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Fever Dreams  by Kaeera

And finally, the last chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Five: Reunited

Aragorn leaned back in his pillows and sighed in frustration. He had only been awake for a little more than one hour, and he was already getting annoyed. The ranger just wasn't born to stay in bed, and the inability to move and walk around freely irritated him greatly. He knew that he was in no shape to get up - every time he lifted his head, the whole room seemed to swirl around him - but that didn't change the fact that he hated staying in bed!

Sighing again, he turned around and stared out of the window. From his point of view, he could only see the blue sky. Aragorn growled at it - if it would rain at least, but no, the weather had to be just perfect!

His brooding was disturbed by the sound of someone making a rather loud entrance to his room. Turning around, he saw Elrohir in the doorframe, grinning widely at him. "It's good to see you awake again," he exclaimed and stepped into the room. "I must admit that there were moments we feared that we would never see you like that again."

"What, bound to my bed and feeling generally as if a horde of orcs had stomped over me?" Aragorn raised an eyebrow, surprised at his own croaky voice. His throat hurt a lot while speaking.

"Ah...well," Elrohir paused, "No, *that* we're always expecting when thinking about you. I mean seeing you in your right mind instead of attacking us in your wild fever dreams."

The human feigned insult. "Now you're exaggerating. I certainly didn't attack anybody while dreaming, at least I never have before."

"There's always a first time, little brother," Elladan, who had just entered the room, joined the conversation. He held up his arm, showing the red bite marks on his white skin. "You were so eager to get away from us that you bit me in your wild struggle - rather painful, I might say!"

Aragorn's eyes widened in horror. "I didn't, did I?" But the look on the faces of the twins told him enough and he groaned. "By the Valar, why do such things always happen to me? I'm sorry, Elladan, I really didn't mean to hurt anyone..." Sheepishly he glanced at the bite marks, a look of guilt crossing his face.

The elf just shrugged. "It's merely a scratch, and besides I know that you would never hurt me on purpose, so don't feel guilty about it. You weren't yourself in those hours." A smile spread over his face. "It just surprised me - I didn't know that you could fight dirty!"

"I wonder where he has it from," Elrohir smirked, "Certainly not from us, for we fight with honor, but who knows what the elves in Mirkwood teach as fighting techniques...."

"I didn't learn that!" Aragorn objected testily. "I mean....I have never done it before, so maybe it was pure instinct." The ranger grinned mirthfully. "Alas, it surprises me that you, my dear brother, weren't quick enough to keep me from biting you - where is the quickness of elves when it comes to avoid getting bitten by an injured, unconscious and feverish human? I always thought that you were superior," he put mock emphasis on the last word, "to us, but now I must learn that a sick human ins faster than a healthy elf. My, you're getting old, Elladan!"

Named elf scowled at the human. "Watch your tongue, or I will show you the swiftness of us elves at once!"

Aragorn just chuckled, and Elrohir fell in, laughing widely at his brother. "You must admit that he has a point, Elladan. After all, you *were* bitten and didn't prevent it. I find it very amusing."

Elladan shot them both a dark glare. "Well, my mind was otherwise occupied at that certain point in time," he replied rather offended. "It could have happened to you as well, dear brother, so don't laugh so loudly!"

"Peace, Peace," Elrohir held up his hands, the smile still playing around his lips. "We are not here to discuss this, although I would love to stretch this topic further." He turned to Aragorn. "Ada only permitted us to visit you if we didn't argue or played any pranks or did other things which would upset you." He sighed deeply. "Sometimes he's just no fun..."

The ranger rolled his eyes. "As if anything could prevent you two from bickering, honestly!"

"That's what we told him, too, but he just raised his eyebrows in his typical 'Do-what-I-say-manner' and we quickly disappeared, deciding to discuss it some other day."

"And yet you are here, annoying me," Aragorn shook his head. Although he would have never admitted it, he loved arguing with the twins. It always put his mind at ease, made him relax and laugh a lot. Of course, they could also be as annoying as hell, but in boring time like these, one gladly overlooked that if one only got some distraction.

