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A Letter from Frodo to Rosie  by Iorhael

A Letter from Frodo to Rosie

A thirty-eighth fic by Iorhael

AN: Written for a ‘Letter Writing’ challenge set by Shirebound.

To Rose Cotton, daughter of Tolman ‘Tom’, Bywater, The Shire From Frodo Baggins, son of Drogo, Field of Cormallen, Ithilien

April 8, S.R. 1419

My dear Rosie,

I am not writing this letter with the aim of upsetting you, or to leave you with too many unanswered questions. Nor do I write to convey bad news about the wellbeing of myself, or of Sam. Please do not misunderstand me, or think that I would even think of insulting you, Rose. But have you ever thought of Sam – Samwise Gamgee? I do hope you have.

And please do not think I am such a nuisance for reminding you of the birthday party of my cousin Bilbo. Surely you still remember all the banners and fireworks, and the plenty of food and the flowing of ale? And lads and lasses dancing and singing, enjoying each other’s company? I’m sure you still remember a stout young boy making an abrupt dash at you and all of a sudden becoming your dancing partner?

It was I, Rose, who pushed him into you, (so I hope you were never upset with him for it) and made him seize the chance (perhaps the only such chance he has taken in his life) to show you that he had feelings for you. For he really did, dear Rose – and still does.

Sam still holds onto the memory of you dancing, with those bright ribbons in your hair. Does it surprise you somehow to hear this? Well, I’m not surprised if it does.

Rosie dear, I want to tell you something but please do not laugh at it or think it some kind of a jest. It is not. It comes from the deepest place in a heart, a weary heart and a despairing soul. It slipped from the lips of one who was beyond exhausted from an unimaginable journey. One who thought that the breaths he drew were his last. He feared that if he did not tell what he kept in his mind, he would never have another chance of it.

“… Rosie Cotton dancing,” was what Sam said when we were finally still, surrounded by the fires of Doom. “If ever I were to marry someone, it would’ve been her. It would’ve been her.”

Samwise loves you, Miss Rose Cotton.

He loves you and he needs you. He will need you when we return to the Shire. He will need you to guide him back into his old life. He will need you to help him forget all the abominations that he saw during the quest. He will need you to help him chase away his nightmares. And Sam will need you most to convince him that he will not be alone.

I cannot tell you for certain why I have written that last, why it is so deeply important. I just feel that I need to.

Rosie, I do not ask much from you. I just hope that you may love him in return. I cannot tell you better things about Sam than he is the best friend I have ever had. He will prove it to you if you would give him a chance. You know that I have, Rosie, and I have found no fault in him.

Your most humble servant,

Frodo Baggins

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