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Healed  by shirebound

Chapter Note:  Tinúviel is Elvish for ‘nightingale’.



Chapter 3 -- Heart Song

The merry voice of Pippin came to him.  He was running on the green turf and singing.  The Fellowship of the Ring


“I think it will be tonight,” Pippin said.  He leaned on the ship’s rail, gazing at the brilliant sunset with its clouds tinged in pink, purple, and gold.  “I just feel it.”

Merry nodded.  “Yes, there’s... something.  I feel it, too.”  He turned to look at his cousin and dearest friend.  “We’ll be children again,” he said in awe.  “No more aches and pains, no more feeling so tired, that---”

Pippin chuckled.  “You always did want to learn more Elvish.”

“Bilbo is now truly the longest-lived hobbit in history,” Merry mused.

“And Frodo will grow to be the tallest of us, again,” Pippin smiled.  “What a shame -- I’ve enjoyed being the tallest.”

“Second tallest,” Merry grinned.

“Dear Frodo,” Pippin sighed.  “How I’ve missed him.”

“I can still hardly believe this is happening,” Merry said softly.  He touched his cousin’s face, creased with age.  “I remember what you looked like when you were a toddler.”  He grinned.  “And I remember what you were like.  The Elves will have to put you on a leash to keep you out of mischief.”

“I’ll have company,” Pippin chuckled.  He looked into Merry’s eyes.  “Will we remember anything from... before?”

“You know we won’t,” Merry reminded him gently.

“Will you and I remember each other?”

“Of course!” Merry replied, astonished.

“How can you be certain?”

“Pippin,” Merry said with utter certainty, “we will know each other.  How could we not?”

Pippin smiled and leaned his forehead against his cousin’s.  “You’re right,” he whispered.  “How could we not?”


“Frodo’s dreams are quite astonishing,” Celebrían said.   She and her mother sat beneath Celeborn, the revered white tree of Tol Eressëa, the remains of a picnic spread around them.  “He knew there was a special tree growing here, and has been begging to see it.”

“The gifts that are part of his essence have been greatly magnified,” Galadriel agreed.  “It is true of all three of them.  Frodo dreamed of the tree, but it is Sam who recognizes its uniqueness...”

“...and Bilbo who will craft a poem about it,” Celebrían smiled.  “I suspect that Sam is learning our tongue so quickly to ensure that he will not miss a word of Bilbo’s fanciful tales.”

“Bri,” Bilbo asked, running up to them, “Sam wants to know if he can take a bit of the tree home with us -- to plant and watch grow.”

“Bilbo,” Celebrían laughed, “I believe you would rather run than do anything -- even eat.”

“I can do both,” the child grinned.  He grabbed three large strawberries from a bowl and ran back to where Frodo and Sam were lying on their bellies in the grass, examining some flowers.

“It is Yavanna who would need to give permission to disturb the tree,” Galadriel mused.  “Perhaps...”

“So you believe that even the Valar would be charmed by our little ones?” Celebrían chuckled.  “And there will soon be two others.  Tell me more about them.”

“Merry, as I knew him, was thoughtful and courageous.  He had a true and valiant heart.  As for Pippin...”  Galadriel smiled.  “When I last saw him, he was not yet an adult, as the hobbits reckon age.  Do you remember when Frodo arrived here... the lightness of his spirit and innocent nature?  Pippin is much like him.”

“I will hold him to my heart, and Merry -- as I do these three.”  Celebrían gazed at Frodo thoughtfully.  “Frodo says that his ‘new friend Pippin’ sings to him in his dreams, and that Merry is ‘very smart’.  He’s been so excited, and now Sam and Bilbo are as eager as he to bring Pippin and Merry into our family.  I did not know that a mortal could dream with such clarity.”

“He sees far, even when awake,” Galadriel said.  “It will serve him well.  His explorations will take him in many new directions, and he will light his own way.  Frodo may well learn things about our realm even we do not know.”

“Speaking of light, what became of the phial you gave him?” Celebrían asked curiously.  “I have heard much about it.”

“Frodo brought it with him, but when he grew younger aboard ship he remembered nothing of it.  I have kept it safe.  We will give it back to him, someday, when it is time.”

“Bri!”  Frodo came up to them, trailed by Sam and Bilbo.  “We should start back.”

