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Pippin-Frog For A Day  by Neilia


By Neilia

What happens to Pippin-frog during his 24-hour sojourn as an amphibian? Definitely AU. All these characters belong to the Tolkien Estate and not me. Beta read by our own Budgielover…thank you so very much! Rating: PG13 for a bit of angst.


By the time Merry shuffled out into the garden, the news of Master Pippin's clash with the wizard had travelled on the wings of Eagles all through the Last Homely House. As soon as Merry had spread out his coattails and settled himself wearily onto a sun-warmed bench, he found himself surrounded by curious Elves. They entered the garden and either sat gracefully near him or reclined with their arms stretched over their knees around the front of the bench. They were careful to not crowd Merry, not knowing just where on his person the mysterious little creature resided.

"We are curious to know the truth to the rumour that Master Pippin got into trouble with the wizard," commented an ellon. "Why did Lord Elrond allow it to happen?" asked another.

"Mithrandir is going to turn the little hobbit back, isn't he?" questioned an anxious looking elleth.

Merry stood and bowed politely to the company that surrounded him. "Thank you so much for your kind concern. Lord Elrond did not have a chance to do anything. Gandalf was so angry at Pippin's cheekiness, that he changed him into a frog instantly. Frodo is allowing the punishment to run its course for the sake of the Quest. Yes, Pippin will become a hobbit once again on the morrow." Merry then settled himself and his jacket back on the bench.

"Such a decision rightfully belongs to the Ring-bearer. After all, he needs to be able to trust his companions to be united in mind and purpose," a noble-looking ellon commented in an overbearing tone. Merry nodded his head sagely, enjoying the notoriety of the moment.

Merry’s pocket wiggled violently. Pippin could be heard croaking (he did not like Merry ignoring him and leaving him out). Merry’s face turned red. "Sorry," he said to the Elves. "He doesn’t like being left out of the conversation."

One particularly lovely elleth asked, "Please, Master Merry, may we see him?"

Pippin-frog, as he had been transformed into a tree-frog with all of a tree-frog’s wonderful climbing abilities, stretched his front toe pads out of the confines of Merry's pocket. pulled himself up and poked his head out far enough to see his 'visitors'. "Hello, Pip," Merry said without enthusiasm. "Come to join the party, have you?"

Pippin pulled himself further out of Merry’s pocket. Merry reached down and caught him just as he struggled free. Irritated, Pippin glared at his cousin and vocalized his displeasure.

"All right, Pip." Merry gently lifted Pippin-frog from his pocket and held the little creature up carefully cupped in two hands to let the Elves see him.

"Oh, he is handsome for a frog! What lovely green eyes!" declared another elleth who sat quite near Merry, "May I hold him?"

"Yes, as long as you are careful. I have been given the care of this little fellow until he returns to Hobbit-form tomorrow morning." Merry leaned over, placing Pip-frog into the lady's oh-so-carefully cupped and protective hands.

She turned her hands to look into the tiny creature's face and cooed into his little ears. He shivered, enjoying the closeness of such a fair lady. "He is afraid!" She cuddled the little creature to her breast. Pip-frog looked up at the lovely elleth as she cooed and said soft consoling words to him and stroked his head. Pippin responded by tickling her hand with his long tongue, laying his cheek adoringly against her palm. The elleth held him up and carefully placed a kiss on the blunt nose. Pippin sighed in bliss. Merry made a strangled sound, then flushed as one froggy eye swiveled towards him. How a frog could look smug, Merry could not imagine, but Pippin was managing it.

"Perhaps I’d best take him back-"


Before Merry could intervene, Pippin jumped forward and disappeared into a gap in the lady’s gown. The cloth quivered as he shimmied down into the darker and softer regions of her clothing.

The elleth laughed and held the little lump with her hands outside her gown, one under him and one above. "Are you comforted by my heart beat, little one?"

Merry was aghast. "Pippin! Get out of there immediately! You are behaving disgracefully!" he choked, blushing to the roots of his bright hair.

"Oh, he is all right. He just wants to hide," the elleth said as she patted the little lump that had settled comfortably in her soft bossom.

