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Where Roses Grow  by PIppinfan1988

Chapter Thirty-Four - The Verge of Love

The following day when Pippin woke up, he felt better than he had in days--aside from a slight crick in his neck from the couch pillows, he felt good. He got up, massaging his neck as he meandered towards the window in the back of the room near the eating table. Gazing out the window, he saw the sun shining brightly among a few white, puffy clouds--as if daring the hobbits to venture out into the cheery spring day. Pippin pondered the fresh, green hues of the lovely outdoors as his thoughts went back to the evening before--inside the common room at Tuckborough’s inn--to what his own father said about taking an infant Pearl to the Smials’ gardens to show off. Pippin smiled; why break family tradition? He and Lilas would be extra careful with Rosebud, dressing her warmly in blankets--complete with a bonnet trimmed in lace. He abandoned his contemplation of the garden when he heard the bedroom door open up.

“Good morning, Pippin.” Pippin thought his mother looked rather tired, having stayed up most of the night doing his fatherly duties with Rosebud.

“Mother--” Pippin called to Eglantine in a soft voice, careful to not to disturb others who may still be sleeping. He met up with his mother at the outer door to the tunnel. Now face-to-face with her he suddenly became speechless, seeing the weariness in her hazel eyes. Pippin wrapped his arms around the hobbit-woman who had kissed his scraped knees, rocked him when he was ill, and dried his tears as a little boy. “Thank you.”

Once a mother, always a mother. Eglantine swept her lad’s curls out of his eyes, answering, “Your welcome, love.” She covered her mouth in a yawn, “Now for a bit of breakfast before going to bed.” She glanced out the window at the brilliant morning. “You might want to take Lilas out for a bit of fresh air. You can use one of the wheel chairs kept near the guest quarters if she is still sore.”

“I was just thinking of that,” said Pippin, smiling at her suggestion. “I also thought to take Rosebud with us for a bit.”

“Son--” Eglantine countered. Taking in a deep breath, she went on. “I don’t think Rosebud is old enough to go out in the bright sunshine. I am certain you won’t have any difficulties finding someone to watch over her for half and hour.”

“Well, I expect her to fuss a little, but she’ll be with her papa and momma. And I don’t think Lilas will leave the apartment without the baby.”

“Rosebud will fuss a lot,” the elder hobbit cautioned. Eglantine had been through this before--with the very “babe” who stood before her. “It’s not the outdoors she will not like, Pippin--it’s the brightness. She may still be a bit young for that.” Eglantine tried to persuade her son, but he was correct--Lilas probably wouldn’t go anywhere without the baby. “Use the pram your father and I gave her--that may help some.”

“I will. Sleep well, mother,” Pippin replied, closing the door softly as his mother left.

“The flowers are so beautiful, Pippin!” Lilas smiled, sniffing in the fresh air. She and Pippin sat upon a bench underneath the veranda nearest to the gate, with the pram between them. They alternately took turns to rock it in order to keep Rosebud asleep. The infant fussed a little at the bright sunshine until Lilas partially draped a light blanket over the pram-hood. Merry helped to take Lilas out to the gardens in a wheel chair while Pippin pushed baby Rosebud in the pram. Merry had walked on for a bit to give the young family some privacy.

The sunbeam stopped just shy of the shaded porch, allowing the tweens to warm their feet in the bit of sunshine. Pippin listened to the chirping of birds nesting in the thickets. “Yes they are--and they’re not completely in bloom yet. Just wait until the roses start budding!” he winked.

Lilas grinned in response, “We’ve got our own wee rosebud bloomin’ everyday.”

Pippin chuckled softly, “Yes we do!” He gazed his wife, watching her long auburn curls dancing in the gentle breeze. “Are you uncomfortable at all, Lilas?” Pippin asked.

After a moment of consideration, Lilas shook her head. “No. At first, when I looked at the stone bench, I thought I would be, but no.” She smiled, catching his gaze. “What are ye lookin’ at?”

“You--us, I suppose.”

“What about ‘us’?”

“I’m trying to imagine us both growing old and grey,” he answered. Months ago, he would have shuddered at the idea, but today…it seemed almost a pleasant thought.

Lilas smiled, “How many children did we have?”

Pippin squinted in thought, letting his imagination run wild. “Oh, I’d say at least four or five.” He laughed aloud then quickly stifled it, covering his mouth with his hand when Lilas’ eyes widened.

“Do I get any rest b’tween them?”

In mock seriousness, he answered, “Perhaps a year or two in between.”

Lilas smiled, watching two bumblebees buzzing round the garden, paying no heed to the hobbits. “I want lots of children, Pippin,” she said in a wistful voice, “Just as ye said. She felt Pippin take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

The couple’s attention was taken to the walkway in front of them. An elder cousin, Ferumbold--a Took from the Northfarthing (not to be confused with the North-tooks), came walking the garden path and met up with the shaded veranda. “My pardon, if you please,” he said, wiping the perspiration from his brow with his handkerchief. “It seems to be a bit warm for a brisk walk at midday. Perhaps I should have waited for the cool of evening.”