He rubbed his forehead, his mind still disturbed by a slight, pounding headache. The man had to admit that something was missing, something he was yearning for. Usually (or at least since he had known the prince) Legolas would be there when he awoke, and the fact that he wasn't only let his old fears grow, pushed him into believing once again that something horrible had happened to his friend.

'Don't be stupid', he scolded himself, 'It was just a dream, and Legolas is merely resting. You're driving yourself crazy with all this worrying!'

Elladan noticed the weariness that crossed the human's face and immediately grew serious. "Ada also said that your recovery will be very slow and painful," the elf pointed out and looked at his brother, searching for any signs of pain in the tired face.

"Now that's a new one," Aragorn commented dryly, not very happy with his near future, "I already endured one of those nasty coughing fits and I don't want to endure it again. But I fear I have no other choice." He sighed deeply. "There is something in my lungs and it has to get out, quite a disgusting idea, I might add."

"As long you don't suffocate in our arms, I'm totally okay with it," Elrohir admitted cheerfully, which brought him a dark glance from Aragorn.

"The fact that it makes me feel like hell counts for nothing in your eyes, no?"

"Hmm..." the elf paused, pondering. "No," he then admitted and grinned.

The ranger rolled his eyes. "I always knew it! Nobody loves me!" he exclaimed dramatically and shook his head in mock sadness.

"And it took you how many years to figure that out," Elladan stated calmly, and then broke out in a fit of laughter. "Oh Estel, it's good to hear you joking again! I must admit, I would have missed your voice around if this illness had taken you away from us!"

Aragorn smiled at his brothers. "I know. And I'm sorry for worrying you, but sometimes I just seem to forget that I am not an elf," he looked sheepishly at the ground. "It's unfair that we humans always get sick while you elves don't! You have all the advantages, and we have all the negative side effects! Life is not fair!"

Elladan shrugged. "Life is never fair, brother, and you know that. And besides, it wouldn't be half as much fun nagging you if you were an elf!"

"Oh, that helps me so much, thank you!" the human growled in mock seriousness, but couldn't prevent his eyes from twinkling with amusement. He was tired, his body ached and the hammering pain in his head wouldn't go away, but he was at home, he was with the people he loved, and that made him (momentarily) forget his uncomfortable situation.

Elrohir leaned back and stretched his arms. "Well, but we'd better go now; Ada made us promise not to keep you up too long, and you look quite tired."

"I'm fine," Aragorn protested, a response he had used a little bit too often in his past to be believable. The twins just shook their heads in agreement - when it came to their brother's health, they were usually of the same opinion - and grinned at him.

"Believe me, Estel, you look tired, and I don't want to face father's wrath when you collapse from exhaustion," Elladan said. "Besides Legolas will want to see you, too, so we'd better go."

"Legolas?" The human immediately was wide-awake at the mention of this name. The anxiety returned. "Where is he?"

"I believe he's sleeping," Elrohir informed his foster brother, "At least he was the last time I saw him. Ada probable drugged his tea, that would be typical. He didn't want to leave your side, but after your condition improved, Father told him to lay down and rest."

"Well, you can tell him I would like to see him," Aragorn smiled. "If he's awake, of course." Then he grimaced. "I would really love to get up and visit him on my own, but I fear that I will collapse before I even reach the door, and I promised Ada to take care."

The two elves chuckled at this statement and stood up to leave the room. "Well, we will tell him that immediately," Elrohir promised and smiled at the human. Once again feeling the relief of being able to see his brother alive again, he just stood there a few seconds until he finally turned around abruptly and went through the door, leaving Aragorn alone in his room.

The human sighed and rubbed his eyes. His head was aching, he was tired and exhausted and could swear that his lungs were trying to kill him. Being ill was really horrible, and once more he felt a pang of jealousy at the elves who could walk in the cold and rain without the fear of getting sick.


Legolas awoke with a start, out of the dreamless slumber he had spent the last hours in. Confused, the blonde elf blinked as he looked around, until he realized that he was in his room in Imladris. He was not lying in his bed, but sitting in a chair facing the window. He groaned slightly as he moved a bit, his neck aching from the uncomfortable position he had slept in. Legolas was surprised; he hadn't meant to sleep that long, but considering how high the sun was up, he had slept for quite a few hours. Unhappy with this fact, the prince rose to his feet, stretching his arms and legs.

