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Birthday Presents  by SlightlyTookish

The baby was smaller than he expected. How could someone that tiny ever grow big?

Merry leaned over the cradle to observe his new cousin more closely.

“Careful,” his mother warned, grabbing onto the back of his shirt.

Undeterred, Merry moved nearer until he was mere inches from the baby’s face. They studied each other for a moment, each wondering curiously about the other.

“Hullo,” he said finally. “I’m Merry. I’m glad you’re not another lass.”

Ignoring the laughter (from his mother and aunt) and the indignant squawks (from his cousins), Merry smiled and gently reached for one little hand.


Holding his son’s hands, Paladin helped him take a few steps around the table as the family watched with pride.

Merry stuffed the last bit of birthday cake into his mouth as he marked his cousin’s progress.

Spotting Merry, Pippin lost both his concentration and his balance and tumbled to the floor.

Paladin reached for his son but Pippin slipped away. Grasping a table leg, Pippin pulled himself to his feet and tottered toward his cousin.

“Come on Pippin,” Merry called in encouragement, dropping to the ground.

Squealing in glee, Pippin closed the distance and fell into Merry’s waiting arms.


“I really hope you like your present, Merry,” Pippin said, nervously hopping from foot to foot.

“Of course I will,” Merry replied, grinning as he reached for the roll of parchment. He shook it lightly, earning a giggle from his cousin.

Carefully, Merry unfurled the parchment and raised his eyebrows at the scribbles covering it.

Pippin smiled proudly. “The first one was bad,” he admitted, “but this one looks just like you, Merry, doesn’t it?”

Merry squinted. So that was what the round blob in the middle was.

“It truly does, Pippin. Thank you,” Merry replied, smiling broadly. “Happy Birthday.”


“Well, Pippin, where’s my present?”

“Maybe you’re not getting one,” Pippin retorted, hiding a grin as he rummaged under his bed.

“Here it is,” he announced, tossing a neatly wrapped package at his cousin.

It was soft, Merry noted, turning the gift over in his hands.

“Go on, open it!” Pippin insisted.

Merry paused for a moment before tearing off the wrapping.

“It’s very...yellow,” he said finally.

“I thought you’d like something different,” Pippin explained, holding it up. “No one else has a vest like this.”

“I suppose not,” Merry replied.

Pippin nodded with satisfaction. “Yellow is definitely your color.”


“I have nothing for you,” Pippin said.

“What do you mean?” Merry asked slowly, his brow creasing in confusion.

“For my birthday,” Pippin explained sadly. “It’s tomorrow, and I don’t have anything to give you. There’s nothing here,” he said, glancing around anxiously, and sighed.

Merry wrapped an arm around his cousin’s shoulders.

“Pippin,” he began, “we have spent every one of your birthdays together. I was so afraid we wouldn’t this year.” Merry pulled him closer. “Just having you here is enough of a gift for me.”

Pippin smiled, and shrugged, and when he hugged Merry he was crying.

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