite aunt, and now she was sick! She needed them, and so did her new little baby! “When are we going?”

“We`re leaving right away. Do you want to bring some toys?”

Merry nodded, but didn’t leave Esmie`s lap just yet. He needed to think, and sitting in his mum`s lap was a great place for that. He had wanted a lad cousin for everso long, and even if Frodo, and Berilac and the other lads at the Hall were fun to pay with, he wanted someone to be his like a brother. Merry felt that Frodo was like a brother to him, but he lived in Hobbiton now.

When Merry and his family had been to see Frodo and Bilbo in the summer, they had visited their family in Whitwell too before going home. Eglantine had been happily pregnant, and they expected the child to be born just in time for Yule. The plan was that Merry and his family should come visit again then. Merry had asked endless questions about the baby and if it were a lad or lass.

His parents had told him long ago that there would be only him in their little family. He didn`t completely understand that yet, but he knew that Mum had been ill when he was born and something had happened so that there would be no other children. Now Auntie Tina was ill and her lad was born. Maybe all lads that were born made their mum sick?

“Will Auntie be well again?” He asked.

“I think she will,” Esmie said.

“Will the baby be well too?”

Esmie didn`t quite know how to answer that. The message had said that he barely had survived his birth, and that it was more likely that he would die than live. “I hope so, Merry, I do,” she finally said.

She set Merry down and together they went to his room to collect some toys and prepare the last things they would need for the trip, and Merry completely forgot that he was thirsty and needed to find Merimas who was hiding somewhere close by.


When Esmeralda and Meriadoc arrived at her brother Paladin`s farm in Whitwell, an ordered chaos reigned. A healer sat with Eglantine, and Pearl kept watch over her newborn brother. The other two lasses were helping another relative to make tea. Pippin had survived his first week, but the prognosis wasn’t good. Merry rushed over to where Pearl held the wee baby and tried to get a look at him, but his mum stopped him just in time, saying the baby was sleeping and that Merry could look at him later.

“But Mum! He is my special lad cousin and I have waited for him forever!” Merry said, stubbornly sticking his chin out and crossing his arms over his chest.

Esmeralda sat down on a chair and gathered her son close. “I know you have waited and hoped Merry, but even healthy new babies need to sleep most of the time and Pippin was born too early, so he needs lots and lots of extra rest.” Esmie tried to explain the situation to her distraught child. Merry was softly crying now, disappointed at not being able to see this longed for relative. “He is very sick.” She said softly. “You can see him when he wakes up later. I promise.”

But Pippin didn`t wake up any more that day, and tea and dinner and bedtime came without Merry seeing his new cousin.

Merry and all the other children had not been allowed into where Eglantine and Pippin rested, but the morning after arriving Merry couldn`t take it any longer. He wanted to see his auntie and he had a feeling that he needed to see his baby cousin. For some reason he had so many expectations about this baby than he had had about other baby cousins, and as everyone had thought it was a lad even before he`d been born Merry had started looking forward to the day he would arrive.

In the early morning and before anyone awoke, Merry climbed out of his bed and tip-toed out into the hallway. He went to the nursery and opened the door ever so slightly. There was no sound from within, just a lamp burning low and illuminating the room softly.

Closing the door behind him, he padded softly over to the cradle and peered down. The teeny-tiny newborn lad was sleeping peacefully. Merry leaned closer and watched intently as the little one lay so still, sleeping.

He was beautiful Merry decided. He had never thought that about a baby before, but he instantly liked his cousin. Gently and very softly he reached down to stroke the little cheek and curls.

“Hullo,” he whispered. “I`m Cousin Merry. Won`t you be well soon and wake up so we can play? I have waited for you, you know.”

Pippin didn`t answer, but Merry didn`t care. He just stood there, softly caressing Pippin`s face and humming a lullaby.

“Merry?” A soft voice called, whispering. “What are you doing here?” It was one of the relatives on Auntie Tina`s side, a female hobbit Merry didn`t really know yet, but thought maybe was a healer. She was sitting in a chair just outside the soft light and Merry hadn`t seen her when he came in. Merry straightened up from peering down at Pippin and turned to her.

“I`m sorry. I just wanted to see him.”

“I understand that, but he needs to sleep in peace. Go back to bed now, won`t you? You can come see him later.”

