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He Loses Us Both  by lilpippin

Disclaimer: I do not, never did, and never will own anything having to do with LotR.

My Sources of Hope:

I hold Elladan in my arms rocking him back and forth as Elrond and Erestor set up his bed next to Elrohir's. Elrond is weary. He knows what is on the line, but he is unsure of himself. He needs to be strong. It is the only thing that can help the twins now.

             I look into Elladan's pale face. It is still tear-stained. My own face is still tear-stained too; I have not stopped crying. I may cry softly on the outside, but my insides scream in despair. The young ones have brought such joy into my life, I can't lose them now. I remember when they were still babies, and they would play with my golden braids. That is until they met Legolas and realized I was not the only elf with golden hair. I was surprised that they didn't realize their own mother's hair was golden.

            "Amme's is Yellow, Glorfi! Not Golds!" Elladan had said fondly with that small child's chuckle that makes me want to hug them and give them tons of ginger cookies. Now that I think about it, Celebrķan's hair is more of a yellow color rather than gold.

                   I was so scared for them when they were younger. They were accident prone and the way I acted when they got hurt you would have thought I was their father! They often got hurt, falling out of trees, that kind of thing, nothing serious.

          And then there were the times that they pulled their twin pranks on us; switching places, trying to be the same twin, that kind of stuff. I realize now that if they pulled that these days, they wouldn't get away with it. I have developed a sense of who is who. My wonderful elflings, please do not despair!

                   Elladan's bed is ready. As I start to get up to put him down, I realize, I do not want to let him go yet. I want to hold him for a little while longer. Elrond nods, almost mechanically, and I sit back down. Elrohir is awake and has seen most of what is going on, he, however, can not comprehend it. His mind is clouded by the fever that is slowly killing him.

            Elladan didn't know how to handle the situation and Elrohir doesn't either. Elladan's grief was too much to bear. Maybe if I had not stopped him from letting his anger out, this would never had happened! Maybe if I had just let him destroy the target, he would not be here, dying, right now!

           Elrond re-enters to give Elrohir some herbs that are supposed to help him breath properly. He seems to know that something bothers me. Of course he does, he's known me for a long time and has learned my habits.

           "It was not your fault, Glorfindel." He says, his sparkling eyes digging into mine.

            "But I made him remember his grief! If I had just let him shoot, he probably would have been fine!"

            "Either way his grief would have consumed him. The anger was only a temporary escape." I lower my eyes, unable to meet Elrond's gaze.

             "Do not lose hope, my friend."

              He is right. Elrohir and Elladan need my strength and love right now. The least I can do is give it to them. I stand up and lower Elladan onto the bed. Elrohir realizes that his brother is not well. He is worried.

           "What's w-wrong w-with 'Dan?" he asks weakly his voice wavering. Oh, little elfling, if only you knew!

           "You need to get better young one," I say, "Elladan's fate is in your hands." His eyes get wide before they slowly close from exhaustion. Elrond puts a wet cloth onto his brow to dull the fever. I kiss what is left of his covered forehead.

           "Sleep, young one. Save your strength"

          I then do the same with Elladan. My two sources of hope hold on, please! Imladris needs you, your father needs you, and I need you.

Authors notes: Thanks to anyone who reviews and who has already. I appreciate the compliments and constructive criticism. Thanks! Please R&R

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