“Please join us for a bit, cousin,” Pippin invited him to sit down. “But before you do, I should like your most valuable opinion of this lovely babe in the pram. Isn’t she the most beautiful little lass you’ve ever seen?”

Cousin Ferumbold looked up as Pippin stood to his full four-foot-six-inches of height. This young hobbit was none other than the Thain’s son. Surely, he wouldn’t insult the lad with anything other than high praise for the babe. “Very lovely, lad--your daughter is a very beautiful!” Tucking his handkerchief into his pocket, the elder cousin walked on; too nervous to remain in the company of the new father--just in case the Pippin wasn’t satisfied with the tribute of compliments just paid.

“Do you get that?” said Pippin, sitting back down. “That hobbit is very well educated. One should think that he could have said something more lavish about Rosebud.”

“Pippin!” Lilas laughed, “That was the third hobbit ye stopped and nearly forced t’ say beautiful things about Rosebud. I guess I can’t blame ye, but what more could he have said?”

“My--er, I mean, our daughter is the most sweet, beautiful, extraordinary, clever lass in the entire world!”

Lilas smirked, “And yer Pa spent lots of money on yer learnin’ as well?” Pippin reached behind and pinched her backside.

“Well, Mister Took, I believe we had better get back inside.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because it’s almost time for Rosebud to nurse,” replied Lilas, pulling up a bit on the blanket to check on the baby. Rosebud was still sound asleep. Lilas rose from the bench to make her way towards the wheelchair, but Pippin intercepted her, wrapping his arms around her, giving her a tender hug. “Let’s do this again when you’re feeling a bit better.”

Lilas looked up into his clear green eyes, “I’d like that. I had fun this afternoon.” They met each other halfway in a soft kiss; however, Pippin felt her lips expressing more passion. Something stirred inside, prompting him to respond likewise. There, in the midst of the shaded veranda, the young couple kissed for a while before Lilas broke away. “We’d better get inside before I spring a leak!”

Pippin grinned with ruby red lips, “We don’t want that, now do we?” He helped his wife into the wheel chair then called out for Merry. After getting things all ready, pulling both pram and wheel chair around onto the pathway, Merry had still not arrived. “Merrrry!” he called out again.

This time, Merry ran up with Estella on his heels. Pippin noticed that both Merry and Estella also had ruby red lips. “Sorry, Pip!” Merry gasped, out of breath. “Estella just happened to be in the garden as well. Imagine that!”

“You’re winded,” Pippin smirked. “You have to come up for air every now and then, cousin!”

This time, Lilas reached round and pinched Pippin’s backside. “Don’t embarrass them, Pippin.”

“May we push Rosebud, Pippin?” asked Estella. “I promise to be careful.”

“Of course, Stella,” answered Pippin, letting his Bolger cousin take the pram handle. “What’s the magic word?”

Confused, Estella answered, “Please?” Pippin shook his head. Estella tried again, “Thank you?”

Lilas laughed, “No, Stella--he’s wantin’ ye t’ say Rosebud is beautiful and pretty and clever--that sort of thing.”

“Why didn’t you just say so!” Estella pulled up on the shading blanket a bit for a better look at the infant. “Hullo, sweet pumpkin! How are you today, huh? Beautiful day outside for a stunning wee lass! Is your dad behaving himself? No? We’ll just have to see about that.” On and on, Pippin smiled satisfactorily as Estella had a bit of conversation with Rosebud as she and Merry strolled next to one another, wheeling the pram towards the gate.

“How long do you give them?” Pippin asked, pushing Lilas in the wheel chair.

“About six months at the most before he proposes,” she answered, rubbing her neck. “Merry’s a bit shy with the lasses, isn’t he?”

“Sometimes, though I can tell he sees something special in Stella,” said Pippin. “I’m glad.”

“So am I,” added Lilas. “Especially since I introduced them.”

“Is there something wrong, Lilas? You keep rubbing your neck.”

“Oh,” Lilas took her hand away. “I’m feeling a bit achy, but I think I just need a nap. I was up late last night.”

Pippin slowed the wheel chair as he placed his hand on Lilas’ forehead, but couldn’t tell with the summer-like weather if she was feverish or not. “All right,” he conceded, “But I will ask you again later--after your nap--just to make certain that is indeed all you needed.”

Lilas took his hand in front of her, kissing it. “I love ye, Pippin.”

Pippin hesitated briefly before kissing her auburn locks as he pushed her from behind, “I love you, too.” Again, something stirred within; was he being sincere this time? Were Lilas’ dreams actually coming true?