Merry nodded, a little disappointed, and went back to his own bed, hoping that his new cousin would be well soon.


The next few days were hectic and full of activity. Pippin almost stopped breathing once, two days after Merry and his mum had arrived, and Merry was beside himself with worry. He had been allowed to hold the baby a few times and had sat very still while his Uncle Paladin or his mum helped him support Pippin. One afternoon Merry had been sitting quietly, just watching the baby, when Pippin started to gasp for breath and his face turned blue.

The healer snatched Pippin out of Paladin and Merry`s arms and beat him on the back and did all sorts of frightening things so that Merry was sure Pippin would break, but his wee cousin was fighting with all his might and after a little while he was breathing just fine again.

Paladin held Merry tight in his arms as the little hobbit stared at the healer`s ministrations with huge, frightened eyes. Merry wanted to help and reached out for Pippin as the healer took him away.

“Sssh, Merry. There`s nothing we can do to help,” Paladin said in a sad and resigned voice and hugged the scared child closer, burying his nose in Merry`s curls while trying to hold back his own tears and failing.

As Merry felt something dampen his curls, he squirmed around a little and looked up at his uncle. Paladin looked just as frightened as Merry felt, and he had tears in his eyes. Merry`s own tears started then and he gave a little whimper and hugged his uncle desperately.

“Sssh Merry-lad. It will be all right. He`ll make it, you`ll see.” Paladin tightened his hold on Merry and stroked his curls, softly reassuring the child.

Later in the day Merry was allowed to sit with his auntie for a while, and he told her about all the expectations he had for Pippin when he was stronger and older so they could play and be best friends. Eglantine was sitting up in bed and Merry had climbed up beside her to better talk to her.

“You already love him, don`t you Merry-dear?” Eglantine said.

“Yes,” Merry nodded. He didn`t have words for all these feelings that bubbled inside of him, but he recognised them as something he felt for his mum and da and Frodo, and also the family at Whitwell. Still, there was something else he felt for Pippin, it was some sort of bond that couldn`t be broken, something Merry had never felt before, not even with Frodo. Merry just knew that Pippin was very special to him, more than anyone else.

“I`m sure he feels it Merry. He knows you already I think,” Eglantine said, taking Merry in her lap and hugging him.

“Do you think so?” Merry said, snuggling close to his favourite aunt.

“Yes. He is comfortable and at peace in your arms and he stops fidgeting and looks right at you, as if he already knows that the two of you are best friends.” Merry thought about this information for a while, before he looked up at his aunt and solemnly said: “I promise to be a good lad and always watch out for him.”

“I am sure you will Merry,” Eglantine said, touched. “I am sure you will.”


And I have tried my best, Merry thought as Pippin stepped back. Merry was called forth and knelt before Čomer and swore his own oath. As he stepped back beside Pippin he smiled at him before pulling him into a hug. He was so proud he could burst. Pippin laughed and hugged back. Knighting might still be not their way of doing things, but it did not seem such a bad thing after all.


As the celebration began, and the mess tent filled with people, Elfhelm, the čored leader, took Merry aside and said, “Master Holbytla. I owe you an apology.”

“Why is that?” Merry said, curious.

“Well, I did call you both Tree-root and Master Bag didn`t I? And I apologize because you certainly are a doughty warrior and no tree-root or bag! You have shown that you have great valour and that you are brave and capable of deeds I would not have thought a holbytla capable of when I saw you at first.” Elfhelm said seriously.

“There is nothing to apologize for. I only did what I could really.” Merry said.

“Your modesty does you credit, but you set your blade in the Witch-king of Angmar, one of the great deeds of the age. I would that I had spoken differently, and not in jest.”

“Do not worry,” Merry said. “We hobbits tend to speak lightly in times of trouble, so I certainly took no offence. And as to the Witch-king, it was only good fortune that I was overlooked. Had it not been so I would not have been able to aid Čowyn, and then things might have ended worse. Think no more of it and come sit with us.”

Elfhelm thanked Merry, bowing low. Merry found this curious, not realising that he now outranked the Marshal, but put it out of his mind and took Elfhelm over to where Pippin sat with Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf. Aragorn had disappeared to check on Frodo and Sam, but would be back later. Merry introduced Elfhelm, and at that moment Beregond came with drinks for them all.