Soon it would be evening, he realized, looking out of the window. Had it just been yesterday when they had returned to Rivendell in the thick rain? Just a little less than 24 hours, but for Legolas, it seemed like days had passed. The night had been one of the longest in his life, the constant fear of losing a dear friend lingering over their heads, stretching every single minute to never ending eternity.

Speaking of Aragorn, how fared his friend? Deciding that this question was the most important right now, he swiftly left his room, heading for the human's chamber. Even if the ranger wasn't awake, it would be a relief to watch his sleeping face.

Pushing his long hair behind his ears (which was loose since he hadn't had the time to put it into braids), he walked through the corridor, the evening sun painting golden pictures on the ground. Legolas shook his head. The weather was really strange; yesterday so much rain that one believed one was walking through a lake, and today the nicest sunshine without even the slightest trace of bad weather.

Bad luck seems to haunt us, he thought wryly, for all the monsters, evils and animals are always - and only - on the paths we cross. Every mishap that could possibly happen happens to Aragorn, or any other person who is in his presence. If I didn't know better, I'd say it's kind of a curse.

"Legolas, good to see you!" a voice interrupted his thoughts, and the prince looked up, seeing Elladan standing in front of him, grinning broadly. He realized that he had been caught in his thoughts and blushed faintly.

"Hello Elladan," the elf replied softly, tilting his head a bit. "How's Estel?"

"Oh, he is well," the twin answered happily, "He is still weak and exhausted, but he bickered with us and even laughed at some jokes, so I'm pretty sure that he is on the path of recovery."

"I'm glad to hear that," Legolas said honestly, relief shining in his blue eyes. He started to become impatient, a feeling which was quite unusual for the elf, but which Aragorn caused with annoying frequency. He went past Elladan and walked quickly the last meters to Aragorn's room. For a brief moment, he stood there and looked at the closed door, until he finally entered.

It was slightly warmer in the room than in the corridors, but that didn't surprise him. Humans were, after all, more sensible to the cold, and it was still possible that Estel could fall ill again. It would be typical for him. His eyes wandered to the person in the bed, and the elf smiled slightly. Aragorn's eyes were closed and he hadn't noticed Legolas coming in. The ranger was lying on his back, arms draped across his head, an obvious sign of him having an immense headache. The features of the man were pale, but all in all he looked a lot healthier than the last time Legolas had seen him.

His breathing wasn't labored anymore, but calm and even, and the fever had dropped. Legolas smiled gratefully, stepping nearer to the bed. "Always these humans, needing so much sleep..." he said softly, knowing what reaction he would receive with this statement.

Aragorn bolted upright at hearing his voice, a movement which caused him to grimace in pain. "Legolas!" the human gaped at his friend, a mixture of relief, happiness, and annoyance crossing his face.

The elf smirked and snickered at the surprised look. "I didn't know that I was that stunning," he chuckled.

" mean," Aragorn stuttered, and then shook his head. He had just been trying to fall asleep again, when the voice had startled him out of his state. Between knowing that his friend was okay and actually *seeing* that he was alright was really a great difference, and he found himself staring at Legolas. The elf seemed to be unhurt, a small smile visible on his fair face, and great relief flooded Estel's heart.

Ada was right, it was just a dream. I didn't want to believe it until now...

"It's just great to see you again," he smiled.

"The same goes for me," Legolas told him, "I must admit that I have missed your voice during those last 24 hours. You seem to make a habit of worrying us, Estel!" the prince shook his head in mock-seriousness. "Every time I travel together with you, something extremely dangerous happens and we are both dragged into the weirdest adventures one can imagine. Or you manage to injure yourself, or you fall ill because we walk through the rain..."

Aragorn looked sourly. "I didn't really ask to get sick, you know," he pointed out. "It's just one of the negative side effects you have to get used to when you are human." the man rubbed his head and groaned. "Believe me, I'm not happy about it. My memory of the past day is just a blur, and I have had quite some discomforting dreams which I would prefer to forget."