"My lady, Please, I beg your pardon, he may be in frog form, but he's still very much a Hobbit! He is being very naughty!" declared Merry. "Pippin, come out this very minute!"

Pippin did not reply, other than an energetic wiggle. The elleth laughed again, seemingly delighted. "That tickles, little one!"

The ellon who had been sitting next to the Elf maiden pursed his lips and said, "Alerial, perhaps you had best remove the creature from inside your gown."

She noted the disapproval in his eyes, and sighed, "Very well. I still do not see what the fuss is about." She turned modestly away from them, inserted a hand into the front of her gown and carefully scooped up the little frog.

She brought him close to her lips and whispered, "Sorry, little one, it seems that you have made an error in judgment as to your hiding place." With infinite care, she tipped the tiny creature into Merry’s outstretched hands. Pippin clung to her fingers for a moment then gave in to gravity, sliding into his cousin’s possession much against his will.

Pip-frog gave Merry a decidedly un-froggish glare. Merry glared back. "We wil talk about this later, Pip! You will be lucky if I do not tell Frodo about this!"


"Not another word, you!" Holding his struggling cousin firmly, Merry stuffed the protesting frog into his pocket and closed the flap. Scarlet-faced, Merry stood and bowed to the lady. "I apologize for my cousin, my lady. He’s very young, and all of this – I mean, being chased by the Black Riders, Frodo’s being wounded, our trip here … it was very hard on him. Please do not be offended." The last was directed towards the glowering ellon, who gazed at him haughtily.

The elleth laughed, her voice like chimes. "I take no offense, Master Merry. He is most refreshing, your cousin – in any form he takes. Please tell him that I look forward to seeing him tomorrow … in a form more fit to converse."

Merry bowed again as the Elves swept away. With a sigh he sat back down on the bench and ran his hands through his hair. After resting for a few minutes, Merry thought. 'Well, no use putting it off.'  

"Pip, why did you go and do a thing like that?" Merry asked as he lifted the flap and pulled out the cloth to peer into his pocket. He pulled the pocket fully open, took a second look and poked a finger around inside, half expecting it to be chomped. Frightened, Merry turned the pocket inside out, dislodging the carefully folded handkerchief...but no enchanted cousin. "Pippin. Where are you, lad? Come back! Pippin!"

No ribbity croak answered him. No little Pip-frog hopped up to Merry. Angry now, Merry shouted "Pippin, you get back here, right now! This is not funny! No more of this nonsense! Do you hear me? Right now!"

Nothing. No response

Growing more terrified than angry, Merry looked around the garden, perceiving it now as a huge morass of dangers to a small, helpless frog. Frantic, he checked his pocket again, as if Pippin might have miraculously reappeared there. His. mind reeled with the multitude of possible hazards, Merry shot to his feet. 'Grass snakes! Don't they love to eat little frogs? Hawks! Cats! Birds!’ He dropped to his knees and started combing his fingers through the winter-yellowed grass, tossing aside clumps of fallen leaves in his haste.

Merry wailed. "Pippin! Where are you?"




Beta read by Budgielover. Thank you!

Raking his fingers through his hair, Merry turned in a slow circle. Trying to glimpse a wee frog amongst the green foliage was nigh impossible through eyes partially blinded by tears. “Pippin! Pippin! Where are you! Croak, or something!”

No ‘ribbit' answered him, no gentle tugging of his foot-hair. “Pippin! Peregrin Took! You come to me right now! Pippin!” Only silence and a breeze rustling through the winter grass answered him.

“Get a hold of yourself, Merry-lad, You need help…lots of help!” Casting a last desperate glance at the ground, Merry shot up the steps fast as his legs could carry him. Skidding around a corner, he flung open a door and burst into the dining hall, red-faced and wild-eyed. Elves turned in his direction, astonishment and disapproval (for some) replacing their usual serene expressions. Merry paid them no heed. Locating the shorter figures he required, Merry sped up to them, snatched up his elder cousin’s hands, and shouted in Frodo’s face, “Pippin is gone! I cannot find him. Help!”