After feeding Rosebud, Lilas ate a light lunch with Pippin before retiring to the bedroom for a nap. Pippin decided to bring the cradle out to the sitting room. Rosebud was lying inside it, doing her favorite activity; sleeping. Pippin lounged on the couch reading Adamanta’s book about raising willful Took children. His foot rested near one of the rocking arms as he read. Not too long ago his toes were occupied in gently swaying the cradle arm back and forth to help his daughter to sleep. Without realizing it, over two hours had passed when Rosebud began to awaken. Laying the book aside, Pippin sat up. “Awake, are we?” He smiled as he watched her place her fist up to her mouth--her tiny tongue searching for “something”. “Hungry already? I can tell that you’re going to eat me out of smial and home!” He reached inside, picking her up, careful to support her neck and back. “Hullo, love! Did you have a nice sleep?”

Rosebud continued with discovering the taste and “feel” of her fist.

Pippin leaned in to kiss her little forehead. “Cousin Ferumbold doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You are the most beautiful lass in the entire world--did you know that?” Rosebud listened to her papa’s soft voice, though still intrigued with her fist. “Papa loves you, Rosebud. Momma does too, but not as much as your Papa does. I happen to know that he will do anything for you. You want cake for your breakfast? Oh, and luncheon and supper, too? Yes, you may have all the cake that you want, whenever you want it--because you’re papa’s sweetheart.”

At the moment, Rosebud thought only one thing tasted better than her fist: Momma! She began to squirm as her tummy told her that it was empty again.

Pippin draped a dry nappy over his shoulder before lifting her up, “Let’s go see if momma is awake.” He got up from the couch, rubbing her little back as they walked, giving his baby daughter the most tender of hugs. Then he kissed her tiny ear as he opened the bedroom door. “Are you awake, Lilas?” To Pippin’s surprise, Lilas was still sound asleep. Almost always, she was up and awake before Rosebud was ready to nurse. “Lilas?” Pippin sat down on the side of the bed. Finally, he nudged Lilas awake, “Lilas, it’s time to nurse Rosebud.”

Lilas stirred when she felt her husband nudged her awake. She turned over, putting her hand to her neck again. “I’m sorry, Pippin,” she spoke in a weary voice. “I didn’t realize I was so sleepy.”

“How are you feeling, Lilas?” remembering his words to her earlier.

Lilas took a whimpering Rosebud as he handed the babe to her. Rosebud immediately stopped crying when Momma nuzzled her up to her breast. “Much the same; a bit achy and a bit of a headache, but I’m fine. It’ll pass.”

Pippin wasn’t so sure of it’s ‘passing’. He felt her forehead. “You’re warm.”

“No, actually, I’m a bit chilled,” Lilas replied stoically, stroking her daughter’s velvety curls. She spoke softly to a nursing--and quite comfortable Rosebud. “Did ye have sweet dreams, love? I can tell--yer eyes are smilin’. I love ye, Rosebud.”

Rosebud could barely make out the features of her momma’s face while she nursed, but that was all that she needed. Rosebud relaxed in her mum’s arms, listening to the comforting voices of her parents as they spoke to one another.

“That’s even more reason for me to find Donnabelle.”

“The healer?”

“Yes. I’ll feel a lot better after she’s looked in on you.”

“Well, if it’ll make ye feel better, but I’m not sick.”

Pippin made no immediate reply; he’d been sick enough in his life to be familiar with the telltale signs. “Just sit here, all right? I’ll return soon.”

Lilas chuckled, “Where am I going t’ go with a baby attached t’ me?”

Pippin grinned, if nothing else, to ensure Lilas kept calm. “True. But I will be back soon enough.” He kissed her forehead before leaving mother and child in the apartment--to seek a healer.

Pippin paced up and down the tunnel trying to decide if he ought to be calm or not. Donnabelle was out of the Smials for the day, while Cassia was assisting with a difficult birth in Tuckborough. Cassia was not necessarily a healer, but she was the attending midwife with Rosebud’s birth. Whom else could he call upon? Pippin was about to go to his mother for help when he heard raucous laughter coming from Pearl’s rooms. Perhaps his eldest sister may know what to do; she often did when he was a young lad. He missed her “motherly” manner. At once, he was at the door knocking.

“Hullo, Pippin! Come in and join us!” Pimpernel opened the door, but secretly wondered why he was alone.

“I can’t stay, Pim,” he began, “but is Pearl in here?”

Pimpernel smiled, “Everyone is in here--except you and Lilas.” Pimpernel looked out into the empty hallway, “Didn’t you bring her with you? Where is she?”

The laughter in the sitting room paused when the impromptu Took family gathering noticed Pippin at the door--alone.

“Hullo, Pippin!” Paladin greeted his son. “We were all just…talking about you.” The rest of the clan roared with laughter again.

Pippin gave a nervous grin back. Only the Valar knew what they were truly ‘talking’ about. “Hullo, father…mother.”

Eglantine instantly saw through her son’s demeanor. “What’s wrong, Pippin?”

“Uh…well,” Pippin looked around the room at all his sisters and family. “I think Lilas is falling ill and I can’t seem to find a healer to take a look at her.”

Eglantine was on her feet in a flash, with Merimas right behind her. “With your permission, Pip?” he asked. Pippin nodded; now comforted by the presence of his ever-supportive family.

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