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Return of the four  by frodo16424

"We need to fill our water bottles," said Legolas. "Do you know if
there are any streams near here?"
"I remember seeing a small stream earlier when I was scouting," said
Elrohir. Elladan and Estel looked at each other.
"It must be new, then. I don't remember any stream on the map. Make
sure you mark it down, so it can be added," said Estel.
The four wound their way through the trees. They were able to see
the water shining as it bubbled out of the ground. They filled their
water bottles, then each of them drank their fill. It had an odd,
but pleasant, taste. Estel knew he should know the taste, but he was
unable to remember what it was.
It was getting late, so they decided to push on. They were close to
Rivendell, now, and wanted to return home. As they rode, all of them
were starting to joke, and laugh at each other.
Estel dismounted in order to walk for a while. As he turned back to
talk to Legolas, he promptly walked into a tree. "Where did that
come from?" he demanded. "Which one of you put it there."
The other three started to laugh.
"It was there all along," said Legolas, who was laughing
hysterically. Elladan and Elrohir were no better.
Estel tried to look as if he always walked into trees. The horses
were standing, waiting for their riders. As the elves started to
mount, the horses moved away-just enough for them to land on the
"That's not mice, er, nice," said Legolas.
"Of course there's no mice," replied Elladan.
"Where are there mice?" asked Elrohir.
Estel tried to mount his horse, only to miss altogether. He giggled
as he tried again to get into the saddle.
Legolas mounted, except he was facing the wrong way. "Hey! Who stole
the horse's head!"
"You're looking the wrong way. You have to turn around," Elladan
told him.
"Oh, so now you're telling me I'm heading South, and the horse is
headed north," replied Legolas.
"Sounds right," said Estel.
By now, Elrohir was trying to stay in the saddle. He swayed one way,
then the other. Elladan looked at his twin, and decided it looked
like fun. So, he copied each move his twin did.
"Please don't do that," pleaded Estel. "I'm feeling a little sick."
Indeed, Estel did look a little green.
Finally, all were able to ride, more or less. Luckily, the horses
knew their way home. A good thing they did, as their riders were not
able to do much more than giggle, and attempt to sing.
Unfortunately, there were four different songs being sung, and none
on-key. When they forgot the words, they made up their own-some of
which were definitely not fit for anyone to hear.
Suddenly, Estel remembered that taste. It was a VERY strong ale. One
that Elrond refused to even have in Rivendell. It made the elves
extremely intoxicated rather quickly.
All Estel had to do is to get the three intoxicated elves
home. "Why me?" he groaned.

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