Ignoring the stir among the Elves and oblivious to Lord Elrond's approach, Bilbo and Sam both whirled around aghast at Merry’s hasty entrance and news Bilbo‘s, “Where was he last, Merry my boy?” contested with Sam’s, “Sir? Are you certain, sir?”

Frodo raised his voice, “Quiet everyone. Let Merry speak!” Blinking, Frodo pulled his hands from Merry’s and patted his cousin’s arm comfortingly. “Calm down, lad. Take a deep breath. No-another! Now … are you certain?”

Panting, Merry answered, “Yes, of course I‘m certain!” He turned his pocket completely inside out, dislodging the little nest of grass he had built for Pippin “I have searched everywhere and even combed though the grass and leaves trying to find him!” With that, Merry could no longer hold back his terror . He flung himself on his knees, locked his arms around Frodo’s waist and sobbed inconsolably.

Patting Merry’s head helplessly, Frodo looked up at the Master of Rivendell, who stood before them watching in astonishment, “Please help us find him, Lord Elrond, please.” Gathering around the sobbing Merry, three hobbits looked at the Lord of Imladris with terrified and worried eyes.

The tall figure knelt on one knee at Merry’s side, his robes draping in graceful folds around him. “Peace, Master Meriadoc,” Lord Elrond said. “Of course we will find him. However we can not run about carelessly…we must organize a proper search.” Lord Elrond stood and turned to his seneschal, “Lord Glorfin...”

Rapping his staff sharply on the stone floor to gain attention, Gandalf raised his voice, “That will not be necessary!”

Lord Elrond, not accustomed to being abruptly interrupted, raised one eyebrow as he stared into the glinting eyes of his old friend. “Go on.”

Perceptibly uncomfortable, Gandalf began, “There is something about our disrespectful young friend’s …err … condition …” he paused as Merry struggled to his feet, “...that I did not tell you.”
* * *
Climbing out of Merry’s pocket had been easy…sneaking away without his cousin seeing him, however gave him pause.  Pip-frog managed both tasks without discovery. He had slipped off the bench directly behind Merry and quietly sidled under a nearby bush. Snuggling under the leaves, he waited to see what would happen after the Elves had left the garden.

When Merry began to scold him and poke about in his pocket, Pip-frog wriggled in glee. Merry’s antics while trying to find him had Pip-frog rolling in froggy laughter. “That will teach Merry to treat me badly. Just who does he think he is? I’m the one who has to be a frog for a whole day, after all!”

After Merry had departed in such entertaining haste, Pippin experimented with his lovely toe pads. He found that they stuck to stone as well as tree trunks. In fact, he could climb anything solid to his heart's content. He then practiced hopping, and was surprised how hard it was, ending up on his nose several times. “Drat!“ Persevering, he soon accomplished a fairly good rhythm. Then he began extending his tongue, staring cross-eyed down his blunt nose to control it. He kept flicking it at stray leaves as they drifted past on the breeze and soon got the hang of slapping them still. "Thwap, thwap, thwap!"

This amusement paling, Pippin decided to explore.  If he was to have any adventure at all, he’d best do it before Merry dragged Frodo and Sam out into the garden and they put an end to his fun. Pip-frog decided to 'disappear' for a while. Standing up on his froggy hind legs, putting his toe pads against a tree and looking up through the lofty branches, he mused, “Hmmm, everything looks different and so huge from down here.”

His tummy growled in a very unfroggy-like fashion. “Hmmm, perhaps I had better find something strengthening before trying to climb something so tall.“ He dropped to the ground and started travelling under his 'hiding' bush. He finally reached the other side, which took quite a while.

This particular ‘bush’ was a part of the thickest hedge around the inner gardens. Panting from the unaccustomed exertion, Pip-frog plopped his little round bottom to the ground, looked around and found himself in the unique situation of wanting to consume a tasty looking beetle just within the reach of his tongue!