“The ship is close?” Celebrían asked.

Frodo nodded.

Galadriel opened her arms, and Frodo tumbled into them, laughing.  “What do you have there, dear one?” she asked.  Frodo opened his hand and displayed a small, golden blossom.  “It is called elanor,” she told him.

“Can we plant some by the house?” Sam asked.

May we,” Celebrían corrected automatically, then smiled at the eager youngster.  “You may.”

As they returned home, Celebrían and Galadriel walked serenely, talking quietly, while the three children ran and laughed, playing ‘tag’.   It was a walk of several miles, and when little Sam grew tired, Celebrían carried him, singing softly, until he fell asleep in her arms.

Galadriel smoothed back a lock of her daughter’s golden hair.  “You are happy,” she murmured.

“Yes,” Celebrían replied.  “I long to see my own children, and always will -- but the hobbits have helped to heal my heart.  I could not love them more.”


Each ship that arrived from Middle-earth was met by joyous crowds, and this time Elrond and his family waited.

“Merry and Pippin will not remember us,” Galadriel said to Elrond, “but I look forward to seeing them again.”

“There they are,” Gandalf said.

Two very young hobbits walked hesitantly down the ramp, an Elf behind them with a gentle hand on each of their shoulders.  Merry clung fiercely to Pippin’s hand, and looked wary.

Celebrían felt tears running down her cheeks.  Before each of the five hobbit children arrived, she had dreamed of them, had felt their spirit and embraced them in her heart.  These two would complete her family, she knew.

“Merry’s scared,” Frodo whispered.

“Why?” Sam asked.  “Did something scare him?”

“Come on,” Bilbo urged.  “Let’s say hello.”

“Wait,” Elrond said softly.  “Frodo, why is Merry scared?”

“He doesn’t think anyone can take care of Pippin as well as he can.  He thinks they’ll be separated.”  Frodo smiled suddenly.  “Pippin just wants a nap.”

Bilbo looked at him curiously.  “How do you know that?”

“I...” Frodo shook his head.  “I just know.”

“Go to them, Frodo,” Gandalf advised.  “You will know what to do.”

“Come on,” Frodo said.  He and Bilbo walked forward, but Sam ran ahead impatiently.

“Hello,” Sam said to Merry.  “You don’t have to be scared.”

“I’m not,” Merry said stubbornly, but pulled Pippin closer to him.  The three children before him looked familiar -- as if images from a dream he couldn’t quite remember.  This whole place... everything seemed familiar, somehow.  Welcoming.  But...

“There’s nothing to be scared of,” the older, dark-haired child said.  Frodo.  Merry suddenly found a name in his mind.  Such bright, blue eyes... I know you, don’t I?

“Pippin,” Frodo said softly.  The tiny child looked up at him, and Frodo realized that Gandalf was right -- he did know what to do.  He began to sing -- a simple song, of green hills and laughing rivers that Pippin had sung to him over and over in a dream.  Pippin laughed, although he didn’t know what was making him so suddenly happy.  On an impulse, he wriggled his hand out of Merry’s and held up his arms.  Frodo lifted the child and hugged him close, continuing to sing.

Just then, a brilliantly-colored bird in a nearby tree began to sing as well, a high-pitched trill which captivated all five children.  Bilbo held up one hand, and the bird flew down and landed on his finger.  “Hold up your hand,” he whispered to Merry, and the tiny bird hopped onto Merry’s finger.

Merry stared at the bird in amazement.  “Hello,” he whispered.

Pippin bounced in Frodo’s arms, his eyes dancing.  His attempts to whistle along with the bird brought smiles to everyone’s face -- even Merry’s.  Celebrían could wait no longer, and came to join the children, Elrond following close behind.

Elrond crouched down and looked into Merry’s eyes.  “We will help you love and care for Pippin,” he reassured the child.  His voice was gentle, loving... and Merry felt a peaceful calm fill him.  “You will never be separated, Merry,” Elrond continued.  “Everything is going to be all right.”

“Come, dear ones,” Celebrían said.  “You have had a very long trip.  Let us start for home.”  She smiled down at the children, who both smiled back.

“Bird?” Pippin asked hopefully.

