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Vows  by songspinner

Disclaimer: The usual

Disclaimer: The usual...these characters don't belong to me but to J.R.R. Tolkien, New Line, Peter, Fran, and Philippa. I make no profit from this story except any positive feedback that happens to wander in my direction. Please review!


Author's note - This is a combination of book and movieverse, a sequel to another story of mine, "Promises" (archived at Stories of Arda), and makes reference to events in "Firelight" (Marigold's Challenge #3). But it can stand on its own.



By songspinner

Pippin was fidgeting as he listened to Legolas' instructions, but Merry decided that this wasn't the time to chastise his cousin for such things. The older hobbit was simply so happy to see his Pippin up and around that he settled for watching in amusement.

"And then you must kneel before him, in token of service and respect. He will tap his sword upon your shoulders and the crown of your head and make his declaration."

"Oh, but Legolas," Pippin said, worried. "I do not think that I will be able to kneel properly. My leg..." His words trailed off woefully.

The elf smiled down at his friend. "I do apologize, Pippin. Actually, I spoke with Faramir earlier. He suggested that you did he put it? That you were already the proper height when standing and that bowing your head would do nicely."

Merry fought back a laugh. "That seems a good compromise, Pip. We may still have a few more moments of feeling small before we return to the Shire and tower over our friends and family." He frowned as Pippin's face grew paler, still-fading bruises showing up a bit more clearly. "What is it? Are you in pain? Perhaps you rose from your bed too soon. Shall I get Aragorn?"

Pippin leaned back against the stones of the chamber wall where they waited. "No, no. I just...I wish Frodo and Sam were here for this, Merry."


"And part of me," Pippin added, "wishes that my parents and Bilbo could see this."

"Uncle Paladin would be proud of you. I know he would, and Bilbo will be when he's told." Merry answered softly, moving to lean next to his cousin.

"And I do understand, Pip. I want Frodo and Sam to wake and be well soon as much as you."

"It feels, wrong, somehow, to be honoured like this when so many did not live. And when Frodo and Sam lie there on that bed, thin and pale and still." Pippin murmured hoarsely.

Merry sighed and took Pippin's hand in his good one gripping it gently. "But you are alive and they are alive, and they'll wake soon, Aragorn said. And Gandalf agreed with him, so we know they telling the truth. When they wake, they will be honoured by all."

Legolas, who had waited silently at the window to give the cousins time alone, rejoined them. "They shall be ready for us soon, I think."

"Where is Gimli?" Pippin asked, glancing at the door.

"I believe that he is fetching something. He will be here when it is time, never fear."

A knock on the door, which startled everyone (except of course the elf) preceded Beregond's entrance into the room. "Peregrin, are you ready? The ceremony will start in a few moments. He has given permission for me to attend."

Merry watched as Pippin let go of his cousin and pushed away from the wall to clasp hand and arm with the tall Guard.

"I'm glad you're to be there. It will be nice to have a good memory that matches that throne room, you know." Pippin remarked, tilting his head to look up at Beregond. "I shall face Faramir instead of his father this time, and true smiles and words in place of false and dark confidences."

Staring at his younger cousin with a mixture of wonder and sadness, Merry wondered which moment during their separation had been the final one. The one when Pippin had left most of his childhood behind.

"I only wish I still had the sword with which his brother trained me." Pippin continued ruefully. "Boromir was forever reminding me to keep hold of my sword when he was teaching us."

"I suspect that Boromir would forgive you, seeing as the blade was lost both in and under a troll." Beregond answered the hobbit with a smile. "And I know that he would be pleased to see you being made a knight of his city."

"Ready, then?" Merry inquired, and was glad to see the familiar light return to Pippin's eyes.

"Yes, dear cousin. Am I presentable?" Pippin quipped.

Merry rolled his eyes. "Yes, just as much as the last time you asked me. And you and Frodo are forever accusing me of vanity." He ostentatiously straightened his own tunic just to be able to hear the familiar, sweet sound of Pippin's laughter. Then he ducked the predictable swat aimed in his direction, slung an arm around the younger hobbit's shoulder, and steered him in the direction of the door.

As they approached the great doors to the throne room, Gimli fell into step with them. The dwarf carried a bundle wrapped in black cloth under his arm, and he clapped a hand onto Pippin's shoulder hard enough to make him stumble a little. "Let's not keep the Steward waiting, lad," the dwarf said to the young hobbit.

The guards at the entrance pushed open the huge and heavy doors and they went in. Gandalf was first of course, as he'd been waiting with Aragorn, and then Legolas and Gimli came next, followed by the hobbits.

Merry, who hadn't seen the room before, found his eyes going wide to see the newly decorated hall. Bright banners hung all around and sunshine streamed through the polished window glass from high above. Aragorn and Faramir stood before the dais and to Merry's surprise, Eomer stood with them. All three were dressed informally, but wore circlets of silver in token of their status and had their swords at their sides.

Pippin, quivering with excitement and the emotion of the moment, had to be pushed forward a bit by Merry. They walked down the length of the hall toward their friends, and Merry noticed the soldiers who had gathered along the sides of the hall. From the smiles and pride on their faces, he assumed they were Pippin's fellow Guards and soldiers from the recent battles, although he saw a few others including Bergil. The lad was eagerly bouncing next to his father in a fair imitation of his hobbit friend.

