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Double Trouble  by Lily Frost

Warning: Mental image of an adult male in wet, white briefs.

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Elladan’s Summer Shenanigans

by Lily Frost

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“I'm gonnaEsoak up the sun 

 I'm gonnaEtell everyone 

 To lighten up.Ebr />
        --Sheryl Crowe

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        It was midsummer, and this particular summer had hit Imladris with full force. The normally temperate, pleasant, smiling sun had been replaced with a scorching sphere of brimstone and hellfire that was barely recognizable to the valley’s inhabitants. The Lord Elrond had abandoned his formal robes for something a little bit cooler, and even Erestor admitted that working in the shade or in a basement rather than in a stifling study was a good idea. Needless to say, it was very, very hot.

        This heat had various affects. Suddenly it was harder and harder to find cold drinks, at any hour of the day, and the archery fields were nearly empty. Everyone who was not bound there by duty avoided the stables, for horse manure, though not normally known to be pleasant, is absolutely horrid when it’s been in the sun. The sun itself was avoided at all costs, most opting for the shades or lower floors of the Last Homely House. Many slept in the Hall of Fire, without the fire lit, for the open room did not hold heat like most of the others. As for spirits, the heat made some elves slightly loopy, and others quite cranky, and these were avoided. Indeed, many tempers were soaring with the temperature. Others it made extremely lethargic, and these slept the day through and were awake at night when it was slightly cooler. Elrohir was one of these nocturnal elves, presently passed out on a couch in the hall. Elladan just could not understand how he could sleep in the stifling heat. He prodded his brother, receiving a grunt.

        “‘Ro, wake up.Ebr />
        “Urgh..Ebr />
        “‘Ro, I wannaEgo fer a swim. Come with me?Ebr />
        “No... sleep more..EElrohir muttered, burying his face beneath his sweaty arm.

        Elladan pouted, but knew that there would be no persuading his brother elsewhere, so he stood up and stretched, preparing himself for the rather long trek out to the stream where he could swim. Then he paused. The same stream passed right through Imladris, gathering in a pool that was just visible from the courtyard. Normally he would not think of swimming there, for it was highly open and everyone would be able to see him in whatever he choose to swim in, but at the moment he certainly did not feel like walking downstream.

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        Grinning, Elladan looked from the stream to the stuttering advisor, clutching his papers tightly to his chest, "Lord Elladan.. you cannot do that! ‘Tis.. tis.. ‘tis..."

        "What Erestor?"


        "I can go swimming if I want to.. this is my home!"

        "But swimming naked so near the courtyard.. Lord Elladan, if you please!"

        "I am not naked Erestor.. you see, I am wearing my drawers still." Elladan gestured down to the white undergarment, the only thing garbing him now. He had even undone his braids for the swim, and was just ready to dive in when the advisor just happened to wander by.

        Erestor looked feint, "But.. but.. everyone passes by here!"

        "And I do not want to have to walk all the way up stream. So if you please, I am going for a swim."

        "Your father will hear of this!" Erestor cried out as Elladan dove into the water, coming up moments later with his dark hair soaked and a blissful smile painted on his face.

        Elladan swam for hours, diving in and out of the water more like an otter at play rather than the full grown elven warrior he was. Passing maidens gave him surprised looks, a few rushing away quickly, as if offended, while others stood and watched him, admiring him silently until they were admonished by their peers.

        The cold stream water felt wondrous to Elladan, it washed away the sweat and grim that had covered him, and drove the heat from his flesh away. He was lost in the cool water until it was nearly dusk and he was getting hungry.

        Elladan drew himself from the water and sat on the bank, panting and smiling like a wet dog. Then, not wanting to wear his sweaty clothes after bathing, he grabbed them under one arm and started walking back to the Last Homely House, as if there were nothing unusual about a wet elf in Imladris, wearing naught but soaked, white drawers.

        When he passed a group of younger maidens they smiled, and started fanning themselves as he left. Glorfindel witnessed this, though, and it angered him; what did the little half-elf brat think he was doing?!

        “Elladan, garb yourself immediately!EHe cried.

        Nodding, Elladan went to get into the clothes he carried, starting to pull down the waistband of his drawers.

        “Not here!EGlorfindel yelled, his eyes going wide.

        With a giggle Elladan left, leaving the cranky Glorfindel in his wake.

        - - -

        “Still asleep like a babe..EElladan murmured, a Cheshire grin gracing his fair face as he stood above his brother, still not dressed or even dried off.

        Leaning his head over, Elladan ran his fingers through his hair, and then bunched it together and squeezed it like a rag over his brother’s face, wringing it all out over his face and effectively soaking him.

        Elrohir’s eyes flew open wildly and he yelled out. But by the time he could figure out what had happened, Elladan was already half way up the steps to their room, on his way to change.

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        It was the hottest summer Imladris had ever seen. The sun had been replaced with a ball of fire that was barely recognizable to her inhabitants. This heat made some elves loopy, some cranky and others lethargically tired. For Elladan, it was an excuse to cause mischief, and remind everyone that the heat hadn’t killed them off just yet.

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