“He may accompany us, if he will,” Elrond laughed.  He looked at the small creature, still clinging to a delighted Merry’s finger.  “Tinúviel,” he whispered, “thank you for this gift.”  And the bird tilted its head at him and burst into even more joyous song.

** TBC **

Ainu Laire:  Believe me, I’m honored when an Aragorn-girl will read one of my stories even when he’s not in it.  (Maybe you’ll be the one to write about toddler-Aragorn!)

angelsflame265:  I’m with you -- it would just be too sad for Sam and Frodo not to somehow know each other.

aprilkat:  Yes, it’s fun to continue the idea that Bilbo and Frodo are older than Sam, Merry, and Pippin, even in this universe.

Auntiemeesh:  And even more hobbit toddlers!  The Blessed Realm will never be the same.

Bodkin:  It’s interesting trying to describe hobbits from an Elf’s POV -- Celebrían senses the hobbits’ essence/Song/true being, and celebrates their “gifts” and spirit.

Breon Briarwood:  Awww, Breon all melted.  (What a compliment.)

Caroly:  I’m glad my concept of time seeming to pass differently, in different places, makes sense.  It was obvious from the books that time felt different in Rivendell and Lórien, and I always thought it might be just a taste of what the Blessed Realm was like.

Connie B:  Elrond and Celebrían were rather tragic figures, so it’s a joy to give them “a new life” as well.

Coolio02:  Glad you’re enjoying! Sorry,  I won’t be writing about toddler-Aragorn -- this story is just about the hobbits.

cpsings4him:  What can I do, cp?  Hobbit toddlers are just too adorable not to write about!  (as you know)

Dreaminoflorien:  You can take the wee!hobbits home, if I get to come visit them!

Elven Kitten:  I’m afraid there’s more cuteness to come -- I hope you can endure it somehow.

Erisinia:  Can I skip with you?  There’s nothing like happy hobbitses!

La Sylphide:  Toddler Gimli is a fascinating idea, but this story is just about the hobbits.  As for why Pippin and Merry were given permission to sail... well, that’s part of the AU, I suppose.  I wish I could give a logical explanation, canon-wise, but it’s just a premise I’m enjoying exploring.  Let’s assume that you’re right -- it’s a reward for service, selfless and true.  :)

Lily the Hobbit:  Thank you so much, Lily.  This story brings me joy, as well.

lindahoyland:  I’m rather stuck in a “sweet” mode these days!  Happy hobbits make me happy.

LinweP:  I’m glad you’re enjoying the story.  Some friendships are just ‘meant to be’, no matter the circumstances.

lovethosehobbits:  These “little guys” make me smile, too, tree!  Hobbit love...

Maura Labingi:  Toddler hobbits, Maura!  I’m just as in love as you are.

Meldewen Ilce:  I just couldn’t imagine a world where Frodo and Sam wouldn’t be friends -- it’s just meant to be.  And it’s fun to figure out how a person’s ‘natural gifts’ would evolve in a totally new life, and new environment.

Nivina:  When something I write makes someone feel happy and peaceful, it brings me such joy, Nivvy!

Pasha ToH:  How could Frodo and Sam not somehow recognize each other, if only from their dreams?  I just couldn’t imagine such a thing.

Pearl Took:  In canon (even though I’ve broken it to bits in this story), when Sam sailed West it was after Rosie had passed away, and I assume that Pippin and Merry didn’t take their final ride south to Gondor until their wives had passed, as well.  (In other words, no -- I don’t plan to have the wives join the little family.  I’ll leave that scenario to someone else to write, someday!)

Scifi Kane:  Thank you!  And please give your little sister a hug from me (and the hobbits).

smalldiver:  Oh my, if these stories are making you this happy, I must continue writing them!  Since -- in this AU universe -- mortals must become children before sailing West, I assume that Gimli would go through the transformation as well, but this story is just about the hobbits.

Sorrowful Eagle:  Thank you for such lovely comments.

Vilya0:  I’m not entirely certain how old the hobbits are when they first arrive -- probably around age 3.  I suspect, though, that they mature quickly -- both mentally and emotionally -- being around such patient, wise teachers as Elves and wizards.  From what I’ve read, the Elves in the West speak Quenya -- either in its original version, or slightly modified from the original as Elves from Middle-earth brought West their own variations of Elvish.


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