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One Life  by frodo16424

A special thank you to the reviewers. It’s been a joy to hear from you.

Ch 9 Living

“I want to live! I want to live! Saes!” Elrohir felt the tears stream down his face. Suddenly someone was holding him, comforting him. He smelled the scent of pine and pipeweed, and knew his human brother was there with him.

“Sh, gwador. You ARE alive.” Estel tried to comfort Elrohir. He held the elf, rocking him, attempting to soothe his brother. “Legolas, please find Adar.”

“Of course, mellon nin.” Legolas left the room.

Elladan, sitting on the chair next to the bed, saw that his twin was holding onto Estel’s hand so hard that bruises would certainly be seen later. Estel, however, paid no attention to the pain. He only knew his brother needed him.

Finally, Elrohir woke and looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. He saw his brothers and started to weep anew. “E..Estel,” he whispered brokenly. “”

“We are here, little brother. You are home,” Estel whispered.

Elladan reached for a cloth and wrung it out, then handed it to Estel. The smell of athelas went through the room, cleansing the air.

Elrond entered the room, followed by Legolas. The elven lord was holding a cup, which he handed Elrohir. “Drink this, ion nin. It will help calm you down.”

“What happened? How did I get here?” asked Elrohir.

“We found you by the waterfall. You have been unconscious for three days,” answered Elladan. “Do you remember anything?” asked Estel, as he assisted his brother to sit up.

Slowly, memory returned. Yaaraen. Wishing not to be born. Seeing the deaths of friends and brothers. He closed his eyes against the pain of seeing Estel and Legolas going down under the sword. He made a silent vow to always remember, thanking Illuvator for this second chance.

Elladan spoke. “Are you in pain?”

Elrohir smiled, “Nay, I have never felt better. May I get out of bed and join you for breakfast, Adar?”

Elrond knew there was more than Elrohir was telling, but he only smiled and replied, “Aye, but let me know if you tire.” He shooed the others out so Elrohir could finish dressing.

As he entered the dining room, the others started to tease him.

“I believe we have eaten all the tarts,” said Estel with a laugh.

“Nay, YOU have eaten them all,” replied Legolas with a smirk.

Elladan chimed in, “Aye, I think Estel ate the plate as well.”

Elrond shook his head. “I cannot believe you ate that many, Estel. Will you be able to run the training course?” There was a twinkle in the elven lord’s eyes as he watched Estel finish.
“Aye, I will have no problem. I only hope the other three will be able to keep up with me,” said Estel.

“Then perhaps I will participate as well, if you have no objection,” said Glorfindel, as he brought some rolls to the table.

Both Estel and Legolas were delighted, and Elladan said “Seas. I would very much like that.”

Elrohir’s head was reeling. Did they not have this conversation already?

Elrond asked him “Are you ill? Please, sit down.” He was concerned as he watched his son’s face go white.

“I’m fine. I just need some food,” answered Elrohir. “I will meet you at the training ground as soon as I eat.” He smiled, then started to eat.

As he walked to the salle to collect his arms, he saw his father headed for the grounds. Elrond saw him, and went over to him. “Feeling better, ion nin?” he asked.

“Aye, everything will be fine,” Elrohir answered with a smile. “If you will wait until I get my gear, we will walk together.”

Elrond nodded, then smiled. “It makes my heart happy to see you as you should be - smiling instead of being so unhappy. I am aware of your hurt, ion nin, of having your patrol ambushed. I have heard of your bravery in bringing back all who were wounded. I am proud of you.”

Both had tears in their eyes as Elrond finished speaking. Elrohir said nothing, but hugged his father.

Elrohir also saw his friend Megilindir start for Glorfindel’s group.

“Shall we?” said Elrohir, motioning to the group gathered around Glorfindel. As the two approached, they saw an old friend.

“Mithrandir!” exclaimed Elrond. “It has been a long time since we have seen you, old friend. How go your journeys?”

Gandalf laughed, and said “It has indeed been long since I have seen you. My journeys have been long. I wish you to meet a..colleague of mine. This is Radagast. Radagast, meet Elrond, Lord of Imladris, his seneschal, Glorfindel. Legolas Thranduilion, Elladan and Elrohir Elrondion, and Aragorn, son of Arathorn, also known as Estel.” With the introductions over, Glorfindel said, “I have asked Estel and Legolas to show how teamwork should be.”

As everyone watched the demonstration, Elrohir heard a familiar voice in his head. “Watch what you wish for, Elrondion, it might just come true.” He glanced at Radagast, then his eyes widened as he saw the broach holding the cloak closed. It was in the shape of a bird. As he looked into wise brown eyes, he saw Radagast wink at him.



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