"Ewwww, I want to eat that bug? No, not me!" Blinking a couple of times, his rumbling tummy prompted him to decide that the insect did look good enough to try. ‘Slurmp’ Finding that he was not adverse to such crunchy fare, he began quietly hunting and consuming enough to satisfy his hobbit-froggy appetite. He discovered that caterpillars were the juiciest and that each colour had a different taste. He spat out an extraordinarily bright coloured one as it tasted nasty, and he had to spend some time rubbing his tongue clean on grass and leaves, “Bleh, I’ll not try that one again!” He left the rest of the colourful insects alone, not wanting to repeat a bad experience.

Wandering a good distance from the hedge while in pursuit of delectable edibles, Pip was soon tired as well as full.  Slowly climbing a nearby tree by carefully sticking his toe pads to the bark, Pip unsteadily pulled himself up onto a low branch and caught his breath. "A very extended froggy tummy is really rather cumbersome when climbing a tree. Really, there is only one way to deal with an overfull belly."

Pip yawned hugely and snorted when he thought of Frodo's reaction to his bad manners. "That tuft of moss lodged in the fork might do nicely." Pip approached and extended a foot to investigate the fluffy growth. Instead of being scratchy, it was soft and cushiony. He burrowed into it head first with a sigh, ending in a sleepy murmur that trailed off into a snore.

Unheard, unseen, the grass snake that had chanced upon Pip-frog's trail flicked out its tongue, tasting the little creature’s scent. Slithering to the base of the tree, the snake curled around it, tracing where its prey had begun to climb. Easily, gracefully, it followed. Its scales made no sound as it warily approached the softly snoring, tasty looking little tree frog. The snake’s forked tongue flicked in and out in anticipation.


Chapter 3: TERROR

Smacking his froggy lips, Pippin opened his eyes and yawned. Flexing his long, prehensile toes, he wriggled his body around and out a few inches from his soft bed to take full advantage of the afternoon sun. He had the oddest feeling that he was being watched. Pippin glanced around. ‘There! Less than a foot away! A snake? Is that a snake?’ Just as Pip-frog opened his mouth to emit whatever scream he could, the snake coiled and struck!

* * *

"Gandalf, what is a ward?" cried four strident Hobbit voices in various tones of amazement.

Leaning on his staff and frowning fondly at them, Gandalf muttered into his beard, "Well, I never thought…" Aloud, he said, "A ward is a safety spell that was included with the frogdom spell. Do you actually think that I would intentionally place one of you in real danger? No, no matter how annoying any one of you becomes, I would never consider permitting real harm come near to you."

"Oh!" and "My stars!" and "Oi!" and a loud snuffle followed Gandalf’s incredible statement.

Silence reigned for a few moments. Puzzling over the announcement, Frodo inquired, "Um, Gandalf, you mean nothing or no one can actually injure our wayward cousin?"

Smiling into anxious blue eyes, Gandalf said, "It is an absolute certainty." Thoughtfully, Frodo nodded.

Sighing shakily, Merry rubbed his coat sleeve across his eyes, "I don’t suppose you could turn Pip back into a Hobbit sooner than tomorrow morning? Please, Gandalf?"

Raising an eyebrow, Gandalf looked at Merry down his long, pointed nose.

"I thought not."

* * *

Faint with terror, Pip-frog wildly pictured himself in the belly of the snake. He saw the snake coil and strike at him! Snapping his eyes shut, he awaited the end…and waited…and waited…and his skin crawled. In that indeterminable moment, he found himself very sorry for taunting Merry. And giving cheek to Sam. And making Frodo worry over him. And…oh, there were so many things he was sorry for!

The snake had fully intended to make the kill. However, the moment his swift-moving snout got almost within biting range…he found himself stunned, falling and landing in an embarrassing heap at the foot of the tree!

When no sharp, crushing fangs descended on him, Pip-frog wonderingly peeked through one eye. ‘Where is the snake?’ Both eyes popped open. No snake. No snake? ‘I couldn’t have been dreaming, could I?’ Mustering his courage, the little green-eyed froggy slowly advanced and peered over the edge of the branch. Far below him, at the base of the tree, something moved. ‘There he is! I wonder what happened?’ The snake hissed, causing Pippin to cower against the branch. As if spellbound, he watched it.

