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The Bumble-bird  by MarigoldG

Originally written for the PippinHealer's Welcome Home Challenge; the first letter of each paragraph going downward spells Welcome Home. Thank you to Llinos for the beta, and for naming my bumble-bird!


The Bumble-bird

“What do you suppose that is?” Everyone gathered around to see what Merry was looking at with such interest. It was a strange but beautiful little creature perched on a rock, and they were able to get very close, for the tiny thing was quite unafraid and looked at them all serenely, as if it was just as curious about them.

Eventually, Legolas shook his head in wonder, "I have never seen anything of the kind before.” Gandalf, who knew exactly what the creature was, and was amazed to see it in the wastes of Hollin, smiled at this, though no one saw.

"Legolas, if you haven’t seen anything like it, it must be rare indeed,” declared Pippin solemnly. “It’s awfully pretty.”

”Could it be an insect?” suggested Gimli, surreptitiously backing up a step or two as the creature flapped tiny wings to settle itself more comfortably.

"Oh surely not," Sam exclaimed. “An insect with feathers?”

”Maybe it's a very strange tiny bird then?” Frodo wondered. “It’s delicate like a little bird.”

”Either that or perhaps it’s an insect that's changing into a bird? Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly,” Pippin said thoughtfully.

"Hey, that’s a wonderful idea Pip," Merry looked at Pippin in delight. “And I can’t think of a better. It certainly is something very odd! A bit like a bumblebee with feathers. A bumble-bird!"

Ordinarily they dwelt only in the Undying Lands, Lisse-nin they were called and Pippin had been exactly right; they were indeed insects upon hatching, and, over the course of time, grew into charming little songbirds that flitted amongst the flowers to the delight of all. This one was in the midst of its transformation. But they were found only in the Undying Lands. Gandalf had never before heard of one in Middle-earth, and how it came to be there he did not know.

Mortals, so far as Gandalf knew, had never before beheld one of these lovely creatures. The Fellowship was blessed to see such a sight.

Everyone watched in fascination, as the pretty thing unfurled its wings and took flight with a humming sound like a large bumblebee. As it flew away into the West the Fellowship heard it warbling a hauntingly lovely high-pitched song, a song that remained forever in their memories.

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