“I suppose our heroes are thirsty,” he said, handing out mugs of ale or wine to everyone. Pippin giggled a little, giddy with excitement about all that was happening. He was trying to act grown up and wise, but he was too happy to be up and about and to see Merry honoured and to join in the celebration that he cared little for the occasional giggle that escaped his lips.

“I don`t understand you Big People,” he said, looking at Beregond as the man sat down beside him. “We`re just ordinary hobbits really, Merry and I.”

“Yes, yes,” Beregond laughed. He had had this discussion with Pippin before and had become quite fond of his little friend over the short time they had known each other. “Drink up now!” He toasted Pippin and then there were toasts for Merry and for the end of the war and to the Ring-bearers and every other topic they could think of, and there was much laughter and merriment all around.

Pippin soon tired though, and Merry caught him wavering in his chair. “I think you`d better be off to bed now Pip. You`ve had a very exciting day you know, and tomorrow might be just as exciting I think, if Aragorn is right about Frodo and Sam waking up.” His own arm ached a little and he felt tired himself, if he really was to be honest about it.

Pippin looked at his cousin through sleepy eyes and nodded reluctantly. “All right, Merry.” To the others at the table he said “We`re off to bed now. Merry needs to rest – “

“Hoy!” Merry said indignantly. The others laughed, but he felt their searching glances, and wondered if he looked as tired as he felt.

“You do, and that`s that.” Pippin continued, hugging Merry briefly in reassurance before continuing. “Thank you, all of you. Thank you for everything.”

“It is we who thank you,” Elfhelm said, rising and bowing low. “For all that you have done for Middle-earth.” Beregond rose beside him, and bowed low too. “Have a good rest. And I, too, thank you.”

As the hobbits started off to bed, Aragorn came back to the table and instead of sitting down he accompanied Merry and Pippin back to their tent. There he helped Pippin out of his finery and into a nightshirt. Merry helped tuck Pippin snugly into his bed and sat down beside him. “Sleep well, my hero.” He kissed Pippin`s brow and hugged him as tight as he dared.

Pippin sighed in relief as he was tucked in, his bones aching a lot more than he wanted to admit. He hugged Merry back and reached up to tilt Merry`s head down and kiss his brow. “Sleep well, Merry my dear.”

Pippin fell asleep almost immediately and Merry sat watching his cousin for several long moments.

“Aren`t you going to bed too Merry?” Aragorn finally said softly. “Do you need any help?” He glanced at Merry`s right hand, resting on Pippin`s covers.

“No, thank you, and yes, I am.” Merry rose from Pippin`s cot and went to make himself ready to sleep. As he lay down, Aragorn put the covers up about him, but Merry grasped his hand as he rose to go.


“Yes Merry?”

“How are they, Frodo and Sam I mean?”

“I think they will wake up tomorrow or the day after at the latest.”

“That is good, then. Sam has missed his birthday, but I wouldn`t want him to wait too long before he can celebrate it. He does deserve a grand celebration, don`t you think?”

“He does deserve that. And Frodo too.” Aragorn said.

“Yes, Frodo too.” Merry said almost musingly, before he looked his friend straight in the eye. “Will they be well?”

“I hope so, Merry. I really do, but I can`t say for certain how they are until they wake up. The healing sleep does them much good though, and I think that they will be well. Physically at least. They have endured much.”

Merry nodded, and grasped Aragorn’s hand a bit tighter, trying to screw up his courage to voice his next question. “Will Pippin be completely well?” Merry finally asked. “Or will he have to live his life crippled from his injuries?”

“I believe he will be completely well, and so will you Merry. Your own arm will probably trouble you for some time, and Pippin will likely feel his bones ache if he overdoes things, or perhaps when the weather changes. But you will both be well. It is a great promise to make, I know, and I also know that hobbits take promises very seriously and I would not speak thus if I did not believe it to be true. Sleep now, Merry, and rest peacefully while you can. Tomorrow is another day and maybe you will wake up to find Frodo and Sam awake.”

With that he tucked the blankets firmly in about the half-asleep Knight of Rohan and kissed his brow. “Sleep well, my friend.”

And Merry slept, with hope for better times for his cousins, friends and himself.


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