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Chain Reaction  by Estelle

Round Robin
Chapter 4

"Legolas!" The mental scream pulled the elf prince from the blackness he had almost given in to.

"Aragorn," Legolas whispered to the winds. Knowing that, if he sat still any longer, he would fall into the black hole that so desperately wanted to claim him, he prepared himself to rise. Yet his body refused to rise from the ground upon which it sat. Sighing to himself, Legolas began to replay how he had come to be in this mess.

He had been heading to Rivendell to go on a hunting trip with Aragorn, though the trip would be set back for a week or two while Aragorn healed from his injury. As he was crossing the Misty Mountains, a pack of wolves had attacked him. He was able to hold them off with his arrows, but too soon, he had run out. And the wolves kept coming.

Knowing that he was in trouble, he had quickly turned and run. Pulling out his blades, he slashed at any wolves that came to close to him. Too late, however, he found the wolves had herded him to the edge of a ravine. He turned to fight, waiting for them to make their move. One wolf came at him from the right, and as he turned to defend himself, two more attacked him from behind. With a speed to which most could not compare, Legolas spun and slashed at them as well.

However, this move caused him to lose his balance; and the next thing he knew, he was falling. He felt himself hit the ground below--and then nothing. When he had come to, he had found himself in his current condition, and made for the trees.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he paused as he heard a noise coming towards him. Knowing he could not defend himself against an attack, but not being one to turn from a fight, Legolas once again tried to get to his feet. This time he was able, unable to hold in a cry of pain. Leaning heavily against the tree, he pulled out his blades and waited.

Soon someone came into the clearing, and before Legolas could attack, an arrow shot out, hitting him directly in the arm. Crying out, he let go of the tree and fell to the ground. Knowing that this time that he would be unable to stop the darkness from taking him, he gave in. Just before he passed out, he heard words that struck pure terror into his heart:

"This one will fetch a fine price on the slave block."


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