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Slightly Muddled  by Lindelea 5 Review(s)
AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2004
Oh my god! Like, totally radical, dude! This last bit so totally took me back to my early teens. Yay! Merry's turned the corner! Hopefully the worst of the effects will wear off soon and the others will be able to understand the hobbits again (at least as much as they ever understand the hobbits).

Author Reply: LOL. The hobbits will never cease to surprise them. Now you get to see the effects of the muddlewort wearing off at different rates (just as it manifested itself). We aim for realism in the midst of absurdity...

Thanks for commenting!

LamielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2004
"'Dammit, Jim, I'm a hobbit, not a doctor!" Snort! And then later, "He's dead, Jim" - ha! Laughed and laughed. Oh, but there actually is some real angst in here, yet the way those poor hobbits express their angst is so, so funny. Brilliant.

Author Reply: Yes, it's fun to try to write just as close to canon as possible while doing... odd things... and making them sound almost plausible.


Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2004
*splutters helplessly with laughter*

Oh, three cheers for the Classic Trek references. I'm a big fan of both Spock and McCoy, so this made my day. Beautiful! And I love just how many strange Americanisms you've throwing in, some of them completely outlandish, some of them cliches, some of them old movie references, and some of them fairly normal things to say that just don't work with Tolkien's world. The sheer variety is amazing. Oh, please continue! This is too good to let lie!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! Yes, the Trek lines seemed tailor-made for this situation.

The story will continue, right up through chapter 8 (whereupon serious Legolas fans might try to do something to my computer. Hope they remember the tranks.)

Glad you're enjoying the story! (and I'm enjoying the reviews!)

JoyceReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2004
I love Legolas' response - what in the over heaven?!

Wonderful juxposition in the story especially the way the hobbits don't "suddenly" start speaking in Americanisms which would sound forced, but with each sentence the slang gets worse ( or better!) Only makes it all the more amusing as they hit their stride.

Poor Merry though - medicine blown up your nose sounds revolting.

Author Reply: I got the medicine blown up the nose from some Star Trek fan fiction I read years and years ago, if you can believe. Looked it up and it's real--some medicine is easily absorbed that way.

Yes, the muddlewort takes some time to take effect, and some time to wear off again. Tried to show that.

Thanks for commenting!

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2004
I found this yesterday, and have been eagerly waiting the next chapter. How wonderfully mad. Looove it. It's *awesome*.

Author Reply: Thank you. Must check to see if *awesome* appears in text. If it doesn't, perhaps it ought to. Debated collecting modern slang but realised old-fashioned slang would go better with Tolkien's old-fashioned tone.

Glad you stopped by and left a note!

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