Legolas just looked at his friend for a while, his playful look replaced by an expression of seriousness. "This one was really close, Strider," he spoke slow and serious. "We feared for your life every time a coughing fit overtook you, and the most despairing thing was that we were totally helpless!" Shaking his head, the elf massaged his temples and groaned. "By the Valar, we nearly lost you and it would have been my fault!"

Aragorn blinked. "Your fault? Why that?"

His friend just sent him a dark glare. "Isn't that obvious? I should have noticed it sooner that you were falling ill, and I should have informed Lord Elrond about it...I should have searched for a shelter as soon as this stupid rain storm started, and I should have tried to..."

Chuckling slightly, the ranger held up his hand to interrupt the ranting elf. "Legolas, stop it - please. None of this was your fault."

Aragorn laid his hand on his friend's shoulder and forced the elf to look him into his eyes. "Thinking about what you should have done won't change anything, my friend, and you know that. You couldn't know that it would rain, and you couldn't know that my cold would develop into something that serious. After all, as an elf you haven't the slightest idea about human illnesses and I certainly don't expect that from you!"

"Still..." Legolas was once again interrupted by the human.

"No, Legolas, I don't want to hear anything of that," Aragorn said firmly. "Even I thought that this was merely a simple cold, and I should be the first one to know about my health, shouldn't I? There's nobody to blame in this case, and I don't want to hear an apology from you again, understood?"

Legolas opened his mouth and closed it again without saying anything. Deep inside his heart he knew that Aragorn was right, but it was hard to believe.
The small smile appeared once again on his face. "You know, we both are victims of the 'Blaming-oneself' syndrome, I fear."

This caused the ranger to laugh. "True! We both have the self-destroying habit of loading guilt on our shoulders. But Elladan and Elrohir are as bad as us, so we are not alone."

Aragorn's face softened, and he continued in a lower voice. "I am truly glad to see you alive and healthy, for I believed in my dream world that something horrible had happened to you, and the thoughts didn't leave my mind when I finally awoke."

Legolas, noticing the distressed look on his friend's face, walked nearer and sat down on the edge of the wide bed. "Tell me about it," he inquired after a while of silence.

Aragorn tried to smile, but failed miserably as the memory once again crashed into him with painful intense. "When I was dreaming..." he slowly started, closing his eyes as the pictures came to the surface, frightening him, "Everything seemed so real. I was in the woods, all alone, and there were dark shadows hunting me." He shuddered at the thought of the strange creatures. "They followed me everywhere, and I was scared, very scared. I even went so far to jump into a deep, fast flowing river where I nearly drowned - only to escape them. I guess that must have been the point of time where I stopped breathing, for I remember hearing the voice of my father and my brother while I struggled under water, trying to prevent me from drowning."

The elf sat in silence as Aragorn retold the story, not liking the pained look he saw on the man's face, but knowing that it would help him to tell his fears.

"The next scene I remember was in the wood again," Aragorn continued, a faraway look on his face. "The shadows were hunting me once again, but they seemed to be so sure of themselves. They were faster than any living being I had seen before, and they caught me. I was totally helpless, which caused them to jeer at me...and then...and then they said something which made my heart stop." He wasn't looking at Legolas now, facing the terrible memory of his nightmare. His voice shook slightly, and Legolas could only imagine what terror the human must have endured in his feverish state.

"They said that you were dead, and that it was my fault. They told me that you had died trying to protect me! I...I just didn't know what to believe, because I couldn't remember anything. But then...then there was your body, lying on the ground. And you weren't sleeping, you were..." Tears burned in his eyes as he recalled this particular scene. "You weren't breathing anymore, nor were you responding my calls. You were dead, Legolas, and it was the most horrifying scene I have ever experienced in my life."

Aragorn turned around and looked at his friend in despair. "It seemed so real! I really believed that you had died, and I continued believing it when I finally woke up in my own room with Ada bowed over me! I have never experienced such realistic and frightening dreams before, and although I believed Elrond when he told me that you were perfectly fine, some part of my mind was always recalling those horrible images."

