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Return of the four  by frodo16424

Later that evening, as Glorfindel went down the hallway to his
room, he noticed the Prince of Mirkwood was watching him. When
Legolas saw he had Glorfindel's attention, he waved at the older
elf, and continued down the hall, whistling. Now Glorfindel was
definitely worried.
He stopped and thought about having Estel check his room for him. "I
killed a Balrog, and returned from the Halls of Mandros. Why should
I fear entering my own room? I really don't fear going in, I should
just like to know what to expect. Of course, knowing the twins and
Legolas, nothing would surprise me." With that thought, he resumed
his walk.
As he entered his room, he thought he heard some splashing from the
bathing room. "They wouldn't dare put a pond in my room!" he said
out loud. "By the Valar, now I'm talking to myself." Glorfindel
grabbed the knob, but wasn't certain he really wanted to enter. He
turned the knob slowly and peeked around the door. He knew he was
being silly, but was unable to help himself.
There didn't seem to be anything out of place at first glance. As he
continued to look around, he noticed water in the bathtub. He was
instantly alert. He waited for a few minutes, and then hesitantly
walked over to the tub.
He looked in, and was startled to see the tub filled with…ducks!?!
Ducks of every shape, size, and color. "LEGOLAS!" he
Estel was the first to arrive. He took one look at the ducks, and
collapsed with laughter. Glorfindel glared at him. "Please find THAT ELF and have this cleaned. I'll be in your father's study. Please
join me, perhaps that might be safer than our rooms."
Estel nodded, and assured his mentor that he would make sure
everything would be done as requested. "I'll join you as soon as I
can. Maybe we can keep those three out of any more mischief,"
replied Estel. Privately, he doubted this was possible, but thought
it best not to say that to Glorfindel.
Glorfindel just said "Dreamer!" and walked away.
Estel went to find Legolas. He found him with the twins, of
course. "Please get rid of the ducks from Glorfindel's room. He is
not a very happy elf right now," said Estel. "Do not even THINK of
putting them there!"
Legolas said, "Why, Estel! I NEVER would do any such thing!"
Elladan and Elrohir looked hurt. "I do not know to what you are
referring," said Elrohir.
Estel responded with a dwarven curse that, had Elrond heard it,
would have ended with a stern lecture about his use of such
language. His brothers, however, merely wanted to know where he had
heard it. "From you two," was his reply.
Legolas simply asked was it possible for that to be done that
particular way. He received no answer from the twins, only a smirk
from Elladan, and a cuff alongside the head from Elrohir.
The ducks were finally taken outside, and the tub was cleaned.
Estel entered the study to report to Glorfindel. Elrond was there
as well. He snickered as he heard the report.
Glorfindel glared at his friend, and said "Do not think you will not
be caught, mellon nin.. Those three are still intoxicated. They
have not settled yet."

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