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Keeping Pippin Company  by MarigoldG

This is a bit of sickly Pippin fluff, and the time and location are meant to be somewhat vague...Thanks to Llinos for the beta : )


"How do you manage to drink that?" Merry asked in sympathy. "It smells truly ghastly."

"As quickly as possible, that's the key," Pippin answered, his face still puckered by the horrible taste of the tonic. "And I pretend it's something else not so nasty. Bleh!" He shuddered and drained the glass of water that Merry handed him to take away the taste of the medicine but it seemed to do little good, his face still scrunched up in distaste.

"Pretend it's what? Wheel grease and rancid lamp oil? That wouldn't be as bad as this stuff smells." Merry helped Pippin to snuggle in under his blankets and pulled up an extra coverlet, tucking his cousin in affectionately. "Or burnt hair and pony liniment perhaps?"

"Perhaps you'd like me to throw up all over you Merry? Just go on speaking and I'll oblige you." Pippin glared, noting with wicked glee that his cousin quickly backed up a step. He tried not to laugh at the look on Merry's face.

"Yes, well. It wouldn't be the first time," said Merry pointedly. Pippin did laugh then, and so did Merry.

"No, I suppose it wouldn't. Remember Pearl's wedding?"

Evidently Merry did, because he managed a fair job of controlling his laughter and endeavored to put on his best disapproving elder cousin face. "You were far too young to have got so drunk Pip," he said primly, but Pippin howled at this and Merry couldn't keep up the façade and burst into giggles. Merry had not been very sober himself and his memories of that night were sketchy at best, but he certainly remembered the fate of what had been a brand new silk waistcoat.

What remained of the afternoon was spent in reminiscing, interspersed with catnaps, until suppertime came. A heavily laden tray was brought in and the two hobbits attacked it with enthusiasm. Merry was pleased to see that Pippin ate a bit more than he had the day before. A little more appetite each day, and soon his young cousin…well, not so young anymore, but Merry would always think of him that way…would be as good as new.

Yet another dreadful smelling tonic arrived just before bedtime, along with a mint scented one that Pippin actually seemed to enjoy. Merry could not help but be proud of his cousin, who took these concoctions several times a day, and largely without complaint. Certainly unlike Pippin as a child, who had always been quite vocal when it came to taking medicines.

Even with his newfound maturity though, Merry knew that Pippin was having difficulty keeping his patience and wanted nothing more than to be healed and healed now. He wished the same thing of course, but knew that it would take time. More time than either of them would like, but at least Pippin was alive. No matter how long it took, that was what was most important. It had been so very, very close…

"Are you thinking again Cousin?" Pippin asked teasingly. He was skilled at deflecting his Merry from the occasional less-than-merry black studies that his more serious Brandybuck cousin was sometimes prone to, more so than ever these days. He nudged Merry with his toe and looked up at him through his lashes, an encouraging and hopeful look that he had been perfecting since before he had left his cradle. "Let's sleep now Merry. I'm tired. And I want to try to walk a bit tomorrow if I can." That did the trick, and Merry brightened considerably.

"Rest then my Pip. Tomorrow is another day."


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