Dipping its head, the reptile rubbed its sore snout into the soft earth. Then it sniffed along its own length, seeming as puzzled as Pippin about how it came to be there. Balefully glaring up at the little frog he decided not to try for that tasty morsel again. He would look elsewhere to fill his hungry gullet. The snake gracefully slithered away as if nothing troublesome had occurred.

Watching the reptile disappear into the grass, Pip decided that he really didn’t care how the snake got down there, He dearly wished himself safely back in his Merry’s pocket. ‘I will apologize for frightening Merry, and will make it up to him…somehow. I’ll give Merry my afters for a week…maybe two weeks!’ Trembling, he backed into his mossy bed as far as the tree would allow. The sun was setting. He was determined to stay awake for the long, dark night…

Trying to settle comfortably, Pip-frog felt his stomach twist and then heard it emit a long, low grumble. ‘Oi! I’m getting hungry again!’



As the servants cleared the Hall, four Hobbits and Gandalf gathered to the side and began talking amongst themselves.

Rubbing his aching shoulder, Frodo asked, "Gandalf, why did you not tell us of the ‘Ward’ before?"

"I did not expect our little frog to absent himself from Merry’s protection."

"Sticklebats! That young Hobbit has never done what was ‘expected’," Bilbo chimed in.

"If you will come out into the garden with me, I will find him for you," suggested Gandalf.

The Hobbits all enthusiastically agreed to this plan, and followed the Wizard out into the afternoon sunlight.

Gandalf indicated for them to sit on the same bench that Merry had previously occupied. He took a moment to look around the garden and soon discovered where Pip-frog was.

Grinning under his beard he explained, "I have found Pippin. He is enjoying a luncheon of tasty insects"

This announcement elicited not a few "Eeews" and one very dramatic "Oh my stars!"

Tugging at Gandalf‘s sleeve Merry entreated, "Let’s go and get him!"

"Wait a minute, Merry," Looking directly into the wizard’s eyes, Frodo asked, "We don’t need to be worried for Pip do we Gandalf?"

"No, my dear Frodo, there is absolutely no reason to fear."

"Very well," answered Frodo giving Merry his firmest stare, "We will let this situation stand as it is (Merry began sputtering). "and if the rest of you don’t mind, I need to take to my bed for a short while. Uncle Bilbo?"

"Of course not, lad," answered Bilbo, "take all the time you need. Merry lad, you go to bed also…you look terrible!"

"But Bilbo!" Merry protested, "I am supposed to be caring for Pippin! How can I rest?"

Bilbo answered, "Gandalf has reassured us not just a few minutes ago that Pippin is in no danger, other than from eating bugs," said with a grimace, "Therefore, you are going to rest."

Offering his elbow, Sam escorted his Mr. Frodo back into Elrond’s spacious home. Steering a reluctant Merry by the shoulder, Bilbo gently pushed him after them, "Go on now, everything will be fine."

After the last trace of the other Hobbits disappeared into the house, Bilbo pulled out his pipe, settled on the bench and sighed, "Time for a nice quiet pipe, don’t you think, Gandalf?"

Pulling out his pipe weed pouch, Gandalf answered, "Indeed, my dear Hobbit, it is."

They sat for some time enjoying the late afternoon sun and watching smoke circles slowly drift and dissipate above their heads. A nippy Autumn breeze broke their reverie. Sighing, Bilbo said, "Time for our tea. I hope Frodo feels up to our company this evening."

Noticing a small flash of light come from the direction of Pip-frog’s tree, Gandalf answered, "I will tarry for a while out here, Bilbo."

"Of course, Gandalf, of course," mumbled the older Hobbit as he climbed the stairs to the doorway. "Will you come in to supper?"


Mumbling to himself, Bilbo disappeared into the house.

Gandalf slowly made his way towards the small tree located a short distance from the far side of the thick hedge…


Gandalf strolled around the hedge and approached the tree where Pip-frog lay huddled in the moss.

Gandalf called softly, "Pippin…Pippin…it is safe for you to come out."