He closed his eyes once more, as Legolas lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But it was a dream, Strider, nothing more. You are back in reality again, and I'm with you, like always."

"I know," Aragorn tried to regain his strength. "It just keeps upsetting me when I think of it. I have never, ever, thought of you dying, because you are the immortal one, and during the whole dream I actually believed it real. I just...forgot everything. I just gave up and didn't mind what happened to me. A scary thought..."

Legolas stayed silent for a minute and then spoke in a reassuring tone. "I can understand why you feel like that, and be assured, I would certainly feel the same after such a dream. But we both must accept the possibility that the other one can die, for our lives are far too dangerous to forget that. However, that shouldn't keep us from enjoying the time which is given to us!" He smiled slightly. "Your dream is over and you are safely at home now. Forget about it and focus on the adventures which we will have together instead!"

Aragorn's eyes shone in relief and amusement. "I guess I will do that," he whispered, the last image of his dream flying away as he looked into Legolas' smiling face. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," the elf stretched his back. "Alas, I must admit that I have nothing against a few days of peace before the next adventure starts - which seems to be inevitable when I'm together with you!"

"Well, you'll certainly have your peace," Aragorn grumbled, "I will have to stay in bed at least for the next few days, Ada made me promise." A not-at-all happy look crossed the rangers face, and Legolas had to chuckle.

"I know how hard it is for you to stay in bed, my friend," he said laughing, "But after all you have me and your brothers to keep you distracted."

Aragorn didn't seem in the least bit happy about this statement. "Nay, I know my brother. Their idea of distracting me when I'm ill consists of pulling stupid pranks on each other while they are in the room and generally annoying everyone."

"Oh?" Legolas raised an eyebrow. "I thought that was their usual behavior..."

The ranger gazed at his friend, mirth shining in his eyes. "Believe me, you have never experienced what I have," he promised. "And don't think that I suffer alone; I firmly expect you to stay by my side and accompany me through their bickering."

Legolas grimaced at the idea. "I would rather face an orc," he admitted sourly.

"Well, then let's just hope that I will recover very soon," the man grinned, his dark hair falling into his eyes. "So that we can go on the road again."

"You mean on the road where the orcs are lurking in the shadows, waiting to attack us?" the elf inquired, trying to hide his smile.


"On the road where we will have to suffer through cold storms, wolves, wild rivers, deep cliffs, nasty humans and poisonous plants?" Legolas raised both eyebrows now, the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Yes," Aragorn's grin widened.

"You mean we shall travel together again, although it's 100% sure that we will get caught in a dangerous situation once again and that one of us will have to get dragged back to your father by the other? Although we will slip from one painful experience into the next?"

Aragorn pondered shortly, and then grinned again. "Yes. Without it, life would be boring!"

Legolas finally laughed, unable to restrain himself any longer. "You're impossible, *human*!" He teased, merriment shining in his eyes.

"The same goes for you, *elf*!" The ranger replied playfully. "So what do you think about it?"

Now it was Legolas turn to grin. "Well...I'm in, of course. I will certainly regret it as soon as I step out of Imladris, but - how did you word it? - without it, life would be boring. And we wouldn't want that, would we?"

"No. Never."

"Well, then it's settled. Off to adventure again, as soon as you are fully healed."

"I will heal a lot of faster when I have something to look forward to!" Aragorn closed his eyes as the last bit of the fear left his heart. He felt incredibly relieved, for he was truly at home and with his friends again. His illness would go away with the time, and they would once again go out together, maybe accompanied by Elladan and Elrohir if they wanted to. Yes, it was certainly something to look forward to. Because despite all the dangers it brought, it also brought the pleasure of a great and unique friendship, and Aragorn didn't want to miss that.

He looked out of the window and watched as the sun went down the horizon. Rivendell was beautiful in the reddish light, and Aragorn felt pride in his heart.

This is my home, he thought, and it doesn't matter how far I travel; it will always be my home, and I will always enjoy returning. Because one can only *really* enjoy travelling when one has a place to go back after the adventure, a place with loved ones.

Aragorn smiled.

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