Stopping in front of the three leaders, the five members of the Fellowship bowed their heads in formal greeting. Inclining his head in return, Faramir solemnly gestured for

Pippin to join him. "Come forward, Peregrin Took, son of Paladin." Faramir said, his clear voice ringing out as he held out his hand. Pippin did as he was bid, moving slowly and still with a limp. He bent a little to kiss the ring on Faramir's hand and Merry could see the turmoil on his cousin's face.

Faramir reached down, though, and raised Pippin's chin so that the hobbit could look him in the eye. "Deeds valiant and courageous, my friend, and saving my life was the least of them, I think. While I still hold this city for its rightful King, I would reward those who have given so much. Courage takes many forms, as you and I both know, and as my brother knew."

Merry saw a long and serious look pass between Faramir and Pippin, and then the Steward accepted Aragorn's sword. Pippin bowed his head as he had been instructed. Then Faramir touched Pippin lightly on each shoulder and on his head with the flat of Anduril's blade before returning the sword to its rightful owner. "I declare thee to be a Knight of Gondor, with all the honours and duties that role maintains. Be sworn to me on the sword you carried into battle, if you will." And Faramir smiled at Pippin's confused expression.

Gimli stepped forward, uncovering his bundle, which was revealed to be Pippin's sword, now repaired and polished. "I thought perhaps this would do, Peregrin Took. I took the liberty of repairing what damage was done to it by orcs, men, and trolls."

Gandalf chuckled behind them, and put a companionable hand on Merry's shoulder. Together, they and Legolas saw Pippin take the sword from the dwarf with shaking hands and caress its gleaming hilt. With a deep breath, the younger hobbit drew the short sword and held it across his palms.

"Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor. In peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me." Pippin's voice remained steady and Merry's heart felt as though it would burst with pride to see his cousin so matured and honoured. He knew, from what Pippin had told him, how much it cost the younger hobbit to repeat that vow again, how much terror and sorrow had gone with it the first time. Merry thought to himself then that Pippin's courage was just as evident now as it had been at the battles he had survived.

"I do accept your vows, Sir Peregrin, son of Thain Paladin of the Shire. May you live long and serve our realm well." Faramir ended the ceremony formally and knelt to embrace Pippin heartily.

"And I, too, accept your vows." Aragorn added as he stepped forward and Faramir released Pippin and moved aside. "When I come to the throne of Gondor, your fealty and service will pass to me, and I will welcome it with joy, Sir Peregrin."

At a whoop of joy that sounded rather as though it came from Bergil, the soldiers and Guards began cheering their smallest comrade and many crowded around to congratulate him. Merry had to wait a moment or two before he could get anywhere near Pippin. When he finally did, he pulled Pippin into a tight hug "I am so proud of you, Pip," he whispered into his cousin's pointed ear.

Somehow in all the excitement, Merry had failed to notice the Riders gathered to one side of the hall, standing at Eomer's side. So he was somewhat taken aback when Eomer took his arm and led him to stand at the front of the assembled horsemen.

"Meriadoc son of Saradoc." Eomer intoned with a twinkle in his eye. "You took oath as squire to Theoden King, my uncle. As squire, you fought for his life and that of my sister, without regard to your own. Although it will be some days before I formally take the throne of Rohan, I have some power now. Will you recreate that vow with me as your liege today and allow me to create you Knight and Rider?

Eyes wide and heart pounding, Merry looked over to see Pippin's affectionate smile being echoed on the faces of all his friends. Then he dared to look up and saw the horsemen waiting for his response.

"I...yes. I will, my lord." He managed to get an answer out coherently and felt rather proud of that. Thinking back to that moment when he'd sworn oath to Theoden, Merry smiled. Those words would do just fine now as well, he decided. But then he frowned. "I do not have a sword, sir. I have lost both I carried since leaving the Shire. One went missing when we ran from the Orcs who held us captive, and one was...well, it was destroyed when Eowyn and I attacked the Witch-King." In the back of his mind, Merry found himself wondering exactly when he'd got so used to carrying a sword that not having one felt as though something was lacking. Surely that was not proper for a hobbit...

Eomer nodded. "Both were lost in valiant fighting as I have been told, so I give you this one as successor to those."

Eowyn came forward and held out a small sword, decorated with decorative knotwork and horses. In gestures familiar to both of them, she knelt to buckle the sword to Merry's belt, her unbound hair falling forward and around to curtain both their faces in shielding intimacy. Then she leant her forehead gently against his for a moment while her brother drew his own great sword.

"Receive my service if you will, Lord Eomer." Merry said formally, pulling away from his beloved friend and kneeling before the Horse Lord. He felt the sword's touch on his shoulders and head and heard it slide back into the leather sheath. When he finally raised his head, he saw in Eomer's eyes that the other remembered as well, confirmed in the response he made.

"Gladly will I take it." Eomer replied. "Rise, Sir Meriadoc of Rohan, of the household of Meduseld! Take your sword and bear it into good fortune. With peace and happiness always, I hope, my friend."

Merry rose and clasped his hand to Eomer's forearm, and the man returned the gesture with a nod of his head. As he stepped back, Merry braced himself against the onslaught of congratulatory backslaps and hand-claspings, not the least of which was Pippin's enthusiastic embrace and kiss.

Gandalf eventually made his way to them, and as Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli stepped back, the wizard laid one hand on Merry's head and one on Pippin's. "You have both done the Shire proud, you know, and Frodo and Sam will think so too."

And somehow that made it all worthwhile, Merry thought, and whispered that into Pippin's ear. The tightening grip of Pippin's hand on his cousin's was all the answer he needed. Now, all they had to do was wait.




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