Pip-frog’s little heart did a jig and began racing. His eyes bugged out even more and he thought in terror, ‘Gandalf…It’s Gandalf!’

Knowing Pip’s state of mind, the wizard began humming a song of power very softly. The wee froggy was soon breathing more slowly and the blind terror turned into a slight apprehension.

Pip-frog wriggled out of the moss and slowly edged toward the gentle song. He peeked over the edge of the branch and looked into two very kindly grey eyes. ‘It is Gandalf,’ thought the nervous little creature.

Holding up his open palm close to Pippin, Gandalf whispered, "Come down, Pippin, all will be well. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I will do you no harm."

Pip didn’t think that being turned into a tree frog was ‘doing no harm’; but, he didn’t want to be alone any more and ooooh, he was so very hungry!

Pip inched toward the open palm and Gandalf coaxed him into it. Gandalf drew the little fellow close to his face and said, "Now, let’s find you some good insects and feed that hungry tummy of yours."

Astonished that Gandalf knew how hungry he was, Pip-frog squeaked in surprise. Gandalf chuckled, "Do you think that I don’t know a Hobbit’s eating habits, Pippin?"

Pippin just blinked and attached his little feet to the wizard’s hand more securely.

He hoped that Gandalf would find him some nice, plump and juicy bugs…’Aaargh, I actually want to eat bugs!’

Gandalf, true to his word, brought Pippin into the garden, set him down on the pathway, positioned a crystal into the end of his staff and whispered an incantation to make it glow. He set the glowing end down near the little frog and soon many tasty insects were attracted to the light. Pip-frog was delighted with the variety and thought his ‘dinner’ was delicious! ‘slurp, thwap, whap, snick’ Soon the little tummy was bulging and one little groggy froggy was blinking up at his benefactor with a silly Hobbity grin on his face!

Chuckling, Gandalf took the crystal out of his staff and secreted it in one of his many mysterious pockets. Then he leaned down and offered his hand once more to Pippin. The small creature crawled, with a bit of difficulty, onto the proffered hand, settled smack in the middle and sighed hugely.

Gandalf carried Pippin into the house with his fingers loosely curled around his sleepy charge. He sat down in Hall of Fire where a cheerful fire glowed, set Pip-frog on his lap, covered him with a fold of his robe and let the weary mite sleep.

Very early the next morning, a bright light flashed and a sleeping Hobbit lad took the place of the little frog. Gandalf pulled the fold bigger to cover Pippin. He looked down at the sleeping Hobbit, brushed the curls off that small forehead and then softly called his name, "Pippin, Pippin, it’s time to wake up.. we need to talk a bit before your cousins find us."

Pippin yawned, rubbed his eyes, and looked up into the wizard’s face. He took a shaky breath and whispered, "Am I forgiven?" Tears welled up in his green eyes as he hoped for the answer he knew he didn’t deserve.

Answering, Gandalf said, "All is forgiven, Pippin lad, all is forgiven." He gathered more of his robe around the now active little Hobbit.

At that statement, Pippin let all the remorse, terror, and now relief gush out in an abundance of tears. When the storm was over, and all that was left was the occasional ‘hiccup’ and ‘shudder’, Gandalf began to tell Pippin how important one little green-eyed Hobbit was going to be on the upcoming Quest. "So you see, Pippin, you need to grow up rather quickly and the course you were taking was not desirable."

"I understand Gandalf…"

Just then the door burst open and four Hobbity voices began chiming in at the same time. Gandalf laughed…"He is fine. Merry, go and bring some clothing for Pippin. I don’t think he wants to walk the halls of Imladris in naught but his skin."

Merry ran down the hall, only to crash into an Elf! "IneedtogetPippinsomeclothes… sorry," he called over his shoulder as he sped towards his and Pippin’s room… leaving the red-faced Ellon doubled over and gasping for breath.

Frodo approached the contrite little Hobbit, "Pip, are you all right?"

"Yes, Frodo, I am…um, I’m just a little hungry."

Laughter spilled out into the hallway followed by a small piping voice, "Wha…what did I say?"


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